4.1: Mass media are constantly engaged in our society with a view to inform,to educate, to entertain,to share and exchange ideas and thoughts, to promote culture and different products or services for their greater marketabilies. The ‘messages’, produced by the mass media for performing their different types of functions, are stimulant which stir and react the mind of the audience who consume it. The change in the attitudes or any other behavioural changes among the audience, have been followed by us which are tangible significantly. Such changeable effects are seen among the audience that vary medium to medium accordingly, as used by the audience. Because print,radio,television,film and other types of media have different characteristics. With such distinct characteristics, those media can influence the consumers or audience in different manner.
Genarally. Print media provide enormous informations relating to the surrounding happenings of our society. Radio as being elotronic medium, provide diverse programmes covering information,amusements and education. Again television provide huge quantities of amusement and entertainment.Presently,television has turned to be well accepted and widely used by the audience due to its unique audio-visual ( i.e. dual presentation at a time) characteristics. Film,generally provides us entertainment. Beside this, film sometimes provides educative or reflective contents to the audience. So the contents derived from the mass media as outcome, possess the ability to impress or influence the large number of audience which ultimately create such environment where the changing mode of socity can take place Mass media have been engaged in shapping,moulding and motivating our society as to bring certain change or progress in our culture and curtsey. Mass media obviously embeed impact on our socity.
4.2: Impact of Mass Media;
According to interactive perspective,as proposed by the communication expert and critic Denis Mcquail, mass media have established a significant relationship with our society.Such relationship has grown with the different activities and services as rendered to our society by the mass media. Mainly,mass media act as the moulders as well as the reflectors of our society. Mcquail said also that,the mass media are ready to respond to every demands of the society.mass media avidly try to fulfill the major needs of the audience by providing innumerous materials; contents of diverse.Though basically, mass media provide ‘flooded informations’to the society as to make aware of round about the world,that facilititate to judge any needful matter ones and finally to take step or any dicision on the said issue collectively. Mass media can organize the people who expose to the media in regular manner, in taking decision towards any social problem arisen.
The present communication scholars and researchers are not restraint to concede that, there may have any direct impact of mass media in our society. Conversely they deny such possibility of direct impact that the mass media do have on our society. The said researchers point out on the two theories of communication those we have come across earlier. They want to stress on the ‘Individual Differences’ and ‘Personal Influences’ theories particularly, where mass media fail or show their inabilities either to influence or to control the audience at all. The mass media in such cases, exist as dependant as well as dominated by the audience. Here we experience, that the audience are out of influence or impact that the mass media can produce.
Considering those two theories, we can not avoid or deny the impact of mass media in our life. Eevery steps in our daily life,we can update ourselves, to facilitate all kinds of our activities and performances, being accorded and equipped with informations and guidelines available from the mass media. Mass media act as the catalyst, that help to happen the needful effects for the society.
4.3; Mass Media Effect On Our Society:-
The progress of any society depends on adequate informations available in diverse, that it can utilize well purposefully.The mass media can only provide such ‘flooded informations’, to meet the necessary demands,as produced by the society. Mass media deserve such competence and ability, in disseminating various useful informations which lead to bring or create the changing environment that comes,in facilitating way or manner as the effect on the society. Information is power which enables mankind to act more powerfully with proficiency, if it is properly utilized in our daily working life. Prior informations availed, oftenly lead the human beings, to handle a major number of problems satisfactorily. In any country, respect to its developmental works as undertaken by its government of the state, would require inevitably the mass media assistance and accord with a view to achieving its objective or goal. Because,the mass media,with their tiredless efforts and activities, organize the larger portion of populations, to take part in the developmental tasks of the country by providing necessary education and ideas. Thus the mass media can inspire and motivate as well huge numbers of people to to take active part with such greater developmental works for their country. Beside this,in abolishing superstition from our society, mass media have played unique role which can not be denied.During disaster or in any communal violence that erupted in our society,mass media have always extended their hands with the government of the state, in handling such problems with their adequate informaions.
There is no such specific yardstick to poise the effect of mass media on our society. Mass media effect can only be experienced and realized, through keen and transparent ideas indepth on it and having a close look over the society from different angles and views. Moreover, assessment must follow the social changes or trends, considering the points like culture,education,awareness,standard of living and security etc, as to weigh the effect of mass media on our society.
