Saturday, January 29, 2011

* Public Relation*


With the spreading and advancement of different type of businesses, services or other entrepreneurship, the need of specialization or expertise group was becoming indispensable day after day.In running different big buisiness enterprises or corporate house successfully,the creation of such specialized groups, that have been able to establish their predominating competence and insurmountable needfulness in our dynamic society as well. Irrespective of any kind of confliction in between them, they have somehow been inter-dependent,co-related and supportive well,in materializing any any bigger objective.Present corporate world, is equipped by these competent groups or expertise teams, who quietly keen and prudent, in performing or materializing the best possible result for the concerned organization.

Public relation refers to, such kind of specialized teamworks, that indulges or nurtures a co-ordinated and planned activities in sustained manner,as to make an environment for generating favourable attitude within the publics concerned, through programmatic communication with the exchange of updated information and ideas, and taking action or steps towards any grievance lying within them (publics’concerned), in achieving the desired target or goal for and on behalf of any organization. Public relation is both ‘art’ and ‘science’ at the sametime.Public relation aims at influencing public opinion as well as keeping public attitude intact, through a process of persuation, convincing and rendering assurance or promise. Publicrelation relation attemts to pay heed to ‘publics’ sincerely and seriously as well. It oftenly try, to minimize the gap between the organization and its ‘publics concerned, as to win their (publics’) support for keeping up and streangthening ‘goodwill’for the organization.

Defination:- There is no such consolidated definition, that could depict the meaning of public relation in single or abriged form. According to the Institute of Public Relation, UK, that defined public relation as “the deliberate, planned and sustained efforts to establish and maintain the mutual understanding between the organization and its public”.

The first World Assembly of Public Relations Association, held in Mexico City in August 1978, which defined public relation as, "the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizational leaders, and implementing planned programs of action, which will serve both the organization and the public interest."

In straightway, it can be said, that public relation concentrates its major efforts, towards monitoring the public attitude and opinion, through a deliberate process of communication, as to make it favourable for the benefit of the organizationconcerned. More precisely to say, that public relation refers to a planned and sustained communication based efforts, as to convert the public atttuide and opinion in favour of the organization, as to bring benefit ultimately.

Public relations is used to build rapport with employees,shareholders, customers, investors, voters, or the general public Almost any organization that has a stake in how it is portrayed in the public arena employs some level of public relations.

* Objectives Of Public Relation:-

The main objectives of public relation, in the eyes of public relation professionals, is, to bring benefit and profit for the organization concerned. Beside this, it aim to uphold the interests as well as the image for the organization or companyalso. , a few more important points would require, to take into account seriously by the PR persons,in performing the activity of public relation duly, as to earn ‘credibility’,’goodwill’and’ ‘relieibility’from the greater numbers of consumers in the market, which can be stated as follows;

(1) An easy accessible two-way communication

(2) An environment for mutual understanding.

(3) Listening or carring the public opinion

(4) Awareness of social responsibility


Public relation professionas, must consider the above mentioned pointsindispensably, as to acquire the best result for its own organization. To say broadly, in this regard, the two-way communication system would require, to access and prioritize the ‘public response’ or any grievances lying within the public. Without having adequate provision for this needful ‘two-way communication’ system, a wide gap might be generated between the organization and its associated publics. An organization may have several publics of different segments. Misunderstanding, distrust or dissatisfaction might produce within those detached public,due to lack of needful communication. Such communication gap can never encourage anykind of exchange or interpretation of ideas and informations anyway. Response or feedback whatsoever might be, from the end of the publics,should always be assessed or judged very carefully and attentively in best manner as possible.If feedback is not received or accepted properly from the publics off and on, then dissatisfaction or displeasure may continue to grow within them. Later on, such dissafaction may lead them to disfavour the concerned organization. It could definitely be harmful to the organization.

So, an uninterrupted ‘two-way communication’ system, is necessary, to set-up a desired mutual understanding between the organization and its various ‘publics’ involved. Any organization, must have both internal and external publics. Internal publics are those, who are internally associated with the organization like, employees, shareholders etc. External publics are those, who are involved externally like, suppliers,consumers,legal authories and govt officials, media etc. If mutual understanding, has duly been set-up within the organization i.e. a very good and favourable wave of mutual understanding,is existed throughout the organization then the targetted or desired outcome that could be expected intrinsically. Mutual understanding can improve the quality performances within the employees in an organization, that can lead to proper use of raw materials, waste control, qualitative finish products. Mutual understanding can develop confidence within the shareholders or investors internally within the organization. Externally, mutual understanding can generate sincereity, initiatives and sense of responsibility even also, within the suppliers, selling personnels,consumers, dealers, govt officials and media persons at the sametime.Lack of mutual understanding, may hamper these combination of different services,that are indispensable to any organization, for achieving maximum return or outcome. In increasing efficiency, within several segments of any organization, mutual understanding play the vital role , that can never be avoided, in no way.

Another great part,would require to accomplish i.e. listening or carring the ‘opinion’ of public. Public opinion is is very sensitive and complex part and oftenly been deflected. Public opinion remains suppressed and incognizable aswell. So, a programmatic contact or communication,which is the important part of public relation practice,would require,to moitor the public attitude as to coverge the same to a favourable opinion for the benefit of an organization.

* Public Opinion:- It is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs held by the adult population. Public opinion can also, can be defined, as the complex collection of opinions of many different people and the sum of all their views.

