Journalism requires courage, vitality, timeliness and professionalism. The objective. of journalism is to present a truthful and accurate report to the people of the society, as to make them well-informed as well as aware of any social matter. Any common problem of the society are highlighted by the activity of journalism with a view to find its solution,by drawing the attentionof the state authority or the government. Consciousness and sense of responsibility of the society people can be generated and nurtured through the great activity of journalism. Journalism is a challenging work, with both ‘dedication and commitment’ to the deadlines of the event.
6.2 Principle Of Journalism:- Facts are sacred and rewarding as well in the works of journalism. All facts are raw materials like in making news. News should be disseminated after collecting & organizing those materials available from an event through the process of filtration or elimination of inobjective or irrelevant parts, as to make the news to be refined for further distribution publicly, Any caterable news should be transparent, unbiased,fair and comprehensive as well to all. Journalism would require self regulation in mind, putting steps forward in in displined manner and good ‘judgement and understanding’ for the mankind. Journalism needs to serve the purposes of society people sympathetically in the crucial periodof time, that they undergo helplessly. Journalism should never indulge any provocative or untruthful news that may mislead the society people. Journalism is an activity of advocacy which keenly engaged in finding solution for any problem of the society. Besude these, journalism must impart the undermentioned principles at least, which are:
(1) Dicipline of mind to view any event or incident objectively.
(2) The ability to represent any news as different from the views.
In addition to the above mentioned principles, maintenance of higher degree of professional standards in the activity of journalism is essential. In achieving this vital part, an accorded responsibility and accountability of the,editors and reporting journalists including the publishers is imperative. Specifically, a journalist ought to be a vigilent to preserve and safeguard the independence or freedom of press in one hand and also remain very careful about the ‘misuses’of the same which has been conferred to him as assured previleges. Such previlegees should not be applied in all circumstances until be required the same for presenting a transparent and truthful news.
6.3 Role Of Journalist:- A journalist is the narrator of any event that takes place anywhere in the world around him. He interprets that event as he sees, by the way of writing ,telling or showing picture something about it in the process of system and order. He must try to explain the facts of any event very simply,clearly as well as in decent manner. His expression should esily be understandable to the users or consumers largely. Beside it, a journalist should possess particularly few more distinguished quality of characteristics in his works, which are as follows:
(a) He must possess a never ending search ability to unveil the truth for any event
(b) He must be ever alert in protecting the independence of press
© He should follow the way of ‘presentation of facts of an event or incident at first, and
then go to their interpretaion’
(d) He should present any mattes of an event in comprehensive manner and never in the false light or colourful ways at all.
(e).He should be able to meet the needs of transcending world without waiting or wasing the time.
A journalist must act as a dedicated fighter who will battle in sustained manner.for collecting useful materias from an event and disseminating the same to the audience or consumers after organizing them properly embedA right ‘attitudeded with ‘choosy and selected’ words for beter presentation in meaningful manner, as to keep the interest unaffected. His commitment towards the society, is for the ‘excavation of truth’which remains generally, suppressed by the evil-power allegedly.His utmost effort and emphasis in carrying ahead this ideas and mission of establishing the society on a strong basement of transparany and truth
A right ‘attitude’ that he must carry always,as to perform his works in successful manner.He will execute his works confidently but avoiding ‘over confidence’.
6.4 Responsibilities Of Journalist:-
A journalist writes what for the society that he observes keenly.He presents whatever,is consumed by the society people which may consist of different classes, religions, categories and characteristics.So,while presenting the report on any event,a journalist should be very careful and aware of his responsibilities in disseminating it towards the present sensible society. He must deliver such news as it serves a common purpose and fulfills major people’s interests as well.Any presentation or writing of a journalist, should never inflict or hit any part or group of our society regarding its belief, ideals,religion and rituals anyway. The writing of journalist should be inspiring not only in keeping ‘social harmony’ but also in achieving social development at the sametime.