4.4 Impact Of Different Mass Mmedia
Impact of Press; The press that is the pioneer medium for the mass in the communication system. As this medium is exted early as compared to the other medium, enjoy wide popularity, predomnance as well as greater acceptance from the mass media consumers. The press have always been considered to be viable and credible medium to any government of the state regarding share and exchange of informations in between them. The press looks and focuses on every nook and corner of the society that has allowed as well as enabled it, to reach widely to the people of the society. The press is engaged on highlighting major problems and difficulties relating to the society with a view to finding certain solution or way for it. The people of the society can understand clearly all about the social affairs and judge wel also, in the angle of this medium that it looks , by consuming it. The press, basically consists of newspaper, magazine,periodicals, journals and books.As per studies,the number of newspaper publications have been uplifted by seven times, while the circulation of the newspaper have jumped to ten times during the period of last fifty years in India. In India,it has been studied that ,the rural people read newspapers aand other magazines in relay process i.e.lending from the purchaser.The press is the most reliable and retainable medium still to the Indian readers.All the events that take place in our society, are duly reflected by the press in the perspective of politics,economy,sociology and education. Both of the rural and urban people are equally being equipped with the useful updates as provided by the newspaper.
Impact Of Radio :- Radio is the most intimate medium which can be used anywhere at anytime without any barrier that other mass medua confront usually.The radio provides a diverse programmes like news,entertainment, education, games and sports in live,drama etc.Radio is still now used as an indispensable medium by the government of any country in the world as to flash out the most important news, respect to the government decision,disaster alert,emergency both external and internal or others. Radio is an affordable medium, that major populations of any country can use despite proverty,illiteracy or any other constraints. It can be used without being engaged individually.Radio is responsible for enhancing the rural ideas and thoughts about the present world. It has taught the farmers that how to cultivate by applying the latest techniques as to achieve higher productivity as well as to minimizing the cost of production. Radio has performed a unique role to make the rural people, to be aware of their health and birth control, children education i.e. going to school by the children largely and other developments. Rural culture and rituals have been oftenly encouraged by the radio. The drama and folk songs,are usually catered by the radio that reflect our social context ,moral and ethics as well. Radio is a distinguished medium, that provides very nice and transparant programmes in diverse for everyone.Presently, radio has come closer to the community and has been operated wth its local establishment with a view to more participations from local areas.Such radio station existed locally, caters local news, views,opinions,culture trends and all about the surrounding areas of interets. Such progress of radio,has increased the relieablity of local people on it largely as well as ensured the credibility of radio to a greater extent.
Impact Of Television. :- Television is the moat powerful medium among all others medium today. Aided by a combined technique of audio and visual presentation that television provides to its viwers or audience,has made it unique as well as widely accepted.in the world. In general visual presentation is attractive to anyone that helps to memorise any contents or messages easily than any other presentation provided by the other medium or channels of mass communication. Beside this,audio-take in compliance with the vedio presentation,makes the contents or messages more sensitive and comprehensive as well. Basically television medium have been engaged in entertaining its viewers or audience largely.Television can show the people of the society extensively how they look and pay attention over our society. The television possess the ability to generate strong activities and opinions among the massive viewers through ther pictorial presentation in regarding social facts,disorders and and developments. The live programme on any foreign deligate’s arrival to the country, games and sports and other particular programmes, are usually catered by the television to satisfy its innumerous audience. Moreover so many serials,films,musical programmes are catered regularly by the television.The contents generally delivered by the television,are reflecting the higher lifestyle of elite group which does not comply with the lifestyle of average larger population.This imbalanced portrayal of our society which lacks the truth , does have no meaning to our real life. This deceptive and allurable presentation of the television , generates turmoil and imbalancement among the youngers, in attemting such higher attainment which is out of reach practically in our ordinary life. Present television programmes are not good and suportative to the younger generation and are causing to daviation or deflection from thejr usual life.Beside this,due to prolonged catering of crime and violenct programmes have been encouraging social disorder and anarchism. It can not be denied that, with the advent of television particularly after the cable television has come in to being in our society largely, we have experienced that, the number of cases of crime and violence have been increasing.day by day.Television,as being a predominant medium in the mass communication system, enjoying larger commercial opportunities and advantages from the business houses through catering sub-standard programmes as sponsored by them, with a view to increasing their revenues. Television medium are avidly engaged in earning money in lieu of loosing its morals and ideals that it should carry and maintain for the sake of our society. Television medium have been indulging in catering unfair and undesireable contents or advertisements with nudity of women profusely.
Impact of Film:- Film is very attractive medium to a larger population , that provides basically enjoyments and amusements as well. It is still the prime medium for recreation and pleasure to the thousands of rural people. Film not only provides recreative contents to its viewers,but also reflects the themes regarding the common people’s life, social values and morals.Sometimes it also caters educative and developmental contents that come to be beneficial as well as inspiring to many of its viewers. Film, as being widely accepted and enchanting medium, can influence a larger portion of spectators in moulding or changing thie attitudes or opinions as well.