The principle approaches to the study of public opinion may be divided into 4 categories:

1. quantitative measurement of opinion distributions;

2. investigation of the internal relationships among the individual opinions that make up public opinion on an issue;

3. description or analysis of the public role of public opinion;

4. study both of the communication media that disseminate the ideas on which opinions are based and of the uses that propagandists and other manipulators make of these media.

And at last of all, the Public Relation wing of any organization, must have shouldered its responsibilities very carefully towards the benefit and development of the society, where it belongs to.Any organization should carry the ‘ideals and vision’ for bringing any desireable ‘change’, although might be little, for the society. There are so many jobs left incomplete in the society and would need to be accomplished cordially. By such accomplishment of doable jobs left whatsoever, may surely, satisfy the need of the society people.It should never forgotten , that unless any development or any ‘change’ is brought for society,any organization would also, never be able to run in order and satisfactorily in that society.To think and work for the benefit society, would bring a good return for any such dedicated organization ultimately.

* Role Of Public Relation:-

Public relation (PR) is a management fuction, which aims at public attention and opinion.It seeks public trends or inclination, as to assess or judge, with a view to monitoring their attide and opinion. The target of public relation remains stick to make the public opinion favourable as fer as posible, for increasing the image andgravity of the organization concerned.The successfulness of any organization depends much more, upon the favaourable or supportative consensus generated from the concerned grops of the people. Any organization has different groups of people or public,that can vary from organization to organization, according to the nature of buisness or dealing it does undertake. Public relation indeed, plays a vital role for and on behalf of any organization for developing a consolidated relationship as well as understang between the intended organization and its several publics.Public relation oprates and maintains,a programmatic rapport with those publics,through a process of communication.Through such communication, public relatin professionals convince, counsel and inform their targetted publics,as to mould or convert the attitude and opinion of the said publics.Public relation practice is an effective way, that can allow or lead any organization, in achieving a soft and smooth relationships, protecting the image and goodwill, Beside this the public relation personnels listen to the grievances or any problems and promoting sales or services successfully. left unsolved, as find an amicable solution for it. Thus , satisfying the possible needs of the concerned publics, public relation professionals win the goal for the organization ultimately.PublicRrelation pratice, does not care for its organization only. It works also, for the development of the society as well.It responds to the needs of the society as fer as possible.It encourges different steps towards many programmes like education, games & sports, entertainment, and healthcare, specially for the children and women beside the government’s stride. Public Relation practice, can perform a combine roles, that enables any organization,in achieving the goal or target as well as it can bring the progress for the society as well.

* Limitation Of Public Relation:- Public Rrelation can render unfailling or unbeatable performances, in acquiring ‘goodwill’or retainning ‘image’for its organization concerned . Not only that, it helps also, in promoting sales of products or services concerned for the organization. But, it is thinkable deeply, that the success of any organization does not come only, by creating propanda or by giving false assurance or promise. It is not so gimmic or eye washing tactics to win the goal always and everytime for the organization. Public Relation practice, has been stood or established on a strong foundation of ‘truthfulness’ and ‘positive intent’ as well as entrusted with certain principles and ethics as well. The ‘image’ or ‘goodwill’ of any organization, can not be grown or acquired overnight, through certain single drive or effort paid for it. It could be earned or achieved so, by a planned and sustained process of communication and efforts, towards satisfying the needs of various publics that the organization have, in dedicated manner. Public Relation practice is based on nurturing truthful and trustworthy movements and activities, that can lead to earn the ‘credibility’ and ‘confidence of the various publics, concerned with any organization. If the top authorities or the proprietor group of any organization, do not accompany or allow, such way as derived or set by its PR(Public Relation) group, as to establishing the image or goodwill for it. Indeed, Public Relation can not be established or implimented successfully, without having consent or approval from the apex lavel of management or proprietory.

* Nature Of Organization And Its Publics:- The practice of Public Relation may differ organization to organization, that depends upon the nature of the organization. For instances, A car manufacturing company deals what,must differ from a universty or any newspaper organization deals what. Because, any car manufacturing organization has been engaged in car-making and selling of its manufactued product i.e. car, to their customers. While,newspaper organization sells their products i.e. newspaper or any other periodicals to its various readers who are refered to customers also, again a university which renders education to its innumerous student,who could be acknoledged as customers, by the university equally. So, we can consider, those ‘car purchaser’, ‘readers’ and ‘students’, who have been existed, in separate identities, but with a common recogonition as ‘customers’ to all organizations in broader sense. The term ‘Customers’, bears a common nature of consuming, different products or services available from different organizations ,institutions or any other enterprises. These ‘customers are looked or considered, as the main public of any organization or any other buiseness enterprises. Beside this, any organization has other types of publics, who are involved or associated with the organization concerned. Any organization may have required raw materials or any other materials or services anyway, from any other suppliers or providers of that imortant parts. These suppliers or service providers, could be considers as being the publics of the said concern or organization. Moreover, any organization must need the eployees, to carry out its different functions or works at least. So, these eployees, could be acknowledged as the public of the said concern. Like that, shareholder, investors, dealers, advertisers or media, are the exaples of public. Here we see, that the nature and existence of the publics may vary from organization to organization that depends upon the nature dealing or activities of the organization concerned. Because, all organizations can not have simmilar types of activities.Naturally, the public relation wing of every organization,would require to look after or pay attention to its associated publics specifically.Dissatisfaction within the publics concerned, may lead to stay away any organization, from acuiring any prospective results,that it aspires for. So, it is almost true, that an unseparable relationship, has been lying, between any organization and its several publics concerned.