There are three basic responsibilities that are to be considered by any journalist. They are social, legal and professional.
Social Responsibiliy:- Press reflects the social images or pictures of our society.The whole activities of the press imparts many events of our society with a view to present them later on, in decent manner to the society people. The intention behind such approaches and activities, is to make the society people tobe well-informed as well as well-aware of round about happenings.So,every presentation of any journalist should be fair, balnce, truthful,inspiring and meeting the needs of common consumers of the news. Beside the usual events ,a journalist can highlight so many unsolved areas of the society by seeking solution for the same through the activity of journalism and must not overlook or avoid this great part of responsibility towards the society.The presentation of journalist should, initiate an environment of understanding within the society and shoul continue the same in sustained manner, in upholding it satisfactorily.Development of any society mostly, depending upon the imparting of creative and objectful journalistic activities.
Legal Responsibilty:- While working as a journalist, one should be well conversant with all legal clutches as to avert the generation of complicacy as well as to keep the organization ‘troublefree’ any way. For this reason, a journalist must not intervene or inflict to someone’s privacy or confidential matter until it is required to be brought to the notice of public. Any libellous or defamatory presentation taking with someone, any organization or group, is not permittable and should strictly be avoided by the journalist. Libellous and defamatory writings or pictures, may earn instantly resounse or reply from the public with larger acceptance, but it is not pertinent as well as not complying with the standard of professionalism.
Professional Responsibility:- A journalist should have sincerity and commitment towards its profession. The news ofany event that is going to be published for the audience, should be delineated very clearly and faiely. A very good homework in this regard is essential for each and every event, and should be done by the journalist with a view to present the same to the audience confidently and satisfactorily.. The presentation must be truthful and unbiased above all and shall never bring any embarrassment or complicacy to the organization anyway in future. The objective of any journalist is to disseminate the correct and fair report in undistorted manner to the audience rather than crowding them intentially or allegedly to meet the present challenging situation.of the news world.. A news report should be created with greater care and responsibility as to maintain its degree of standard at higher level by avoiding anytype inclusion of undesireable and provocative part or portion.A journalist definitely,would require a high degree of professionalism in presenting any performances to the audience on behalf of any organization, and could be achieved so. by dint of die-hard efforts and unending searching abilty, and being respectful to the works ,understanding with the surroundings and accountability towards the society as well. A journalist must follow the newspaper editor’s deadlines.
6.5 Editor’s Responsibility:- Editor is the custodian of any publishing house.He looks over all materials or contents which are going to be published. The editor possesses the right to select or reject any content in complying with the policy and standard as being set up by the organization.The editor follows and maintain the guidelines strictly as adopted by the news or publishing concern. Because entire responsibility falls upon the editor when implication arises due to misreporting or any other offensive or defamatory writings. The honour of any newspaper or any other publishing house, is mostly depending upon the tentavity and competence of the editor. Editor’s important responsibilies are as follows:
1, The editor shall enjoy complete fredom in respect of implementation of the editorial policy , staffing and the conduct of the paper.
2, The board of management of any newspaper organization shall prepare the annual budget for editorial expanses in consultation with the editor, providing normal expenditures, development programme, contingencies and discretionaries grant.
3, Editor’s decision shall be the final in all maters concerning staffing and all contents of the paper.
4, The editor shall have direct access to the board of members or the proprietor for discussion relating to the matter of the department concerned.
5, Editor has the power to award any increment for any tentative staff as the recogonization of merit.
6,The code of obligations for the editor is, to carry out the policy of the newspaper, to mantatin high standard of the newspaper, to resist all pressures, to generate cooperative spirit among the staffs in the editorial department and to serve the interest of the society impartially.
7, As far as the editorial side is concerned, the editor vis-à-vis the government and the proprietor is to be left free in the discharge of his responsibility.
8, In the event of any disagreement that arises between the board of management and the editor respect to the resignation or removal, both sides should have prior intimation in this regard. Editor must be endowed with six month salary and other legitimate payable amount all including.