But it can not be denied, that the film medium, are now mostly emphasizing on earning quick and larger profits by producing inferior quality copy of cinema,which are illdecorated by sex,violence and dreadful crimes undesireably.Today,major contents of cinematography, are infused with indecency in exaggerating manner to induce larger viewers. Moreover, major scripts of the film, are displaying the status of the elite groups of the society that do not comply with the common people’s life. The status and lifestyles which are shown in the film,are beyond and out of the reach of the average people always. Film has the abilities a lot, to influence the common people by moulding their opinion and attitude with a view to framing a good and sensible society.A good fim that carries such content of mrals and ideal, and reflects all positive and good qualities of human chareteristics, must contribute to the building of a civic society with greater consciousness.
In addition to the above ,there are fewmeans of mass communication , which are found to be operated in unorganizing sector like vedio library or purlour, folk media, Cyber café, have also been experienced considerable impact on our society. These means of mass communication,have been engaged in fulfilling the needs and interests of the larger part of population of our society.
Video Library or Video Purlour:- Video,as being widely known to be an entertaining tool for the audience. But it can serve the many’s purpose like student, technical and other professional people. Video can store many useful programs safely for future demonstration as well. It can provide a long content neatly recorded as being study materials to the student for their convenient uses in future. Technocrates and professionals receive the enormous advantages of video content as recordrd, to facilitate their workings in best manner. Video as a whole, has larger impact on our advanced society.
Folk Media:- A greater tool for rural communication and entrusted with rural culture, rituals and facts, widely used by the most common illiterate and backwarded, as villagers. Folk media can render valuable messages to inform, educate,alert and entertain the larger part of rural civilians as well. The ordinary villagers are being taught with the essential materials through its unique presentations. It helps to the uneducated village dwellers regarding child education, birth control,health awareness in the form of acting or songs in enchantable manner. Folk media can impact the greater part of the rural civilians by generating the required sense of responsibility and education as they could handle the so many problems of the society that they face usually. Economically backwarded rural people have been benefited by the folk media,wherever they are unable to expose in other media like newspapers, or television even radio easily.
Cyber café:- In the present fast moving world, communication has attatined its sharper edge in transmiting messages in the twinkling of our eyes to the required destination. Internet has brought such opportunities for us through which, we have been able to communicate the world very fastly as to keep us with update as fer as possible in fast manner. Todays mailing system is no longer being restricted to writing on the pad and posting through a lingering postal procedures at all. Internet allows us such magical abilities, to communicate others with the help of electroic mailing (e-mail) process. Such e-mailing ensures us any kinds of our sendable messages to any where at our required destination within twenty seconds safely and securedly as well. Through the internet facility,we can read newspaper,listen radio and watch television through the differet websites of media houses under one roof of internet. Three different media activities can be enjoyed at a time through a single platform or medium with a faster communicating performance of internet. Internet is an ideal interactive medium where the users of it,can respond to any of the aforesaid three medium independently. Internet can provide enormous scops to its users, in sharing thoughts and ideas,opinions and comments very independently in fast manner. A very good opportunity for writing with publishing at the sametime is available through different ‘blog writing’ sites with aid of internet.
We have followed the imact of different mass media that they can produce by their varied activities,characteristics and dealings on our society. Among those impacts of mass media on our society that we have considered, may happen or not always in every case. Controversy has been remained still so far, due to non-availibility of proper evidence or documentation.
Staying apart from such controversy, we we may concede consciously that mass media deal or do what are as follows;
(a) They render informations,education,alert messages, valuable thought and ideas to the general population of the society.
(b) They cater varied materials of entertainment as well as amusement to retain the diversified audience.
© They promote many products or services in the form of advertisement.
(d) They involve themselves in the developmental works for the nation as asked by the government of the state.
It is true, that the mass media allow the people of the society to stay in updated form accordingly conforming to the changing scenerioes or facts of the world. Even the mass media perform their responsibility as 'the gatekeeper' in protecting the society through various informations and messages as they uully do. But presently it is seen widely that the mass media have been seriously engaged in humiliating the morals and ideals of journalism. To achieve quick commercial gain, they are resorting to provocative news presentation by including sex, crime and violence and obcenity profusely just to confine the audience in the tricky ways. Today mass media really fail to shape or develop our social satus through their creative and fruitful presentations that our society actually need. The mass media would require to think and judge this particular point of social benefit where they do work as well as survive. Social values must not be overlooked by the mass media as to combat with the crazy commercialism.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
) Theory Of Communication.