* Process Of Pubic Relation:- Today’s Public Relation, is entrusted to assist and safeguarding the modern industrial management,as to impulse its (management) functions in better way or manner. Public Relation is an indispensable function which is universally accepted, for its effectiveness and practicability. The process, which is followed by the Public Relation functionaries, are as follows;

(a) Fact Finding i.e. research and analysis of various opinions, issues generated from the publics concerned.

(b) Planning i.e. policy formulation, programming and target or goal setting.

(c) Communication i.e. implimentation of lanned communication activities and execution

(d) Evaluation i.e. assessment of feedbak, adjustment and modification

*Benefit Of Public Relation :- Public Relation plays a vital role, for the implimentation of management functions in any organization successfully, and helps to take correct decision and necessary action towards the public opinions and interests as well. Among the other benefits , as brought by the Public Relation functionaries are as follows;

1. It helps in promoting the sales of products or services of the organization concerned.

2. It can create a favourable situation or environment for the organization, with a view to deal with its publics for better acievement in future.

3. It helps the organization, in achieving the desire goal.

4. It obviates misunstanding of publics competently.

5. It nurtures as well as encourages an environment, as any organizationto may incline to attend and perform, more developmental works for the society sincerely.

6. It can induce other inteligent or competent persons to work or render better performances, by establishing sound co-ordination, within the organization.

7. It creates an environment, where the ‘publics’both internal and external, can extend their views and opinions covering their interests and satisfaction, without any barrier or hesitation i.e. liberally.

8. It renders a lot of informations and interpretations to the various publics concerned, through sustained communication.

* Application Of Tools & Methods In Public Relation:-

Beside all other activities, related to the public Relation opration, the main objective of the PR group, is concentrated to inform and aware the diverse publics, all about its organization. So, the PR group, with the help of different tools or methods, render message and information to its various public. Such messages are prepared, according to the nature and necessity to the public concerned with the organization.. For this purpose, the PR group usually, take resort to some effective tools or means to communicate the target public like, all mediums of mass communication, Press Release, other printed materials like news letter or handbill, slides and news real or other types of visuals, audio and video cassettes or CDs etc, that can lead to the concerned publics bitterly known of all about the organization. In addition to those tools applied for communicating the diverse public, a few more another tools which are applied in this regard are meeting, spot campaigning or any other social function.

* Scope Of PR And Its Ability To Face The Challenges Of Present Complex Situation:-

The growing need of Public Relation practice, is not limited within the heavy industry, corporate or big buiseness houses only, but, it is required with equal importance, to many other medium industries and buisenesses or services also. It is true, that faster development with subsequent changes, that are taking place in several segments in our society. Beside this, it is also observed, that the intelligence and sophistication within the various publics, are in increasing order as well. Naturally, lavel or state of satisfaction and perception of comfortablity , within the people, has considerably been upgraded. The shape of people’s desire or interests, can not easily be identified or measured. In this complex and uncertain world of business of every type, where fiercing competition is prevailing, the need of ‘Public Relation’ isindispensable . Public Relation practioners, may find themselves, to be fit and right, to tackle numerous problems, that can take place in any organization. Theinteligence, competence and analytical power of Public Relation practitioners, might be able to set a mutual understanding between the organization and its publics. The PR practitioners, may bring the public opinions in favour of their organization., with the aid of their abilies of persuasion and convoncing as well as bringing satisfaction within the publics as well.

The growing complexities and competition in the commercial arena, which is a common phenomenon of the world, would require to obviate or overcome somehow, for the sake of any organization that it does confront intrinsically.. In this regard for handling such challenges satisfactorily, resort to PR practioners, would be indispensable. A very good and favourable environment,and that could be produced successfully, by the prudent and inteligent PR practioners. So, a lot of scopes are evolving, and in near future,a lot more are awaited. The need only,higher performances with greater abilities,that PR professionals would posses, in rendering appropriate messages produced by them, to the targetted audiences i.e. publics,as to bring change, in the ‘attitude and behaviour’of those intended people, moulding their ‘opinions’ ultimately. The function of moulding the opinions, is the most challenging task to the PR professionals indeed,which can bring a favourable situation for the organization, for achieving the goal.

* Ethics And Code Of Conduct In Public Relation:- The code of ethics, is an essential part of every profession, that should be followed and maintained , with greater carefulness and regard as well. Basically, ethics could be conceded as the matter of choosing the ‘rightness’ or ‘wrongness’ on any happening or issue , according to the best of one’s judgement and conscience of its own, as to bring good or evil for the society as a whole ultimately. Ethics can be considered as a yardstick, that can lead any competent authority or executive of any organization, to run its organization in proper manner and ideally,being entrusted with the ‘truthfulness’ , ‘fairness’ and ‘trustworthyness’ and accuracy as well.

Ethics must not entertain anyway of these,are as follows;

1. Supression of news or information to the publics anyway.

2. Misinterpretation of any fact or issue.

3. Fake or unrealistic promise, that is not achieveable.

4.Undercutting the other competitors.

Public Relation Society of America ( PRSA), had been adopted effectively, the updated code of professional standards for practice of Public Relation , dated on 29th April,1977, by replacing the earlier in force during the year 1959 after being revised from 1954,when it was first constituted.

It aimed and put emphasis more, on serving the interests of the clients and employees. Moreover, it paid supplimetary attention towards better communication,co-ordination and co-operation,as to set up good understanding among the various groups, institutions or organizations and diverse individuals in our society.