6.6 Ethics Of Journalism:- The word ethics refers to a set of rules or norms and guidelines, that have been conceded to be followed strictly in performing the works of journalism. Any journalist should obey and maintain these norms and guidelines utmost with regards and respect, while performing any kinds of journalistic works. In achieving high standard in professional journalism, the specified rules of morals and ideals, should be preserved at any cost by the journalists or any organization of newspapers or magazines and periodicals as well. In order to execute any message effectively and to earn the ‘credibility’ of the news organization, a journalist must follow and maintain such articulated norms and guidelines which are widely accepted across the world. , are as follows:
(1) Accuracy and Truthfulness: The presentable news must be truthful above all and facts all relating to any event on which the news will be prepared for dissemination to the audience should be accurate ,undistorted and genuine. Informations collected on making news should carry such accuracy and genuinity as to earn the confidence of the audience and trustworthyness as well relating to the news greatly.
(2) Veryfication before publication: It is an important matter that news prepared for publication,should be verified very carefully. Thoroughly checking and scrutinizing in this regard is essential to avoid future embarrassment. Credibility of sources should essentially be confirmed. Any wrong news or news interpreted improperly, may create controversy and even also mislead the audience subsequently..
(3) Carefullness for defamatory & libelous writing:- A journalist should pay serious attention to any defamatory writing that may bring implication or arise contention in future. The journalists should strictly avoid such libelous writing that may hamper the goodwill of the organization.
(4) Rectification Of Errors:- It happens so that, any news has distributed to the audience errorneously by misquoting the name of person, or placerelating to the event ,and in other way. Such error done should be conceded through publishing in the correct manner.Otherwise the consuming audience might be misled.
(5) Sensational Headlines:- During the coverage of any major accident,earthquakes or any unnatural event, where extensive devastation take place in cluding many death of people, should not be published with scaring or sensational headlines. Such sensitive headlin may misguide or turn out in negative effect. So, whatever serious may be the event and to highlight it properly, sensational headline should be avoided strictly.
(6)Aawareness for communal reports:- While reporting any communal clashes or disputes, proper verification with careful surveillance on the event, should be conducted. Report should be so that it may never deterirate or instigate more the situation at present.It is recommended to report in soothing form as to neutralize the the tension and shock there on.
(7)Religion discrimition; While reporting on any event of our society that may involve any matter of religion or group or any other communities, so,special care and awareness would be required as to avoid anykinds of implication that may arise in future. Going on writing wth such sensivitive part of religion, a journalist should never abuse,condemn or underestimate any religion anyway. A journalist must abstain from slandering any religious group or community even although being convicted or complaint has been well conceded by administrstion or verified in any means or way.
(8) Avoid filthy and incivic report; As any news report may be consumed or shared by anyone irrespective of any age old persons, so maintain of decency and cleanliness on any reported material ors tories would be required as to achieve high standard in journalism.
(9) Avoid misuse of power; Personal attack to someone or invasion to one’s privacy, should never be the part of reporting anyway. Even any rapped or sexually assaulted person who is reluctant to get exposed with the media, should not clearly de highlighted or identified in the reporting. A journalist does have such power of expressing any inhuman matter of our society for necessary legal acion that could be taken by the administration concerned. In such incident, a journalist would require a restrictive mind in dominating its own desire to disclose so openly to the public.
(10) Suppression or distortion of news:- A journalist should neither suppress nor distort the news anyway that he intends to report.He must not entertain any types monetary packages or advantages in other form instead of such suppression or distortion.of news.
