4.1: Mass media are constantly engaged in our society with a view to inform,to educate, to entertain,to share and exchange ideas and thoughts, to promote culture and different products or services for their greater marketabilies. The ‘messages’, produced by the mass media for performing their different types of functions, are stimulant which stir and react the mind of the audience who consume it. The change in the attitudes or any other behavioural changes among the audience, have been followed by us which are tangible significantly. Such changeable effects are seen among the audience that vary medium to medium accordingly, as used by the audience. Because print,radio,television,film and other types of media have different characteristics. With such distinct characteristics, those media can influence the consumers or audience in different manner.
Genarally. Print media provide enormous informations relating to the surrounding happenings of our society. Radio as being elotronic medium, provide diverse programmes covering information,amusements and education. Again television provide huge quantities of amusement and entertainment.Presently,television has turned to be well accepted and widely used by the audience due to its unique audio-visual ( i.e. dual presentation at a time) characteristics. Film,generally provides us entertainment. Beside this, film sometimes provides educative or reflective contents to the audience. So the contents derived from the mass media as outcome, possess the ability to impress or influence the large number of audience which ultimately create such environment where the changing mode of socity can take place Mass media have been engaged in shapping,moulding and motivating our society as to bring certain change or progress in our culture and curtsey. Mass media obviously embeed impact on our socity.
4.2: Impact of Mass Media;
According to interactive perspective,as proposed by the communication expert and critic Denis Mcquail, mass media have established a significant relationship with our society.Such relationship has grown with the different activities and services as rendered to our society by the mass media. Mainly,mass media act as the moulders as well as the reflectors of our society. Mcquail said also that,the mass media are ready to respond to every demands of the society.mass media avidly try to fulfill the major needs of the audience by providing innumerous materials; contents of diverse.Though basically, mass media provide ‘flooded informations’to the society as to make aware of round about the world,that facilititate to judge any needful matter ones and finally to take step or any dicision on the said issue collectively. Mass media can organize the people who expose to the media in regular manner, in taking decision towards any social problem arisen.
The present communication scholars and researchers are not restraint to concede that, there may have any direct impact of mass media in our society. Conversely they deny such possibility of direct impact that the mass media do have on our society. The said researchers point out on the two theories of communication those we have come across earlier. They want to stress on the ‘Individual Differences’ and ‘Personal Influences’ theories particularly, where mass media fail or show their inabilities either to influence or to control the audience at all. The mass media in such cases, exist as dependant as well as dominated by the audience. Here we experience, that the audience are out of influence or impact that the mass media can produce.
Considering those two theories, we can not avoid or deny the impact of mass media in our life. Eevery steps in our daily life,we can update ourselves, to facilitate all kinds of our activities and performances, being accorded and equipped with informations and guidelines available from the mass media. Mass media act as the catalyst, that help to happen the needful effects for the society.
4.3; Mass Media Effect On Our Society:-
The progress of any society depends on adequate informations available in diverse, that it can utilize well purposefully.The mass media can only provide such ‘flooded informations’, to meet the necessary demands,as produced by the society. Mass media deserve such competence and ability, in disseminating various useful informations which lead to bring or create the changing environment that comes,in facilitating way or manner as the effect on the society. Information is power which enables mankind to act more powerfully with proficiency, if it is properly utilized in our daily working life. Prior informations availed, oftenly lead the human beings, to handle a major number of problems satisfactorily. In any country, respect to its developmental works as undertaken by its government of the state, would require inevitably the mass media assistance and accord with a view to achieving its objective or goal. Because,the mass media,with their tiredless efforts and activities, organize the larger portion of populations, to take part in the developmental tasks of the country by providing necessary education and ideas. Thus the mass media can inspire and motivate as well huge numbers of people to to take active part with such greater developmental works for their country. Beside this,in abolishing superstition from our society, mass media have played unique role which can not be denied.During disaster or in any communal violence that erupted in our society,mass media have always extended their hands with the government of the state, in handling such problems with their adequate informaions.
There is no such specific yardstick to poise the effect of mass media on our society. Mass media effect can only be experienced and realized, through keen and transparent ideas indepth on it and having a close look over the society from different angles and views. Moreover, assessment must follow the social changes or trends, considering the points like culture,education,awareness,standard of living and security etc, as to weigh the effect of mass media on our society.