Introduction ; Mass communication operate in our vast society in differet ways and diverse manners.Mass communication influence the society members through their media operations resulting a considerable ‘effect’to the society.Though ,few important theories of mass communication have been established so far, as to study and verify various aspects of mass communication that enable us in evaluating the behaviour, barriers and overall uses and impact of mass communication being operated in the society. We can realize as well,as highlight the inter-relationship and inter-dependency between the mass communication and our society with the aid of such theories that we have. The theories are as follows;1.2; Hypodermic Theory or ‘Magic Bullet Theory’.During the world war (11), the people would carry different ideas or thought about the mass media activities and operations. The mass people were apprehended and frightened of mass media, as they could induce and influence several persons and had the empowered abilies a lot, to make up the people as they had intended for. At then, media messages were thought to be magic like which could have acted as ‘Bullet’.Media messages were to be considered as dangerous bullets which could shoot or inflict directly any person easily. But practically it can not be happened so. Everyone among the mass people , does not react the same messages equally in the same way. As it is studied that, reactions from the audiences to the same messages differ with wide variations of charactersics ,so this ‘bullet theory’ can not be suitable to fulfill the purpose of mass communication. Bullet theory has emphatically considered as if, all audiences are unanimous and identical in nature. It could never be possible, as every personality carries distinct intelligence, perception, taste and socio-economic status in the society.1.3; Individual Indiference Theory or Psychological theory.With a view to studying the effect of communication, so many psychological approaches have been made up so far, which gave the birth of few theories of communication in this regrd. Among those theories the most important one is ‘Individual Indifference’ theory. According to this theory,the different personality variables result in different reactions to the same stimuli. It means that the psychological mechanism of individual accouns to his reaction to the mass media messages. It can stated in this manner that,the reactions to the media contents as exhibited by the audience members differ accordingly to their motivation, predisposion toaccept or reject the media messages, their belief, morals and values, intelligence, needs and interests and opinions.
Among the innumerous psychological studies have been executed so far, two important concepts that emarge, can be considered significantly. These two concepts are ‘selective expossure’ and’selective perception’ which appear to be a barrier between the message and effect actively. Media messages can not produce any influence on these types of audience members who belong to the group of ‘selective expossure’ and ‘selective perception’ in the communication process. Such barriers evolved due to selective exposssure and selective perception, do limit the scope of impact of mass communication on the people directly.
Selective Expossure; It happens when the audience members are selectively emphasized or tend to on communications in accordance with their established conviction and attitudes and avoid the other communications as if, their belief might not be challenged anyhow. Such audience members do like to stay within the boundary of preferred communication, where they feel better and get easy .
For instance, the followers of ‘communism’, do allow themselves to get exposed to anticommunist rallies, meeings, newspapers and other types of communications with the apprehension of facing any challenge that might inflict their beliefs and fidelity. Simply, they try keep themselves from anykinds of confliction or embarrassment.
Selective perception; After being selectively exposed to any communication according to their preferences, the individuals tend to stay at or read into messages as per the fulfillments of their needs and interests. It is called selective perception. Selective perception implies the inclination of audience members to specific messages in the process of communication avoiding or overpassing the others of importace even. It also signifies the attitudes or tendencies of audience members to misinterpret or misevaluate the messages according to their predisposition and suitability. Very often it has been experienced , that the audience members belong to this group of selective perception, have tried prejudicially to tweast or temper the antiprejudice messages to appear or exist as in the form of biased. Such audience members distorts the message to mean or sound according to them in biased manner. According to the experiment conducted by Mr,Biggot,who showed that the prejudiced people twisted the meanng of anti-prejudiced propaganda so it ended up reinforcing their existing biases.
In an another experiment carried jointly by Melvin L,De Fleur and Sandra Bell-Rokeach,which showed that individual audience members selectively attend to interpretor retain the messages particularly if they are related to their interests, consistent with their attitudes,congruent to their beliefs and supportive of their values.
The above two experimental results indicate the barriers that evolved between Mass media and the audience members significantly, due toinfluence produced from ‘ selective expossure’ and ‘selective perception’.
1.4; Personel Influence Theory.
This theory specifically based on the facts of election, and was developed by Paul E, Lazersfeld after the presidential election of the US that held in the year 1940. According to his studies, Lazersfeld followed that the voters were not influenced directly by the mass communication. Interpersonal relationships had the predominance over the mass media in influencing the audience members in their dicesion making,was observed in the said study. Political discussion with others, as held by the audience members particularly with the ‘ opinion leader’, had more effecivet outcome respect to their decision making than the mass media could manage or excute the same. This study on voters as influenced by the ‘opinion leader’ further had led to develop two theories in this regard are; (a) Two-step flowt Theory, (b) Multi-step flow Theory, are discussed as follows;
(a) Two-step flow theory :- According to this theory that envisages that, the informations usually flow from the mass communication i,e. mass media sources to the ‘opinion leader’ directly and then trnspass to the less active section of the population. It happens so that the informations available to the major people of the society,exist as secondhand. Because the informations which come to the ‘opinion leader’ from the mass media at first, are used and processed by the ‘opinion leader’ for further forwarding or transmission to the unaware major population of the society.The major people access the secondhand message i,e. different from the original one as delivered by the mass media initially.