While working as a journalist, so many implications may take places to harass or disturbe the part of reprting somehow now and then and be needed to tackle or overcome the faced problem keenly and tactfully by applying presence of mind. Naturally, journalists can not always be accompanied or directed by all possible doable or not doable in every step at all. Journalists would require the sense of responsibility and accountability towards the society as well as to the concerned organization as to select the right one to be done..Such capacity or abilty to handleany undesirable situation, will need to be generated either by self efforts or by an instinctive trends. Journalists should never forget tht the profession of journalism is concerned with sacred activities of bringing any event to light properly to the public, with a view to fulfill thire objectives in balanced manner as a whole.
6.6:- Reporting Of News:
Reporting of news for publishing or presenting in newspaper, radio ,televisionor in other medium, is an inherent part of journalistic profession. News reporting is an innovative work through specific styles or manners as to turn any described event into a digestive news for the public by keeping values and sense in full as well as attraction to the best in it. Special care to be taken by the reporting journalist, while reporting any event as to make it news for the public,as it does not lack any attraction and fail to be interesting to the consumer audience or readers.
News: Defination & Meaning.
Now, let us be known of the definition and meaning of the ‘News’. News is an abstruct concept and consolidated definition has not yet been prepared so far. News is generally, a description of an unusual.event i.e. non occurring incident which does not happen regularly. News should be disclosed timely before the notice of larger section of the people of the society as to keep intact necessary interest and attraction inside it for larger people’s use. As time goes on,the importance of news tends to be minimized gradually. News is perishable and after a certain period of time it becomes a history a it hs lost its all about of ‘romance and charms’ already. Where a freshly new matter of news keeps the escence of both as well.
So, news is, a timely report of any described matter of an event or incident before the larger numbers of the population of the society who are not at all known or aware of it, by keeping their interests and attraction alive objectfully.
Fundamental ‘Elements’ And ‘Qualities’ Of News.
Any news must carry few elements which are necessary in exposing any event to be appearing in better form to the consumer audience. With the presence of such elements, any event could be served as to be more ueeful,acceptable and easily digestible to the users as well. These elements are s follows:
Nearness or Closeness; Any news concerned with the place where consumer audience reside,get much more priority or attention by the audience.It is quiet natural, that the event which has taken place adjacent or near to the area , state or neighbouring country of the consumer audience where residing, will be well known as well as acquainted all about related facts. The concerned event must draw their attention seriously and will create more emphasis among them intensely.
Timeliness or Promtitude: Any news should be published timely as faster as possible as to sustain it attraction as well as interests at higher degree for the consumer audience. Promtitude in publishing any news can be more ueful and acceptable significantly to the consumers or users of the same. News published untimely may not be so reactive and responsive as generally being needed and urged by media organizations largely from the consumer audience.
Prominence: A news which is concerned with any prominent person, place or any other easily identifiable matters or facts, carries more importance to the audience over all. Prirified persons or areas are generally able to command the interest and emphasis of larger part of the audience.significantly. Prior acquaintance or recogonization can insist the audience, to have greater inclination towards the published news.
Human Interest: An event of human interest can be a news well. Like, a little boy, fallen into a deep whole and was rescued after a die-hard operation for 18 hrs, as carried by the civil rescue team. Atender aged virgin got wedded with a tree. Such judicious and colourful events can meet the human interest.
WeatherAnd Sports: A news that covers prevailing weather condition or envirounmental matters surrounding receives special attention from the audience. On the other hand, sports field is presently considered to be an important area of diversities significantly. Irrespective of ages and different categories of people in numbers, have been emphatically interested in sports news. Many news on different types of sports and games, like ‘Football’,’Cricket’, ‘Hockey’, ‘Tenis’ etc. or any other national or international tournaments.
New decision or action from the government.: Any recent decision or action taken by the government on important matter that impacts the public with an immediate effect significantly, could contribute to the making of a good news.
New Follow up: Follow up of the news plays a vital role
In presenting any news in more attractive and well acceptable manner, Proper verified and cross checked matters of any event can upgrade the magnitude of the news.