The members of PRSA, took oath for better Public Relation services to the publics concerned , was as follows;

We Pledge;

1.To conduct ourselves professionally, with truth, accuracy,fairness and responsibility to the public.

2. To improve our individual competence and advanceour knowledge and proficiency of the profession through continious research and education.

3. And to adhere, to the articles of the ‘Code of Pprofessional Standards for the Practice of Public Relation’, as adopted by the Governing Assembly of the Society.

Note; The articles have not been included here.

Role Of Public Relation:-

Public Relation plays an important role, in keeping smooth relationship between the organization and its diverse public. It is undeniable, that Public Relation can create an environment for ‘understanding’, where any organization and its varios public can work together mutually, in serving the purposes for both sides. It opens the door as well as invites, for easy exchange of news and information, interaction and discussion taking with an issue or fact, free expression, opinion and comment from any individual ,group or public in large. Public Relation professionals mange, to minimize the gap between them and their diverse public, with a view to eradicate any discontentment lying within the public. Public Relation aims at, moulding the attitude and bringing changes in behaviour within the public, as to promote the products,services or any ideas. By rendering necessary message or information, it increases awareness as well as interests within the various public concerned.Through the process of persuation,Public Relation professionals enable themselves, in leaving good impression within the mind of the public about their activities. Over all, Public Relation wing of any organization acts as a ‘catalyst’, in keeping a tie-up with its public and its organization., by eleminating any controversy sustained between them. PR group contributes efforts relentlessly, towards retaining and increasing the goodwill as well as the image for the organization.

Impact Of Public Relation:-

It is almost true, that the impact of Public Relation can not be measured, by any such yardstick, as we have in our hand. Although,we can never deny its necessity anyway.But, it is cognizable, that a smoth and fair relationship, has been held between the organization and its diverse public, due to the involvement of PR functionaries with their planned and sustained.activities of Public Relation. PR functions can command, in establishing ‘mutual understanding’ between the organization and its target public as well as, in achieving the desired sales target for the organization. Beside this, PR functionaries of different ministries or departments, in the government of any country or state,are engaged,in making the people aware and conscious about different types of problems existed in our societyand how to overcome thosesuccessfully. They render useful informations in combating those problems like, ‘increasing population & unemployment’, ‘Malaria & Tuberculosis’,’Children & Women education’and others, relating to various agricultural matter etc. The PR functionaries,throughtheir different programmes of campaigning, councelling even paying door-to-door visit, try to make the people aware and active regarding those vital issues.

Advertising And Public Relations:-

Beside the Public Relations, there are two more important aspects of communication, by means of which publics are being informed in certain manner, that thay (publics) might be influenced, for buying the launched products or services available in the market. These are ‘Advertising’ and ‘ Publicity’. Public Relations, Advertisement and Publicity, all have the common objectives i.e. to communicate the vaious publics- to render important informations on the products or services as any organization have produced –or interpreting any fact, issue or controversial matter-as to mould the publics opinion, by creating a favourable situation for the organization concerned.

Advertising can be defined, as the presentation of any message or informations to the public,as to attract them, for buying any products, services or any idea,through various channels of communication (media), and printed on hoarding or sign board etc, in any public place like bank or hospital,in the paid form.

Advt is ‘an art of rendering message or information ,to the diverse publics, in the paid form, through various channels of communication,as to influence or attracthem, for buying it’.

Objectives of Advertising:-

1. To reach to the maximum numbers of consumers for the brand ( like, ‘Amul’ or Asian Paints’).

2. To pick up the sales of the intended brand as well as the profit for the organization.

3. To intercept the fiercing competition in the market.

4. To retain a sound ‘ image’ as well as ‘crage’ for the brand or products or services, within the consumers.

5. To inspire or motivate the repeat purchase from the consumers.

Types of Advertisement:-

1. Brand or product Advertisement.

2. Institutional Advertisement.

Brand or product Advertisement”- Is is that type of advertisement, which renders informations or message, for the products or brand,as to generate awareness and interests or emphasis within the people. For buying the products or services, to achieve a desired sales for the organization who sponsors it. For example, Lux, Cadburry,Thums- Up etc.

Institutional Advertisement:- It is a special type o advertisement alternatively, recogonized as ‘Corporate’ or ‘Prestige’ advertisement. It does not present any message or information in elaborating form i.e. in lengthy form, to the people. It comes to the public, ‘as fer brief or specific as possible’,just exhibiting company’s logo,sign or synbal, as to make it recogonizable easily as well as quickly, to the public without saying more for it. Institutional or Corporate advertisement generally, is floated with a greater ‘confidence’ and control on the message, in distinguished form as well, than other traditional advertisement, that we see intrinsically. Corporate adverisement carries a prestiggious and qualititative presentation over all.

Publicity:- Publicity is also, a form of presenting message or information to the various publics,initiated by the media concern itself,on behalf of any organization or business enterprise. It happens so only, when an organization deserves such degree of ‘credibility’ as well as ‘reputation’ in the market as well.Credibilty and reputation, that could only be earned by any organization, after working with greater ‘responsibility and accountability, not only in the market, but also for the society as a whole. Media concern like, newspapers or magazine,radio and television channels, pay their attention towards focusing necessary details to thepublic ,as to get them well known and informed as well as aware of such prestigios organization or institution and its activities whatsoever, by their own efforts and initiatives. Such publicity through mass media,is possible only, when the spokesperson of any organization can establiss or set up a compact relationship with different media concerns.For this why, PR wing would require, to exercise and maintain ‘media relation’regularly.


