**Modern Communication Technologies **
1. Introduction:-
We are much ahead, in the different segments of our communication and information technologies, in the sense of availability and applications, by means of which we can enjoy the major benefits from it, as to sooth as well as to impulse our life ahead furthermore , where we can perform our every work with greater competence and in successful manner. Present communication means or technologies, can provide more faster and secured ‘transmission of information’ to us than earlier 50’s we had. Today, we can send or receive any kind of message without any hazards or delay in sustained manner , with greater satisfaction. Moreover, present communication technology, can command a greater part of interactivity than the traditional communication all, that we had, in earlier stage like print, radio and television etc. Because, then the ‘feedback’ generated from the audiences, were responded by the aforesaid media all,in delay quietely causing discontentment within the consumers or audiences significantly. It held so, due to inefficient as well as inadequate availability of communication technologies then. But now, we have achieved a significant power and ability, in the field of communication,in transferring any message very fastly and with greater promptitude as well. The part of ‘interactivity’, which is a significant feature in the field of present communication system,has made any communication more lively and effective too, in sustainable manner. So, today’s communication is highly rich,being accorded with sharp technologies,which can offer us, an upgraded status in the segment of telecommunication.
*A Brief History On Indian Communication *
The actual progress or development ,that took place, in Indian communication sector diversely, during the regime of Rajib Gandhi, when it began to flourish vibrantly with greater significance,from the year 1985. A prolific technocrat Sam Pitroda, being a non-resident Indian, was appointed by the prime minister then, Rajib Gandhi. Sam Pitroda did carry on the optimized progress in this regard of the development of communication field, through the contribution of his tiredless efforts and decative attitudein in all respect.
During the year of 1990, the telecommunication sector acquired a greater importance as well as priority, as to bring a harmonious relationship within all other sectors or divisions,for achieving significant development for the country. It was then the age of ‘globalization’, where the private entrepreneurships were invited or allowed predominantly , to run side by side, parallely with the government enterprises all. The ministry of telecommunication lifted up all license barriers and opened a new way for the unemployed youth to get involved in rendering telephone services privately. Thus,many ‘public booth’, were constituted in large, to provide STD/ISD facilitated telephone services to major Indians, who do not possess telephone individually. Beside this,many private organizations even many multi-national companies came to participate, as to operate and render their services in such greater field of Indian telecommunication. As the private service providers, TATA Indicom, Bharati-Airtel etc have brought diverse services with many attracted schemes and many other value-added services, in their operations, that they carry on beside the public sector organizations like, BSNL,MTNLand VSNL. The value added services include, ‘Broadband connection’, ‘Tele-conferencing’, Vedio- conferencing’ and ‘Web-conferencing (available recently), which possess a significant part of inter-activity,that can serve many purposes of innumerous communicators greatly, in many ways.
. Application Of different Communication Tools Or Devices:-
It is the most indispensable device, and which is widely applied or used in the field of communication. In our present busy life. we can not think without telephone. Our every step or movement regarding communication , is indispensably depending upon the telephone. Previously, the performances of telephone was limited within a boundary, but we enjoy today, a communication across the world, due to availability of advanced technology , which is applied for better communication.
Basic Concept Of Telephone System:-
In general, informations or meassage, that can transmit, from sendor’s end to receiver’s end, after following three basic steps,which happens almost in every case transmission of such message. These are as follows:-
(1) A transmitter receives message or informations from the source and converts it to a signal.
(2) The produced signal , is then allowed to transmit through ‘physical channel’ i.e. free space channel.can carry such signal.
(3) A receiving transmitter collects that signal and converts it back to same in the usable form informations orwords.
Telecommunication over telephone lines is called ‘point to point’ communication ,because it happens between one transmitter and one receiver just. Telecommunication through radio broadcasts is called ‘broadcast’ communication,because in this case, communication is held between one powerful transmitter (of the radio station) and numerous low-power but sensitive radio receivers (of the audiences). Telecommunications in which multiple transmitters and multpile receivers, have been designed to cooperate and to share the same physical channel, are called mmultiple system.
Mobile Telephone:- . An extensively used device, in the present day’s communication. Mobile networks today, can renderso many attractive services, to its consumers,which are affordable indeed. The technology of mobile technology, is following to the transistor radio broadcasting system and its technique as well. In a single platform of communication system, we can procure different type of programmes as, those are availble from the readio and television usually. Beside these, net-surfing i.e. ‘Internet’,an important service of present days, that could be accessible from such small but powerful device like mobile and its operating system s esily.Irrespective of the riches or poors, mobile, has been existed as the ‘beat of the life’,in this advanced world.