As per the study,it was seen that in general the voters did not have any regular exposure or access to the mass media significantly. All they have access to the ‘opinion leader’ who had enormous influence over them in moulding their decision and setting up their opinion considerably. Here it is very clear from the studied result and analysis, that the mass media operations have been overturned and inflcted by the ‘opinion leader’ as well.
(b) Multi-step flow theory :- This theory came after the modification of two-step flow theory, which stated as ; the ‘opinion leader’ possess the ability to influence upward i,e. mass media and downward i,e. the less active or unaware section of the people of the society. The ‘opinion leader’ can direct the editors of different mass media like radio,newspaper, and television,that how they will work in disseminating the messages to the audience members. Here mass media messages are distorted forcefully and made according to the desire of the ‘opinion leader’. Again the ‘opinion leader’ discusses and exchanges ‘views and ideas’ with other ‘opinion leader’ to produce ‘sideway’ influences. Finally it happens so,that the messages are reaching to the less active users or audiences through few junctions or relay points. Informationsfrom the mass media, are coming to the audiences, either directly, or by secondhandly or by thirdhandly and so on . In these ways of transmission of messages lose its originality.
We see that the above mentioned theories of informations diminish and discredit the impact or influence of mass communication due to external barriers like interceptive influence of ‘opinion leader’, interpersonal channels and social relations of audiences. These interceptive influences are sufficiently abe to dilute the messages of mass mediay as well as diffuse the optimum effect of mass media.
1.5 Sociological heory Of Mass Communication;
While searching to have a significant relationship between the mass communication and the social changes , sociological approaches in this regard have succeeded in focusing furthermore on the values, beliefs and passion of the society people as retained by the mass media through its’ cultivation and how mass media set up agenda for the people of the society.Not only that, how and whythe mass media have been used by the people o the society, have been highlighted. The mass media do possess control over the people of the society, is also established by different sociological approaches. Different approaches have led to develop few important theories in elaborating all in this regard.
Cultivating Theory; The mass media indulge in cultivating messages that constitute or form a types of images and beliefs in within the audience members of the society. A persistent and repeated exposure to the mass media pragramms or messages, audience members are seemingly moulded or transformed to maintain that images and beliefs. According to george gerbner it is “ cultivating of dominant image pattern”,who developed this theory of cultivation.Mass media cultivate what messages in terms of their activities or regular presentation, the users or audiences of the mass media absorb those outcome, in the subconscious status of their mind, and get it reinforcedly in their mind and ultimately do carry it as common belief, customs and tentative to the contemporary world.
According to this theory, Gerbner wanted to show that messages of mass media do conform to the real life and inspire to fantacy as well as to ignore practicability. For a long and repeated exposure to the television messages or programme, lead to change or mould the attitudes,beliefs, judgements and values of the people of the society significantly.
Agenda-Setting heory; This theory was developed by Macomb and Shaw, in relation with the election campaigning, whre the important issues or ‘agendas’ of party, are constituted by the politicians, before approaching to the voters with a view to convince them. This theory finds a link or conformity between the orders of importance or priorty has been given to the ‘issues’ in the media and the order of significance attached to the same ‘issues’ by the people and the politicians. The theoy ended-up wih this inference that the media priority to the ‘ issues’ became the public priorty ultimately. This phenomenon discredits the media control over the audiences, as they failed to show their predominance over the public in moulding them well.
Agenda-Setting Theory based on election campaigning is insufficient in showing the analysis of media attention to the different ‘ issues’ in the relevant period of time, and some indication of relevant media use by the concerned people. So this theory is remained indecisive.
The use and The Gratification Theory:- The theory based on the question; how do the people use the mass media and why do they use? The theory was developed by Katz. The approaches to the ‘uses’ assumed, that the usears of the mass media are active and they expose to the media willingly. The potential contents of the mass media can not influence the individual who does not find any use of it usually depending upon the environment where he resides. Media use by the people mostly related to to the selectivity, perception and beliefs which are already held within them. The uses of mass media are regulated by these factors like environment where the people reside, people’s interests and needs etc.
The gratification on the other hand implies the rewards and satisfaction acquired by the people after the use of mass media messages or contents. People expose themselves to the mass media contents according to their objectives,habits and interests for achieving pleasure and satisfaction. Mass media provide such pleasure and satisfactions as the awards to the people exposed to media contents.The theory allows to know all about the motives and habits of the audiences behnd their exposure to the mass media.
As per the theory,we can identify three distinct groups, who belong to ‘the uses and gratification’ studies that had been conducted. The first group one,who inquire about the media contents that can provide satisfaction or pleasure. The second another, who intend or pay attention to the ‘social and environmental’ circumstances. The third group at the last, who keenly pay emphasis on the fulfillments of their ‘needs’.