With the spreading and advancement of different type of businesses, services or other entrepreneurship, the need of specialization or expertise group was becoming indispensable day after day.In running different big buisiness enterprises or corporate house successfully,the creation of such specialized groups, that have been able to establish their predominating competence and insurmountable needfulness in our dynamic society as well. Irrespective of any kind of confliction in between them, they have somehow been inter-dependent,co-related and supportive well,in materializing any any bigger objective.Present corporate world, is equipped by these competent groups or expertise teams, who quietly keen and prudent, in performing or materializing the best possible result for the concerned organization.

Public relation refers to, such kind of specialized teamworks, that indulges or nurtures a co-ordinated and planned activities in sustained manner,as to make an environment for generating favourable attitude within the publics concerned, through programmatic communication with the exchange of updated information and ideas, and taking action or steps towards any grievance lying within them (publics’concerned), in achieving the desired target or goal for and on behalf of any organization. Public relation is both ‘art’ and ‘science’ at the sametime.Public relation aims at influencing public opinion as well as keeping public attitude intact, through a process of persuation, convincing and rendering assurance or promise. Publicrelation relation attemts to pay heed to ‘publics’ sincerely and seriously as well. It oftenly try, to minimize the gap between the organization and its ‘publics concerned, as to win their (publics’) support for keeping up and streangthening ‘goodwill’for the organization.

Defination:- There is no such consolidated definition, that could depict the meaning of public relation in single or abriged form. According to the Institute of Public Relation, UK, that defined public relation as “the deliberate, planned and sustained efforts to establish and maintain the mutual understanding between the organization and its public”.

The first World Assembly of Public Relations Association, held in Mexico City in August 1978, which defined public relation as, "the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizational leaders, and implementing planned programs of action, which will serve both the organization and the public interest."

In straightway, it can be said, that public relation concentrates its major efforts, towards monitoring the public attitude and opinion, through a deliberate process of communication, as to make it favourable for the benefit of the organizationconcerned. More precisely to say, that public relation refers to a planned and sustained communication based efforts, as to convert the public atttuide and opinion in favour of the organization, as to bring benefit ultimately.

Public relations is used to build rapport with employees,shareholders, customers, investors, voters, or the general public Almost any organization that has a stake in how it is portrayed in the public arena employs some level of public relations.

* Objectives Of Public Relation:-

The main objectives of public relation, in the eyes of public relation professionals, is, to bring benefit and profit for the organization concerned. Beside this, it aim to uphold the interests as well as the image for the organization or companyalso. , a few more important points would require, to take into account seriously by the PR persons,in performing the activity of public relation duly, as to earn ‘credibility’,’goodwill’and’ ‘relieibility’from the greater numbers of consumers in the market, which can be stated as follows;

(1) An easy accessible two-way communication

(2) An environment for mutual understanding.

(3) Listening or carring the public opinion

(4) Awareness of social responsibility


Public relation professionas, must consider the above mentioned pointsindispensably, as to acquire the best result for its own organization. To say broadly, in this regard, the two-way communication system would require, to access and prioritize the ‘public response’ or any grievances lying within the public. Without having adequate provision for this needful ‘two-way communication’ system, a wide gap might be generated between the organization and its associated publics. An organization may have several publics of different segments. Misunderstanding, distrust or dissatisfaction might produce within those detached public,due to lack of needful communication. Such communication gap can never encourage anykind of exchange or interpretation of ideas and informations anyway. Response or feedback whatsoever might be, from the end of the publics,should always be assessed or judged very carefully and attentively in best manner as possible.If feedback is not received or accepted properly from the publics off and on, then dissatisfaction or displeasure may continue to grow within them. Later on, such dissafaction may lead them to disfavour the concerned organization. It could definitely be harmful to the organization.

So, an uninterrupted ‘two-way communication’ system, is necessary, to set-up a desired mutual understanding between the organization and its various ‘publics’ involved. Any organization, must have both internal and external publics. Internal publics are those, who are internally associated with the organization like, employees, shareholders etc. External publics are those, who are involved externally like, suppliers,consumers,legal authories and govt officials, media etc. If mutual understanding, has duly been set-up within the organization i.e. a very good and favourable wave of mutual understanding,is existed throughout the organization then the targetted or desired outcome that could be expected intrinsically. Mutual understanding can improve the quality performances within the employees in an organization, that can lead to proper use of raw materials, waste control, qualitative finish products. Mutual understanding can develop confidence within the shareholders or investors internally within the organization. Externally, mutual understanding can generate sincereity, initiatives and sense of responsibility even also, within the suppliers, selling personnels,consumers, dealers, govt officials and media persons at the sametime.Lack of mutual understanding, may hamper these combination of different services,that are indispensable to any organization, for achieving maximum return or outcome. In increasing efficiency, within several segments of any organization, mutual understanding play the vital role , that can never be avoided, in no way.

Another great part,would require to accomplish i.e. listening or carring the ‘opinion’ of public. Public opinion is is very sensitive and complex part and oftenly been deflected. Public opinion remains suppressed and incognizable aswell. So, a programmatic contact or communication,which is the important part of public relation practice,would require,to moitor the public attitude as to coverge the same to a favourable opinion for the benefit of an organization.

* Public Opinion:- It is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs held by the adult population. Public opinion can also, can be defined, as the complex collection of opinions of many different people and the sum of all their views.