2. A Way To The Advanced Telecommunication Technology”-
The internet, cell phones, fax machines and pagers are a way of life in modern society. All these technologies are based on lasers and fiber optics indispensably. The principle behind a laser lies embedded in the heart of quantum mechanics,which was developed by the great scientist Albert Einstein. Later on, it led to explain the photoelectric effect in 1905 and showed that electrons could absorb and emit the energy of photons. In 1917, he made it possible to discover, that this emission could be “focused” so, that it could occur in the form of ‘single frequency’. This is popularly known as “stimulated emission”. This principle was applied, by the scientists, in stimulating the emission of microwaves with the help of a device, called ‘maser’. Again, by applying the same principle to the visible light, accompanied by a device, recogonized as ‘laser’. But, steady laser light could not be produced anyway and so, in both of these two cases of innovations, did not come,as to be fruitful aand useful as well.
Then, it was the age of developing semi-conductor technology,in producing semi-conductor laser.Till then (during 106-), the researchers had the ability,to operate laser light through the. semi-conductor layers uninterruptedly. But the moment required,an exclusive method, that con transmit such laser light across the larger distance. The scientists commanded then, the control over transmission of such laser light, through a shorter distance, by using glass-fibre technique, where light loss remained in sustainable manner. Later on,with the application of fiber-optics technique, the researchers made it possible,in communicating a long distance,through successful transmission of signals closlng to 1970. From then, through commercial services rendered, it came to our daily life in regular manner worldwide.\
. Optical fibers today, has become the backbone of the telecommunication system worldwide. These significantly delicate strands of glass, each of which is thinner than a human hair, although strengthy and feasible than steel,were designed to carry a large number of data, that can be transmitted through an form of light- tightly focused laser beams.Both of the combination of these two, lasers and optical fibers have unbelievably enhanced the performance as well as sharpness of the international telephone system.** With equally striking improvements in computing, the new communication technology has fueled the exponential growth of the phenomenon known as the Internet.
Communication Networks:-
There are two types of signals in any communication system. One is ‘Analog’ and the other one, is ‘Digital’. Analog signal varies, with respect to the informations being received by the transmitter for transmission further. It produces ‘noisy’ signal, by absolving ‘noise’ from surrounding areas and lacks clarity,at the stage of usable form of such informations ultimately. On the other hand, digital signal is being encoded, by giving some numerical values ( 0,1),which is decoded later on to get its usable form of informations duly, with greater clarity practically.Here, noise can not inflict the signal in digital method of communication.
Communication network , is an assemble of a number of transmitters, receivers and communication channels. In analog communication type, it undertakes ‘switche’ to connect one or more receivers, while ‘router’ is used in digital type of communication. Repeater is included , in both type of communication system for long distances.
Here, in transmitting the produced signal, a vital role is played by the ‘channel’, which is of two types. One is ‘physical channe’ and the other is ‘ free space channel’. Physical channel is the medium, that carries signal between the transmitter and the receiver, includes the medium like, atmosphere for sound communication. Optical glass fiber, can be used for some other optical communication. While another type of channel takes to its account various medium like, visible light, infrared light and ultraviolet light etc. for transmitting signal between transmitter and receiver, is recogonized by ‘frees space channel’. So, present telephone system has been devised uniquely, as to make any longer distance, to be connected very fastly with greater clarity and prominence of the transmission of information or any message without any suspiction and trouble at all.
** Computer Networks**
Computer networks implies, an interlinking or inter0connecting system, and that can take place among the number of computers, with view to share and analise data and other information. More than four decades ago, such idea occurred, which could better be implemented , for communicating internally, within a big business organizations or corporate houses, with a view to establishing efficient management standard and in decision making promptly, as to achieveing the desired result for the organization as well.Formerly establishment of such computer networks, would only be possible , within an organization or any other institution like university, reaserch centre,and depertment or ministry of the state, due to high prices of computer, which was unaffordable indeed. Although, the prices of computer began to come down closing to 90’s, and the use of computers were uplifted naturally, that inspired such computer networks to build in profusely, within many organizations and concerns. Then, such computer networks became the .an essential part of ‘internal’ communication, in running any organizational activity satisfactorily and successfully. On the other hand, presently such computer networks has been applied in such a way, that can connect different receivers, staying at different remote places throughout the world, which can transmit data, audio and even video also, to the different receivers simultaneously. It is widely known as ‘INTERNET’ i.e. international networking. It is most powerful tools or means of present communication. Worldwide web (www) is the most powerful platform,that formed after the global understanding, which allows ‘browsing’ internet or ‘net-surfing in different tracks, as to send or receive data,files including audio and video, picures even moving portion of that etc. Inter has open a new horizon, for faster communication, that carries both trustworthyness and security as well. We can send our written messages to anyone by mailing electronically ,within 20 seconds irrespective to any longer distance in the world satisfactorily. Yes, today, there are so many reputed e-mailing service providers like, ‘Hotnail’, ‘Gmail’ ‘Yahoo ! mail’ etc, render such faster mailing service electronically to many users worldwide. Beside this, we can read different newspapers, that are published on the different websites, as the leading newspaper organizations send and maintain the same for their users. We can do so very easily, just by writing the address of desired website on the web-browser of the internet in our computer.Moreover “ Tele-conferencing” has come to our life in the form of ‘video- conferencing, audio- conferencing and web- conferencing , which are updated forms of business communication, that can serve many purposes of users or consumers as well.