Dependency Theory:- There are so many psychological and social factors which bring obstructions to the mass media in exercising the arbitary control on the audience members of the society. Considering those mentioned impeding factors, a cognizable dependency of mass media on the society people who exist as audiences, was recogonised by De Fleur and Bell-Rokeach through their studies in this regard. De Fleur and Bell-Rokeach developed this theory that can be explained as follows; that the mass media lack their arbitary influence power as well as personal lack of freedom to engage in arbitary communication behaviour well. They added more to say that both mass media and the audience members are imperative and integral part of their society. The psychological and social factors that regulate and controlthe mass media contents as well as media effect on the audiences well. In understanding the society overall,to keep up with our society, we do resort to mass communication in incrasing order. Our dependence and fidelity in mass communication, has been identified very conspicuously. Mass media can claim to have enjoyed such power over us.
1.6 Normative Theories of Mass Communication;
Media is the speaker or presenter of all about facts and happenings that take place in the society. It pay attention and focus on the major considerable issues of the society as to highlight extensively for the public interests. But ‘Normative Theories’ indicate that how do the mass media remain obliged to function in accordance with the political-economic circumstances of the society. Each society has its control over the mass media as to allow them to be operated within the laid guidelinesset up by the respective society. The ‘normative theories’ had been developed by Siebert el al, who classified all the media operations held worldwide in all four categories. Later on two more theories developed by Denis Mcquai,l had been listed in addition to that four theories.
Authoritarian Theory:- The theory specifies the environment in which the media ought to act as the subordinate to the state power or the rulling class. Mass media try to remain loyal to the authorities as to satisfy their needs as well as to fullfil their interests. Though the freedom of speech or press is refused by the authority as well,yet the mass media avoid any implication and regard the principle and order of the state government who carries the opinions of the majority of the state or the society. Mass media perform their activities in accord with the guidelines and orders as stipulated by the rulling party or the government without going to any confliction. The mass media do not undermine to work in such repressive and compulsive environment, where mass media fail to exercise their power as well as establish their identities. Such environment is experiences in dictorial and and orthodox or repressive society, where any deviation or infringement of set up guidelines if committed by the mass media, is considered to be a criminal offencelike and liable to punishment. The mass media do work in compromising manner always with the existing rulling class. Even in democratic regime, during the war and internal or external emergency, mass media have to face such obligations and constraints as imposed by the state government. It is the most common phenon that, in such crucial period of time, the any democratic government operate the mass media according to their principle adopted for satisfying its needs and purposes.
Free Press Theory:- This theory is particularly based on the fundamental right of individual that ensure the ‘freedom of speech and expression’ for everyone. The theory describes the liberty of publishing of any writings or opinions whatsoever any human does want or opt for. Mass media enjoy enormous power in exercising their activities with entitled freedom in liberal democracies. This theory is also denoted as ‘Libertarian Theory’. The theory supports such environment, where expression of opinion is allowed not only to any individual but also to any assembly of people in organized manner. The theory has emphasized the freedom of press to a greater extent which untenable. Because excessive or limitless power of mass media, may bring difficulties to the government of the state in exercising its role and responsibilies smoothly. If mass media encourage any types of misuses of their allowed power intentionally, then serious damage may appear in the form of imbalance and mistrust to the democracy. It is fact, that the free pree theory allow to concentrate power to the ownership concerned but fails to ensure same to the editors as well as the journalists significantly.
Social Responsibilty Theory :- Mass media are basically responsible and accountable to the society in disseminating the news or informations that may reflect the true pictures of the society. They need to follow and maintain certain ethics to establish moral values and beliefs in the society. This theory justifies such responsibility to the mass media as if they they should remain obliged to the informational, social and moral needs of the society. The mass media must focus and pay attention towards the diverse sections and areas of the society despite any priorities. Keeping balance in all respect in decracy, is a hard task indeed. Mass media need to maintain that required balance, through their fair judgement and correct evaluation for every event for the sake of the society. This theory also proposes for the establishment of the self regulatory bodies for the mass media.The self regulatory authority would ensure the followings as below:
(a) Statutes for the editorials and the journalistic works.
(b) The code of ethics.
( c) Anti-monopoly legislations.
(d) regulation of advertisements.
Communist Media Theory :- T he theory evolved after the revolution held in Soviet Russia in the year 1917. This theory was developed with the basic principles of Marx and Engel and also known to be ‘Soviet Mmedia Theory’. According to this theory, mass media must remain under the control of the working class of the country. Media would remain obligated to these working class in serving their purposeses and fulfilling their interests as well. The theory do not support any private or ownership pattern media operation. In such environment, media would require to act positively for the sake of the country, relating to the necessary information, education, motivation and mobilization. The media must encourage and inspire the people of the society by projectingall about of the society in the realm of Marxism and Leninism.
The theory is motly alike to the ‘Authoritarian Theory’ which signifies that, the media would remain under the control of state power where they might perform their activities as self regulatory without an arbitary interference expected from the authorities as held in the case of ‘Authoritarian Theory’.