The principle approaches to the study of public opinion may be divided into 4 categories:

1. quantitative measurement of opinion distributions;

2. investigation of the internal relationships among the individual opinions that make up public opinion on an issue;

3. description or analysis of the public role of public opinion;

4. study both of the communication media that disseminate the ideas on which opinions are based and of the uses that propagandists and other manipulators make of these media.

And at last of all, the Public Relation wing of any organization, must have shouldered its responsibilities very carefully towards the benefit and development of the society, where it belongs to.Any organization should carry the ‘ideals and vision’ for bringing any desireable ‘change’, although might be little, for the society. There are so many jobs left incomplete in the society and would need to be accomplished cordially. By such accomplishment of doable jobs left whatsoever, may surely, satisfy the need of the society people.It should never forgotten , that unless any development or any ‘change’ is brought for society,any organization would also, never be able to run in order and satisfactorily in that society.To think and work for the benefit society, would bring a good return for any such dedicated organization ultimately.

* Role Of Public Relation:-

Public relation (PR) is a management fuction, which aims at public attention and opinion.It seeks public trends or inclination, as to assess or judge, with a view to monitoring their attide and opinion. The target of public relation remains stick to make the public opinion favourable as fer as posible, for increasing the image andgravity of the organization concerned.The successfulness of any organization depends much more, upon the favaourable or supportative consensus generated from the concerned grops of the people. Any organization has different groups of people or public,that can vary from organization to organization, according to the nature of buisness or dealing it does undertake. Public relation indeed, plays a vital role for and on behalf of any organization for developing a consolidated relationship as well as understang between the intended organization and its several publics.Public relation oprates and maintains,a programmatic rapport with those publics,through a process of communication.Through such communication, public relatin professionals convince, counsel and inform their targetted publics,as to mould or convert the attitude and opinion of the said publics.Public relation practice is an effective way, that can allow or lead any organization, in achieving a soft and smooth relationships, protecting the image and goodwill, Beside this the public relation personnels listen to the grievances or any problems and promoting sales or services successfully. left unsolved, as find an amicable solution for it. Thus , satisfying the possible needs of the concerned publics, public relation professionals win the goal for the organization ultimately.PublicRrelation pratice, does not care for its organization only. It works also, for the development of the society as well.It responds to the needs of the society as fer as possible.It encourges different steps towards many programmes like education, games & sports, entertainment, and healthcare, specially for the children and women beside the government’s stride. Public Relation practice, can perform a combine roles, that enables any organization,in achieving the goal or target as well as it can bring the progress for the society as well.

* Limitation Of Public Relation:- Public Rrelation can render unfailling or unbeatable performances, in acquiring ‘goodwill’or retainning ‘image’for its organization concerned . Not only that, it helps also, in promoting sales of products or services concerned for the organization. But, it is thinkable deeply, that the success of any organization does not come only, by creating propanda or by giving false assurance or promise. It is not so gimmic or eye washing tactics to win the goal always and everytime for the organization. Public Relation practice, has been stood or established on a strong foundation of ‘truthfulness’ and ‘positive intent’ as well as entrusted with certain principles and ethics as well. The ‘image’ or ‘goodwill’ of any organization, can not be grown or acquired overnight, through certain single drive or effort paid for it. It could be earned or achieved so, by a planned and sustained process of communication and efforts, towards satisfying the needs of various publics that the organization have, in dedicated manner. Public Relation practice is based on nurturing truthful and trustworthy movements and activities, that can lead to earn the ‘credibility’ and ‘confidence of the various publics, concerned with any organization. If the top authorities or the proprietor group of any organization, do not accompany or allow, such way as derived or set by its PR(Public Relation) group, as to establishing the image or goodwill for it. Indeed, Public Relation can not be established or implimented successfully, without having consent or approval from the apex lavel of management or proprietory.

* Nature Of Organization And Its Publics:- The practice of Public Relation may differ organization to organization, that depends upon the nature of the organization. For instances, A car manufacturing company deals what,must differ from a universty or any newspaper organization deals what. Because, any car manufacturing organization has been engaged in car-making and selling of its manufactued product i.e. car, to their customers. While,newspaper organization sells their products i.e. newspaper or any other periodicals to its various readers who are refered to customers also, again a university which renders education to its innumerous student,who could be acknoledged as customers, by the university equally. So, we can consider, those ‘car purchaser’, ‘readers’ and ‘students’, who have been existed, in separate identities, but with a common recogonition as ‘customers’ to all organizations in broader sense. The term ‘Customers’, bears a common nature of consuming, different products or services available from different organizations ,institutions or any other enterprises. These ‘customers are looked or considered, as the main public of any organization or any other buiseness enterprises. Beside this, any organization has other types of publics, who are involved or associated with the organization concerned. Any organization may have required raw materials or any other materials or services anyway, from any other suppliers or providers of that imortant parts. These suppliers or service providers, could be considers as being the publics of the said concern or organization. Moreover, any organization must need the eployees, to carry out its different functions or works at least. So, these eployees, could be acknowledged as the public of the said concern. Like that, shareholder, investors, dealers, advertisers or media, are the exaples of public. Here we see, that the nature and existence of the publics may vary from organization to organization that depends upon the nature dealing or activities of the organization concerned. Because, all organizations can not have simmilar types of activities.Naturally, the public relation wing of every organization,would require to look after or pay attention to its associated publics specifically.Dissatisfaction within the publics concerned, may lead to stay away any organization, from acuiring any prospective results,that it aspires for. So, it is almost true, that an unseparable relationship, has been lying, between any organization and its several publics concerned.