Tele-conferencing :- It is the greater part of present communication system, that inspires or serves the purposes of the business or institutional communication specially or in the other forms. Tele-conferencing can ensure the transmission of different datas, audio & video files and can establish required conversation staying in different places throughout the world i.e. ‘face to face’ communication virtually. Tele-conferencing can be sub-divided according to its forms, are as follows;
Audio- conferencing:- It involves specially, the transmission of informations or message, in the form of ‘audio’ files alongwith the talks between the connected participants in this network..It does not entertain, the transmission of any kind of graphical presentation or any other form of pictorial presentation anyway. The conversation, that could be taken place, in between two or more connected persons at this network, staying at different remote places.Video conferencing:- It is the most alluring as well as effective means pf communication in the present days. In this methode of communication, datas,graphs pictures or any other animated forms, that can easily be transmitted, alongwith the audio form. It is widely preferred, in establishing a very good business communication system within any big business or corporate houses effectively.
Teletext:- It is a particular type of broadcasting technique, by means of which any important even urgent information or message, that could be tranmitted instantly over the screen of the television,as to serve the various needs of the users or consumers. The ‘vertical Blanking Internal’, which is residing in the television and not visible normally. But , after being activated, by the teletext ‘decoder’ at the receiving end, the television screen starts to display the text message and other information, instead of normal television programme. It can help the viewers , by broadcasting the most important information or any urgent messages on the television instantly, with a view to making them aware as well as to serve their needs as well.
Radio-text:- It is an another type of technique,of broadcasting datas and other textual materials on the radio, particularly on ‘FM’ band, that possesses higher frequency in comparishon with other bands like ‘Medium’ or ‘Short’ wave radio transmission. Radio-tex provides important or urgent messages for viewing on the computer screen , to the users, who have been equipped by ‘Decoders’ at the receiving end. The facilititated viewer can enjoy or use the the messages from the FM radio in the printed or any animated form, by collecting the transmitted signal, as sent by the radio station. It is an advanced part of radio transmission,that can serve many purposes of intentious users.
Videotex:- In a consolidated definition, videotex implies the systems, that can provide interactive content and display it on the television, typically using modems to send data in both directions. It has close relationship with Teltext. The differences is, that Teltext sends data in one direction only, typically encoded in a television signal. Sometimes the term viewdata, is used to describe all such systems generically. Unlike the modern Internet, traditional videotex services were highly centralized.
Cable Television:- Present television networks almost, have been integrated with cable distribution system for their better performances and broadcasting quality. .Today, we can enjoy the television programmes with greater visual quality, clarity and accessibility. Satellite communication technology, has made it possible.
Satellite communication can be set, by sending a satellite from the earth, to a remote place in the space at a distance of 36000 km ,where it moves around the geostationary orbit in turn with the replacement , by other satellite sent accordingly. The sent satellite receives signals, ejected by the earth station, and the same is transmitted to the receiving end in the earth i.e. our domestic television. Satellite communication, has not been limited within a small geographic region only, but it can transcend any part of the world also,as to distribute the programmes of various channels of the television. Today , the programmes from BBC, CNN, and Discovery networks are available in India, due to such facility, that has been awarded by the new communication technology.Satellite communication,has been appeared as an indispensable way of social development. Today, we can receive many informations regarding weather and climate or any geographic region or spot,which is not reachable easily. Beside this, satellite communication is applied in many ways, for security purpose,as to protect the country both internally as well as externally. So,advanced communication for the modern society is almost, depending on such powerful medium.