4.4 Impact Of Different Mass Mmedia
Impact of Press; The press that is the pioneer medium for the mass in the communication system. As this medium is exted early as compared to the other medium, enjoy wide popularity, predomnance as well as greater acceptance from the mass media consumers. The press have always been considered to be viable and credible medium to any government of the state regarding share and exchange of informations in between them. The press looks and focuses on every nook and corner of the society that has allowed as well as enabled it, to reach widely to the people of the society. The press is engaged on highlighting major problems and difficulties relating to the society with a view to finding certain solution or way for it. The people of the society can understand clearly all about the social affairs and judge wel also, in the angle of this medium that it looks , by consuming it. The press, basically consists of newspaper, magazine,periodicals, journals and books.As per studies,the number of newspaper publications have been uplifted by seven times, while the circulation of the newspaper have jumped to ten times during the period of last fifty years in India. In India,it has been studied that ,the rural people read newspapers aand other magazines in relay process i.e.lending from the purchaser.The press is the most reliable and retainable medium still to the Indian readers.All the events that take place in our society, are duly reflected by the press in the perspective of politics,economy,sociology and education. Both of the rural and urban people are equally being equipped with the useful updates as provided by the newspaper.
Impact Of Radio :- Radio is the most intimate medium which can be used anywhere at anytime without any barrier that other mass medua confront usually.The radio provides a diverse programmes like news,entertainment, education, games and sports in live,drama etc.Radio is still now used as an indispensable medium by the government of any country in the world as to flash out the most important news, respect to the government decision,disaster alert,emergency both external and internal or others. Radio is an affordable medium, that major populations of any country can use despite proverty,illiteracy or any other constraints. It can be used without being engaged individually.Radio is responsible for enhancing the rural ideas and thoughts about the present world. It has taught the farmers that how to cultivate by applying the latest techniques as to achieve higher productivity as well as to minimizing the cost of production. Radio has performed a unique role to make the rural people, to be aware of their health and birth control, children education i.e. going to school by the children largely and other developments. Rural culture and rituals have been oftenly encouraged by the radio. The drama and folk songs,are usually catered by the radio that reflect our social context ,moral and ethics as well. Radio is a distinguished medium, that provides very nice and transparant programmes in diverse for everyone.Presently, radio has come closer to the community and has been operated wth its local establishment with a view to more participations from local areas.Such radio station existed locally, caters local news, views,opinions,culture trends and all about the surrounding areas of interets. Such progress of radio,has increased the relieablity of local people on it largely as well as ensured the credibility of radio to a greater extent.
Impact Of Television. :- Television is the moat powerful medium among all others medium today. Aided by a combined technique of audio and visual presentation that television provides to its viwers or audience,has made it unique as well as widely accepted.in the world. In general visual presentation is attractive to anyone that helps to memorise any contents or messages easily than any other presentation provided by the other medium or channels of mass communication. Beside this,audio-take in compliance with the vedio presentation,makes the contents or messages more sensitive and comprehensive as well. Basically television medium have been engaged in entertaining its viewers or audience largely.Television can show the people of the society extensively how they look and pay attention over our society. The television possess the ability to generate strong activities and opinions among the massive viewers through ther pictorial presentation in regarding social facts,disorders and and developments. The live programme on any foreign deligate’s arrival to the country, games and sports and other particular programmes, are usually catered by the television to satisfy its innumerous audience. Moreover so many serials,films,musical programmes are catered regularly by the television.The contents generally delivered by the television,are reflecting the higher lifestyle of elite group which does not comply with the lifestyle of average larger population.This imbalanced portrayal of our society which lacks the truth , does have no meaning to our real life. This deceptive and allurable presentation of the television , generates turmoil and imbalancement among the youngers, in attemting such higher attainment which is out of reach practically in our ordinary life. Present television programmes are not good and suportative to the younger generation and are causing to daviation or deflection from thejr usual life.Beside this,due to prolonged catering of crime and violenct programmes have been encouraging social disorder and anarchism. It can not be denied that, with the advent of television particularly after the cable television has come in to being in our society largely, we have experienced that, the number of cases of crime and violence have been increasing.day by day.Television,as being a predominant medium in the mass communication system, enjoying larger commercial opportunities and advantages from the business houses through catering sub-standard programmes as sponsored by them, with a view to increasing their revenues. Television medium are avidly engaged in earning money in lieu of loosing its morals and ideals that it should carry and maintain for the sake of our society. Television medium have been indulging in catering unfair and undesireable contents or advertisements with nudity of women profusely.
Impact of Film:- Film is very attractive medium to a larger population , that provides basically enjoyments and amusements as well. It is still the prime medium for recreation and pleasure to the thousands of rural people. Film not only provides recreative contents to its viewers,but also reflects the themes regarding the common people’s life, social values and morals.Sometimes it also caters educative and developmental contents that come to be beneficial as well as inspiring to many of its viewers. Film, as being widely accepted and enchanting medium, can influence a larger portion of spectators in moulding or changing thie attitudes or opinions as well.