* Process Of Pubic Relation:- Today’s Public Relation, is entrusted to assist and safeguarding the modern industrial management,as to impulse its (management) functions in better way or manner. Public Relation is an indispensable function which is universally accepted, for its effectiveness and practicability. The process, which is followed by the Public Relation functionaries, are as follows;

(a) Fact Finding i.e. research and analysis of various opinions, issues generated from the publics concerned.

(b) Planning i.e. policy formulation, programming and target or goal setting.

(c) Communication i.e. implimentation of lanned communication activities and execution

(d) Evaluation i.e. assessment of feedbak, adjustment and modification

*Benefit Of Public Relation :- Public Relation plays a vital role, for the implimentation of management functions in any organization successfully, and helps to take correct decision and necessary action towards the public opinions and interests as well. Among the other benefits , as brought by the Public Relation functionaries are as follows;

1. It helps in promoting the sales of products or services of the organization concerned.

2. It can create a favourable situation or environment for the organization, with a view to deal with its publics for better acievement in future.

3. It helps the organization, in achieving the desire goal.

4. It obviates misunstanding of publics competently.

5. It nurtures as well as encourages an environment, as any organizationto may incline to attend and perform, more developmental works for the society sincerely.

6. It can induce other inteligent or competent persons to work or render better performances, by establishing sound co-ordination, within the organization.

7. It creates an environment, where the ‘publics’both internal and external, can extend their views and opinions covering their interests and satisfaction, without any barrier or hesitation i.e. liberally.

8. It renders a lot of informations and interpretations to the various publics concerned, through sustained communication.

* Application Of Tools & Methods In Public Relation:-

Beside all other activities, related to the public Relation opration, the main objective of the PR group, is concentrated to inform and aware the diverse publics, all about its organization. So, the PR group, with the help of different tools or methods, render message and information to its various public. Such messages are prepared, according to the nature and necessity to the public concerned with the organization.. For this purpose, the PR group usually, take resort to some effective tools or means to communicate the target public like, all mediums of mass communication, Press Release, other printed materials like news letter or handbill, slides and news real or other types of visuals, audio and video cassettes or CDs etc, that can lead to the concerned publics bitterly known of all about the organization. In addition to those tools applied for communicating the diverse public, a few more another tools which are applied in this regard are meeting, spot campaigning or any other social function.

* Scope Of PR And Its Ability To Face The Challenges Of Present Complex Situation:-

The growing need of Public Relation practice, is not limited within the heavy industry, corporate or big buiseness houses only, but, it is required with equal importance, to many other medium industries and buisenesses or services also. It is true, that faster development with subsequent changes, that are taking place in several segments in our society. Beside this, it is also observed, that the intelligence and sophistication within the various publics, are in increasing order as well. Naturally, lavel or state of satisfaction and perception of comfortablity , within the people, has considerably been upgraded. The shape of people’s desire or interests, can not easily be identified or measured. In this complex and uncertain world of business of every type, where fiercing competition is prevailing, the need of ‘Public Relation’ isindispensable . Public Relation practioners, may find themselves, to be fit and right, to tackle numerous problems, that can take place in any organization. Theinteligence, competence and analytical power of Public Relation practitioners, might be able to set a mutual understanding between the organization and its publics. The PR practitioners, may bring the public opinions in favour of their organization., with the aid of their abilies of persuasion and convoncing as well as bringing satisfaction within the publics as well.

The growing complexities and competition in the commercial arena, which is a common phenomenon of the world, would require to obviate or overcome somehow, for the sake of any organization that it does confront intrinsically.. In this regard for handling such challenges satisfactorily, resort to PR practioners, would be indispensable. A very good and favourable environment,and that could be produced successfully, by the prudent and inteligent PR practioners. So, a lot of scopes are evolving, and in near future,a lot more are awaited. The need only,higher performances with greater abilities,that PR professionals would posses, in rendering appropriate messages produced by them, to the targetted audiences i.e. publics,as to bring change, in the ‘attitude and behaviour’of those intended people, moulding their ‘opinions’ ultimately. The function of moulding the opinions, is the most challenging task to the PR professionals indeed,which can bring a favourable situation for the organization, for achieving the goal.

* Ethics And Code Of Conduct In Public Relation:- The code of ethics, is an essential part of every profession, that should be followed and maintained , with greater carefulness and regard as well. Basically, ethics could be conceded as the matter of choosing the ‘rightness’ or ‘wrongness’ on any happening or issue , according to the best of one’s judgement and conscience of its own, as to bring good or evil for the society as a whole ultimately. Ethics can be considered as a yardstick, that can lead any competent authority or executive of any organization, to run its organization in proper manner and ideally,being entrusted with the ‘truthfulness’ , ‘fairness’ and ‘trustworthyness’ and accuracy as well.

Ethics must not entertain anyway of these,are as follows;

1. Supression of news or information to the publics anyway.

2. Misinterpretation of any fact or issue.

3. Fake or unrealistic promise, that is not achieveable.

4.Undercutting the other competitors.

Public Relation Society of America ( PRSA), had been adopted effectively, the updated code of professional standards for practice of Public Relation , dated on 29th April,1977, by replacing the earlier in force during the year 1959 after being revised from 1954,when it was first constituted.

It aimed and put emphasis more, on serving the interests of the clients and employees. Moreover, it paid supplimetary attention towards better communication,co-ordination and co-operation,as to set up good understanding among the various groups, institutions or organizations and diverse individuals in our society.