News Values:
Importance of any news varies from one lavel to another, from one community to another community even from one country to another country. A news for rural benefit may appears to the urbanians of no use. Similarly,any developmental news for the under developed countries, like India, Pakistan,Sri Lanka could be oftenly be valueless or useless to the developed nations like The US,France,German etc. The government has passed ‘the wage bord’s proposal’in a resolution in the Loksabhs would draw special attention from the urban people rather than the rural people. So,news may not acquire equal value or importance uniformly from the consumer audience equally.News should carry the required essence of ethical values as well as the mission of journalism. Demoralised part, vulgarity and provocative part of news should necessarily be breached and avoided. News should never be a merely writings or description of an event which has neither objectives nor impacts to the consumer audience.
Qualities Of News: A news is considered to be viable and up to mark of its standard,when such news carries few required qualities which are essential. These qualities are as follows:
Correctness or Accuracy: Any publishable new must contain correct informations over all. News should be truth, genuine and never be presented in colourfull manner to the audience at all.Incorrect and provocative news may mislead the consumer audience.
Objectivity: Any news published for the audience should be purposive and useful. Objectivity is an important quality of any presentable news and special attention is required in this regard as news should not be appeared as a merely writing works.
Clarity or Transparancy: Trnsparancy in ny news published, help or allow the audience, to understand the matter thoroughly in convenient manner. Decribing an event with clarity may recll the interactive parts evolved within the audience after consuming it.
Balance: It is one of the significant part of any qualitative news. News should be catered by highlighting both ends or sides as to allow the audience to judge the matter perfectly in complte manner. Strike was called by the working personels in a company.It is described as offensive by the owners group. It is highlighted,and is desireable. But why and which parts have initiated such harmful trike as the work forces were compelled to resort so? The reson behing should also be highlighted properly to make the public aware as well. One sided approach in news reporting is not desireable as well as acceptable in the sense of its quality or gradation.
Impact: News reports are published with a view to impact the consumer audience. There are so many matters lying unsolved in our society, by bringing them to the light of the public, could stir or motivateall concerned in finding possible solution in this respect. Such broken out of essential issues as news may lead the administration to take necessary action towards those needful pending matters.
So, journalists, should consider crefully the above mentioned poimts regarding what factors are essential that can make any news and what qualities be needed tomaintain in this regard for making the same publishable for the audience. News should come to the users asto be fruitful, interesting and widely accepted.
.Basics Of Good Writing.
Journalits would require to present any happenings or events to the audience through any medium like print, radio, television or internet by properly delivering the intended contents. Writing of content is an important part of journalism as to make it attractive,interesting, understandable and acceptable well to the consumer audience.A content must be animated and written so that, can speaklike infront of the audience. Particularly, in the field of print journalism,special care and attention would require as compared to the other mediums. Print medium is specifically based on ‘good writing’ of presentable contents in the newspapers, magazines, periodicals and manuals etc. Good writing is so essential which could be regardable as well as well received in those areas of print medium. Journalists may acquire sound respect and honour from the different publishing houses with the aid of their abilities towards ‘good writing’of articles, features or other news stories for the public uses.
Qualities Required For Any Good Writing:-
A good writing must be clear, concise and to the point above all. It should be so simple, as to be understandable by everyone easily. Good writing does not include any hard nut to crack words i.e jargons anytime as not to make the theme unnecessarily implicative and complex Use of jargons largely in any writing may produce ‘loss of interests’ or reluctancein the mind of the consumer audience. So,control over using of words is necessary,that makes the sentence more nice, conspicuous and eligible. A good writing should be construcyed by limited words by avoiding repeatation at the same time.Such deliberately knitted any news story or features can command many’s respect as well as urges. Any writing duly delineated, can establish an intimate relationship between writer and readers or consumer audience easily.Mostly,sentences added toany piece of writing, should be simple. Quottion might be included in the writing as to grow confidence within the readers or audience as well as to establish credibility well. Rewrite and revision should always be exercised by the writer as to make the story more accurate and perfectly presentable to the readers.