Comparison Between Modern And Earlier Communication TechnologiesSo, the :-
The modern communication technologies, in the true sense, have left the traditional communication technologies far behind , regarding its performing adikities in many ways. We can find so, an extensive distinction between the modern communication and the traditional communication that early we had. We can identify, the edge and highness of present communication system instantly, which is uninterceptive as well as unbeatable as well. We had achieved what ability and availability of several facilities ,in our earlier communication segmenta, was futile indeed, as compared to the present communication sector or system, that we deserve now. It happened so, that in earlier stages, due to lack of sufficient technologies in advanced state, we had to face many troubles and sufferings in our life then, as well. But now, we deserve, a recommendable highness with greater competence, in the field of communication, that has led us, to overcome various problems in our life regarding communication and in achieving an incomparable state of advanced humanlife as well as civilization for the world. Today, we have transcended everytype of delay, insecurity and dissatisfaction while involved in communicating with others, that had oftenly been held in our earlier stages , viz, in sending any kind of message on the way of exercising communicating with others. Modern communication system has been emphasized on sending messages, with greater fastness as well as with desired protection of informations at the sametime. Sending of messages, with promtitude, is the objective of the present communication system and which is ensured by the application of latest technologies available for this purpose.Bside this, modern communication system carries, a few more special characteristics over the traditional communication system. They are as follow;
Inter-activity:- Modern communication can hold this unique characteristics, by means of which it allows the involved users or participants in the communication networks, to share or distribute any files or documents among them. Also the participants , involved in the same communication, can go on discussion lively in realtime. Video conferencing or web conferencing, enables anyone to procure such enchanting live communication and that could be broadcasted over the television in the realtime. In the internet,one can chat or send instant message to one’s friend or other,by participating with any social networking website,being connected both ends at the sametime. The inter-active part of the modern communication syatem, has brought a significant change and fullfilment ,in serving the purpose of communication for the consumers indeed.
Asynchrocity:- It is also an another significant property of present communication system, that can provide a distinguished advantage to all users who have been involved in any communication network. Here, the involved or intended consumers , would not require to be engaged in the real time. For instance, anyone would not require to be attached with its own computer to receive any message or e-mail from other, without waiting for this purpose. Similarly, anyone can read or use any important news or messages from different news organizations, as sent by them to one’s mailbox, for using it later on conveniently. So, we can see, that the modern communication technologies, can render a greater independence to all of its consumers , as to enjoy the fruit of it, according to user’s own desire absolutely.
Personalization:- With the advancement of communication technologies, the way of using different communication mediums, has considerably been changed. Today, we do not require to use radia, television or surfing the internet,by staying or sitting infront of the radio, television or computer at all. We may enjoy those components, according to our desire conveniently without any constraint. If someone does use mobile phone, then he/she would be able to enjoy redio or television programmes, with the aid of that mobile handset. Even,sending of any message or e-mail to anyone anywhere, would also be possible,by connecting a laptop computer with that mobile handset. Today, we may involve ourselves in any communication system, by using or enjoying anykind of communication medium or component , either at a time or separately from anywhere, irrespective of any geographical boundry.
Social Impact of New or Modern Communication Technologies:-
We have lot of new communication technologies in our hand today. By means of which, we can execute different part of communication,as to fullfil our various needs as well. With the aid of those advanced technologies, weattained, a greater state of human civilization in this greater world indeed. But, it is not forgettable at all, that , such advanced technogies are not procurable to a larger portion of the people in the world. Because, those technologies are costly, that may not be affordable to the major intended cosmures or users, of such advanced communication technologies to serve their purposes. Beside this, these technologies are not available, in all places in the world. Moreover, the required competence, in applying those technogies for the purpose of communication, is not seen so significantly, within the major people in many societies in the world. Thus , two classes have been formed eventually.One is information rich and the other is information poor or retarded. The wealthy class of our different societies,have easy and quicker access to information, by those advanced technologies applied for communication purpose. Because they are capable of incurring high expanses in this regard. On the contrary, the economically backwarded class of people are unable to go parallely with the rich class of people indeed. So why, a larger portion of the people of the world, is deprived of getting updated informations having around the world . This major people, who belong to information poor class, still remain, under the control of those information rich class, who are enjoying the fruit of randomly used new communication technologies, in fulfilling their different objectives and purposes as well.
A havoc imbalancement, that has been produced, could be observed throughout the every society in the world. Thus, a significant information gap has been emerged across the different societies in the world, that has encouraged inequalty among the society people, regarding ‘economy’, ‘education’ and in procuring various advanges of the society at the same time. Due to this phenomenon sustained, has created ‘dissatifaction’ and ‘grievances’ in many ways, within the greater part of the society people extensively, and which seems, to be staying at ‘burtable’ position intrinsically. Such dissatisfaction and grievances, could initiate an outrage within the youngeration, which might lead to producing ‘anarchism’ and ‘turmoils’throughout the every society oneday. It is almost true, that easy access to latest information through the communication technologies, according to one’s desire,may lead one, to achieve and enjoy the most advantage of the society early as well.
Beside the above said, if the society people in major, have easy access to various updated information,with the aid of new technologies of communication, can save and support them in many ways in their life. So many urgent informations regarding ‘child care’, ‘famoly welfare’, ‘employment’, ‘agricultural development’, ‘education’ and ‘health care’, would be accessible to major people of the socity, as to facilitate their life as well.But practically, the major people o the society, have been deprived of such important informations, due to non availability and accessibility, to such latest technogies of communication. Thus, a larger portion of the society people, do remain in ‘darkness’of being unknown in manyways in their society predominantly. Poor economical status of different society and illiteracy extensively,may have kept them as ‘retarded’ in the society in many respects.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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