Development Communication Theory:- The theory is based on how could communication be involved in the act of the development for the nationbuilding. According to this theory, mass media are brought to be engaged to perform all about their activities in line with theplans, programmes and measures those have been adopted nationwide by the government of the state. The mass media must possess the dedicative attitude towards the nation, inspiring and motivating as well, calling them into participations to the developmental works with a view to nation building. So why, in enhancing this great mission as well as accomplishing the hard task of the national development, the freedom of mass media and the journalists need to be restricted unavoidably. In this task of development for the nation, the mass media would highlight the most needful areas like, poverty, mal-nutrition, education, unemployment, drought and flood etc as to aware,motivate and engage the society people into the developmental works ultimately. The mass media would require to inter-transfer every informations between the society people and the government for successful achievements in the mission of the developmental tasks for nation building.
The theory can be established in effective manner, is mostly depending upon how the government of the state could handle and control the mass media in operating them to achieve the target through the national developmental tasks. In persuing the desired tasks for development,the government would require to intervene the freedom of press by restricting them from exercising their rights considerably.
Democratic Participation Theory:- In this theory, Mcquail has put stress on the needs, interests and aspiration of the audiences who are actively involved as well as exposed to the mass media. According to this theory, liberty to access any information and reply to the same, is entertained and suppoted well, In this regard it also ensures the right to use any means or devises for interactive purposes based on small scale operating system in the society.
The above theory has emphasized mostly in exercising the rights of the society people through spreading out the mass media operations in decentralized manner in the community. It also entails that, the mass media should act for preserving the needs and interests of the audiences rather than for its own organization and its professionals.The theory encourage a democratic environment where community participations are are invited significantly.
Few Others Theory Of Communication;-
Mass Society Theory ;-
According to this theory, mass media enjoy as well as exercise their power in the society being influenced partially by the economic and political power that govern the society as well. Mass mediaare oftenly inclined and try to serve the purposes or interests of the mighty economic and political power, through their loosely and appeasing contents. The theory although demonstrates the supremacy of mass media preenting as maintainer and cause of the mass society.
Political Economic Theory Of Media:- The influence of Marxist’s ideology is presentand well experienced in this theory, in which main attention has been paid to the economic status of the mass media rather than its ideological contents. The economic based theory that concentrates more attributes to the ownership patterns and operation of mass media market forces. The theory clearly indicates that the mass media are to be considered as the important parts of the economic system, being closely related with the political power. Moreover, when the economic interest of owner is emphasized, the needs of profit for media operation is also looked for significantly.
This theory limist the indepence of mass media sources and concentrates to the the extensive market of the mass media. According to this theory, the interests of the larger portion of the pooe people are denied considerably.
The Culture and SemioticTheory:-
It is a distinct way of communication, being widely separated from the usual method, is conducted through certain signs and symbols. In this type of communtion procedure, the sender sends only meaning in lieu of any message to the receiver. Although the transmission of message like in the communication process,does not appeaor held r in the semiotic theory, yet it is considered a part of communication due to transfer of meaning that serves the purpose of communication. The signs and symbols enable both sender and receiver to be communicated in meaningful manner.
Among the innumerous psychological studies have been executed so far, two important concepts that emarge, can be considered significantly. These two concepts are ‘selective expossure’ and’selective perception’ which appear to be a barrier between the message and effect actively. Media messages can not produce any influence on these types of audience members who belong to the group of ‘selective expossure’ and ‘selective perception’ in the communication process. Such barriers evolved due to selective exposssure and selective perception, do limit the scope of impact of mass communication on the people directly.
Selective Expossure; It happens when the audience members are selectively emphasized or tend to on communications in accordance with their established conviction and attitudes and avoid the other communications as if, their belief might not be challenged anyhow. Such audience members do like to stay within the boundary of preferred communication, where they feel better and get easy .
For instance, the followers of ‘communism’, do allow themselves to get exposed to anticommunist rallies, meeings, newspapers and other types of communications with the apprehension of facing any challenge that might inflict their beliefs and fidelity. Simply, they try keep themselves from anykinds of confliction or embarrassment.
Selective perception; After being selectively exposed to any communication according to their preferences, the individuals tend to stay at or read into messages as per the fulfillments of their needs and interests. It is called selective perception. Selective perception implies the inclination of audience members to specific messages in the process of communication avoiding or overpassing the others of importace even. It also signifies the attitudes or tendencies of audience members to misinterpret or misevaluate the messages according to their predisposition and suitability. Very often it has been experienced , that the audience members belong to this group of selective perception, have tried prejudicially to tweast or temper the antiprejudice messages to appear or exist as in the form of biased. Such audience members distorts the message to mean or sound according to them in biased manner. According to the experiment conducted by Mr,Biggot,who showed that the prejudiced people twisted the meanng of anti-prejudiced propaganda so it ended up reinforcing their existing biases.