Beside the above mentioned all points which are essential for good writing,a few more valuable poinys will need to be considered by any writer as well.These are as follows:
Accuracy : All the informations,that are included in the news story,feature,or articles should be correct absolutely. Inaccurate message may produce misunderstanding among the readers. Even incorrect presentation may mislead the consuer readers well.
Proximity or Closeness: An event or any subject matter on which a writer intends to write, carries more attraction and importance for the readers,if it is involved or concerned with the adjacent or neighbouring place where the readers are residing. Story on neighbouring facts can produce more interests and emphasis within the readers than other story of remote one.
Timelyness: Writing on any subject matters or events,should be presented timely to the readers or consumer audience. Because, presettion of any fresh or ongoing matters can easily be accepted by the readers or users of the same. Contemporary event creats more emphasis or trendy attitude within the readers or audience.
Impact: The main objective of any writing is not merely to fulfill the demands or interests of the readers or audience. Beside the part of satisfying the readers’ need, moulding and motivating them at the same time, is the greater purpose or objective of good writing. A good writing can move or drive the society people to a certain direction for achieving the required goal for for the society as a whole. Moreover, good writing can prodice or set a distinguished culture and education among the society people.
Structure Of Good Writing:-
It is primarily needful to structurize any writing materials or content , for making it presentable to the readers in best manner. So, the content above all, in which the whole subject matter will be described, should proceed with a specific form or style as to make it a standardize well. By following this strategy of making a presentable structure, which seems to be tracklike to the content in the process of writing. on which it moves ahead step by step. Any worthy writing, that starts nicely, can attract the readers to get involved into it and stretches them more satisfactorily ahead further up to end with a touch of good finishing. The structure of any good writing is as foolows:
Structure For News Story Writing;’The Inverted Pyramid’.
After collecting necessary informations for presenting any news to the readers, a reporting journalist would require to describe the whole matter in handy way including all those informations, as to make it acceptable easily and widely as well. The presentation of such content or news story in the style or form of ‘inverted pyramid’,is considered to be useful. In this particular style, the first two or three lines are written as an introduction to the readers on the subject matter briefly.It is called as ‘intro’that allows any reader to get recogonised over all of the content. It explains all about the story here in few lines at the first stanza by providing all important informations respect to the content. In the next paragraph it continues with supplementary information, as to expand the matter of the content to the readers. This portion of ‘inverted pyramid’allows the readers to stay at homogenious state of understanding the matter as well. And the last paragraph one, includes few relating informations as extra inputs to the content to give a optimum presentable shape and size.
The benefit of inverted ‘pyramid’ is, it provides many useful informations in shortest means or way without killing readers’ time undesirably. It can keep the readers stick to the content from starting to end with interests and emphasis alive as well.
Lead: It is the face of any good writing like news story, feature, article or any other types of writing. This part, presents all about the subject matter in brief, and ,very clearly that allows the readers to acquire an over all perception from it. It is precise and important part of any writing.
Body:- It is the next part after the ‘lead’,that come on the way of writng any content for news stories,features or any other articles. It is the middle part,where the subject matter is presented in detail, by adding required informations, as to make clear as fer as possible to the readers. This is the descriptive part of the content or any subject matter, which contains various useful points or sides of the explainable subject matter that can open the window for further thinking to the readers. It is very ueful and effective part of any good writing as to win the readers.
Conclusion Or Inference:- It is the concluding part of any writing. Here, a writer can add few expertise comments that could either be of others or indidual, as to reflect the subject mater to the readers bitterly. The objective of this part is to draw an end of any writing satisfactorily by allowing the readers to think more even after having good finish.
The above style is widely used in feature writing or any types of articles for magazine, periodicals or otherweeklies etc. Bside this, a writer can establish its own style to get recogonized distinctively in the writing world. After achieving a greater control and command over the writing world as well as in the professional segment of own, it is possible to handle such style preffered and designed selfly.
Monday, May 11, 2009
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