The members of PRSA, took oath for better Public Relation services to the publics concerned , was as follows;

We Pledge;

1.To conduct ourselves professionally, with truth, accuracy,fairness and responsibility to the public.

2. To improve our individual competence and advanceour knowledge and proficiency of the profession through continious research and education.

3. And to adhere, to the articles of the ‘Code of Pprofessional Standards for the Practice of Public Relation’, as adopted by the Governing Assembly of the Society.

Note; The articles have not been included here.

Role Of Public Relation:-

Public Relation plays an important role, in keeping smooth relationship between the organization and its diverse public. It is undeniable, that Public Relation can create an environment for ‘understanding’, where any organization and its varios public can work together mutually, in serving the purposes for both sides. It opens the door as well as invites, for easy exchange of news and information, interaction and discussion taking with an issue or fact, free expression, opinion and comment from any individual ,group or public in large. Public Relation professionals mange, to minimize the gap between them and their diverse public, with a view to eradicate any discontentment lying within the public. Public Relation aims at, moulding the attitude and bringing changes in behaviour within the public, as to promote the products,services or any ideas. By rendering necessary message or information, it increases awareness as well as interests within the various public concerned.Through the process of persuation,Public Relation professionals enable themselves, in leaving good impression within the mind of the public about their activities. Over all, Public Relation wing of any organization acts as a ‘catalyst’, in keeping a tie-up with its public and its organization., by eleminating any controversy sustained between them. PR group contributes efforts relentlessly, towards retaining and increasing the goodwill as well as the image for the organization.

Impact Of Public Relation:-

It is almost true, that the impact of Public Relation can not be measured, by any such yardstick, as we have in our hand. Although,we can never deny its necessity anyway.But, it is cognizable, that a smoth and fair relationship, has been held between the organization and its diverse public, due to the involvement of PR functionaries with their planned and sustained.activities of Public Relation. PR functions can command, in establishing ‘mutual understanding’ between the organization and its target public as well as, in achieving the desired sales target for the organization. Beside this, PR functionaries of different ministries or departments, in the government of any country or state,are engaged,in making the people aware and conscious about different types of problems existed in our societyand how to overcome thosesuccessfully. They render useful informations in combating those problems like, ‘increasing population & unemployment’, ‘Malaria & Tuberculosis’,’Children & Women education’and others, relating to various agricultural matter etc. The PR functionaries,throughtheir different programmes of campaigning, councelling even paying door-to-door visit, try to make the people aware and active regarding those vital issues.

Advertising And Public Relations:-

Beside the Public Relations, there are two more important aspects of communication, by means of which publics are being informed in certain manner, that thay (publics) might be influenced, for buying the launched products or services available in the market. These are ‘Advertising’ and ‘ Publicity’. Public Relations, Advertisement and Publicity, all have the common objectives i.e. to communicate the vaious publics- to render important informations on the products or services as any organization have produced –or interpreting any fact, issue or controversial matter-as to mould the publics opinion, by creating a favourable situation for the organization concerned.

Advertising can be defined, as the presentation of any message or informations to the public,as to attract them, for buying any products, services or any idea,through various channels of communication (media), and printed on hoarding or sign board etc, in any public place like bank or hospital,in the paid form.

Advt is ‘an art of rendering message or information ,to the diverse publics, in the paid form, through various channels of communication,as to influence or attracthem, for buying it’.

Objectives of Advertising:-

1. To reach to the maximum numbers of consumers for the brand ( like, ‘Amul’ or Asian Paints’).

2. To pick up the sales of the intended brand as well as the profit for the organization.

3. To intercept the fiercing competition in the market.

4. To retain a sound ‘ image’ as well as ‘crage’ for the brand or products or services, within the consumers.

5. To inspire or motivate the repeat purchase from the consumers.

Types of Advertisement:-

1. Brand or product Advertisement.

2. Institutional Advertisement.

Brand or product Advertisement”- Is is that type of advertisement, which renders informations or message, for the products or brand,as to generate awareness and interests or emphasis within the people. For buying the products or services, to achieve a desired sales for the organization who sponsors it. For example, Lux, Cadburry,Thums- Up etc.

Institutional Advertisement:- It is a special type o advertisement alternatively, recogonized as ‘Corporate’ or ‘Prestige’ advertisement. It does not present any message or information in elaborating form i.e. in lengthy form, to the people. It comes to the public, ‘as fer brief or specific as possible’,just exhibiting company’s logo,sign or synbal, as to make it recogonizable easily as well as quickly, to the public without saying more for it. Institutional or Corporate advertisement generally, is floated with a greater ‘confidence’ and control on the message, in distinguished form as well, than other traditional advertisement, that we see intrinsically. Corporate adverisement carries a prestiggious and qualititative presentation over all.

Publicity:- Publicity is also, a form of presenting message or information to the various publics,initiated by the media concern itself,on behalf of any organization or business enterprise. It happens so only, when an organization deserves such degree of ‘credibility’ as well as ‘reputation’ in the market as well.Credibilty and reputation, that could only be earned by any organization, after working with greater ‘responsibility and accountability, not only in the market, but also for the society as a whole. Media concern like, newspapers or magazine,radio and television channels, pay their attention towards focusing necessary details to thepublic ,as to get them well known and informed as well as aware of such prestigios organization or institution and its activities whatsoever, by their own efforts and initiatives. Such publicity through mass media,is possible only, when the spokesperson of any organization can establiss or set up a compact relationship with different media concerns.For this why, PR wing would require, to exercise and maintain ‘media relation’regularly.