But it can not be denied, that the film medium, are now mostly emphasizing on earning quick and larger profits by producing inferior quality copy of cinema,which are illdecorated by sex,violence and dreadful crimes undesireably.Today,major contents of cinematography, are infused with indecency in exaggerating manner to induce larger viewers. Moreover, major scripts of the film, are displaying the status of the elite groups of the society that do not comply with the common people’s life. The status and lifestyles which are shown in the film,are beyond and out of the reach of the average people always. Film has the abilities a lot, to influence the common people by moulding their opinion and attitude with a view to framing a good and sensible society.A good fim that carries such content of mrals and ideal, and reflects all positive and good qualities of human chareteristics, must contribute to the building of a civic society with greater consciousness.
In addition to the above ,there are fewmeans of mass communication , which are found to be operated in unorganizing sector like vedio library or purlour, folk media, Cyber café, have also been experienced considerable impact on our society. These means of mass communication,have been engaged in fulfilling the needs and interests of the larger part of population of our society.
Video Library or Video Purlour:- Video,as being widely known to be an entertaining tool for the audience. But it can serve the many’s purpose like student, technical and other professional people. Video can store many useful programs safely for future demonstration as well. It can provide a long content neatly recorded as being study materials to the student for their convenient uses in future. Technocrates and professionals receive the enormous advantages of video content as recordrd, to facilitate their workings in best manner. Video as a whole, has larger impact on our advanced society.
Folk Media:- A greater tool for rural communication and entrusted with rural culture, rituals and facts, widely used by the most common illiterate and backwarded, as villagers. Folk media can render valuable messages to inform, educate,alert and entertain the larger part of rural civilians as well. The ordinary villagers are being taught with the essential materials through its unique presentations. It helps to the uneducated village dwellers regarding child education, birth control,health awareness in the form of acting or songs in enchantable manner. Folk media can impact the greater part of the rural civilians by generating the required sense of responsibility and education as they could handle the so many problems of the society that they face usually. Economically backwarded rural people have been benefited by the folk media,wherever they are unable to expose in other media like newspapers, or television even radio easily.
Cyber café:- In the present fast moving world, communication has attatined its sharper edge in transmiting messages in the twinkling of our eyes to the required destination. Internet has brought such opportunities for us through which, we have been able to communicate the world very fastly as to keep us with update as fer as possible in fast manner. Todays mailing system is no longer being restricted to writing on the pad and posting through a lingering postal procedures at all. Internet allows us such magical abilities, to communicate others with the help of electroic mailing (e-mail) process. Such e-mailing ensures us any kinds of our sendable messages to any where at our required destination within twenty seconds safely and securedly as well. Through the internet facility,we can read newspaper,listen radio and watch television through the differet websites of media houses under one roof of internet. Three different media activities can be enjoyed at a time through a single platform or medium with a faster communicating performance of internet. Internet is an ideal interactive medium where the users of it,can respond to any of the aforesaid three medium independently. Internet can provide enormous scops to its users, in sharing thoughts and ideas,opinions and comments very independently in fast manner. A very good opportunity for writing with publishing at the sametime is available through different ‘blog writing’ sites with aid of internet.
We have followed the imact of different mass media that they can produce by their varied activities,characteristics and dealings on our society. Among those impacts of mass media on our society that we have considered, may happen or not always in every case. Controversy has been remained still so far, due to non-availibility of proper evidence or documentation.
Staying apart from such controversy, we we may concede consciously that mass media deal or do what are as follows;
(a) They render informations,education,alert messages, valuable thought and ideas to the general population of the society.
(b) They cater varied materials of entertainment as well as amusement to retain the diversified audience.
© They promote many products or services in the form of advertisement.
(d) They involve themselves in the developmental works for the nation as asked by the government of the state.
It is true, that the mass media allow the people of the society to stay in updated form accordingly conforming to the changing scenerioes or facts of the world. Even the mass media perform their responsibility as 'the gatekeeper' in protecting the society through various informations and messages as they uully do. But presently it is seen widely that the mass media have been seriously engaged in humiliating the morals and ideals of journalism. To achieve quick commercial gain, they are resorting to provocative news presentation by including sex, crime and violence and obcenity profusely just to confine the audience in the tricky ways. Today mass media really fail to shape or develop our social satus through their creative and fruitful presentations that our society actually need. The mass media would require to think and judge this particular point of social benefit where they do work as well as survive. Social values must not be overlooked by the mass media as to combat with the crazy commercialism.
Monday, November 24, 2008
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