In an another experiment carried jointly by Melvin L,De Fleur and Sandra Bell-Rokeach,which showed that individual audience members selectively attend to interpretor retain the messages particularly if they are related to their interests, consistent with their attitudes,congruent to their beliefs and supportive of their values.
The above two experimental results indicate the barriers that evolved between Mass media and the audience members significantly, due toinfluence produced from ‘ selective expossure’ and ‘selective perception’.
1.4; Personel Influence Theory.
This theory specifically based on the facts of election, and was developed by Paul E, Lazersfeld after the presidential election of the US that held in the year 1940. According to his studies, Lazersfeld followed that the voters were not influenced directly by the mass communication. Interpersonal relationships had the predominance over the mass media in influencing the audience members in their dicesion making,was observed in the said study. Political discussion with others, as held by the audience members particularly with the ‘ opinion leader’, had more effecivet outcome respect to their decision making than the mass media could manage or excute the same. This study on voters as influenced by the ‘opinion leader’ further had led to develop two theories in this regard are; (a) Two-step flowt Theory, (b) Multi-step flow Theory, are discussed as follows;
(a) Two-step flow theory :- According to this theory that envisages that, the informations usually flow from the mass communication i,e. mass media sources to the ‘opinion leader’ directly and then trnspass to the less active section of the population. It happens so that the informations available to the major people of the society,exist as secondhand. Because the informations which come to the ‘opinion leader’ from the mass media at first, are used and processed by the ‘opinion leader’ for further forwarding or transmission to the unaware major population of the society.The major people access the secondhand message i,e. different from the original one as delivered by the mass media initially.
As per the study,it was seen that in general the voters did not have any regular exposure or access to the mass media significantly. All they have access to the ‘opinion leader’ who had enormous influence over them in moulding their decision and setting up their opinion considerably. Here it is very clear from the studied result and analysis, that the mass media operations have been overturned and inflcted by the ‘opinion leader’ as well.
(b) Multi-step flow theory :- This theory came after the modification of two-step flow theory, which stated as ; the ‘opinion leader’ possess the ability to influence upward i,e. mass media and downward i,e. the less active or unaware section of the people of the society. The ‘opinion leader’ can direct the editors of different mass media like radio,newspaper, and television,that how they will work in disseminating the messages to the audience members. Here mass media messages are distorted forcefully and made according to the desire of the ‘opinion leader’. Again the ‘opinion leader’ discusses and exchanges ‘views and ideas’ with other ‘opinion leader’ to produce ‘sideway’ influences. Finally it happens so,that the messages are reaching to the less active users or audiences through few junctions or relay points. Informationsfrom the mass media, are coming to the audiences, either directly, or by secondhandly or by thirdhandly and so on . In these ways of transmission of messages lose its originality.
We see that the above mentioned theories of informations diminish and discredit the impact or influence of mass communication due to external barriers like interceptive influence of ‘opinion leader’, interpersonal channels and social relations of audiences. These interceptive influences are sufficiently abe to dilute the messages of mass mediay as well as diffuse the optimum effect of mass media.
1.5 Sociological heory Of Mass Communication;
While searching to have a significant relationship between the mass communication and the social changes , sociological approaches in this regard have succeeded in focusing furthermore on the values, beliefs and passion of the society people as retained by the mass media through its’ cultivation and how mass media set up agenda for the people of the society.Not only that, how and whythe mass media have been used by the people o the society, have been highlighted. The mass media do possess control over the people of the society, is also established by different sociological approaches. Different approaches have led to develop few important theories in elaborating all in this regard.
Cultivating Theory; The mass media indulge in cultivating messages that constitute or form a types of images and beliefs in within the audience members of the society. A persistent and repeated exposure to the mass media pragramms or messages, audience members are seemingly moulded or transformed to maintain that images and beliefs. According to george gerbner it is “ cultivating of dominant image pattern”,who developed this theory of cultivation.Mass media cultivate what messages in terms of their activities or regular presentation, the users or audiences of the mass media absorb those outcome, in the subconscious status of their mind, and get it reinforcedly in their mind and ultimately do carry it as common belief, customs and tentative to the contemporary world.
According to this theory, Gerbner wanted to show that messages of mass media do conform to the real life and inspire to fantacy as well as to ignore practicability. For a long and repeated exposure to the television messages or programme, lead to change or mould the attitudes,beliefs, judgements and values of the people of the society significantly.
Agenda-Setting heory; This theory was developed by Macomb and Shaw, in relation with the election campaigning, whre the important issues or ‘agendas’ of party, are constituted by the politicians, before approaching to the voters with a view to convince them. This theory finds a link or conformity between the orders of importance or priorty has been given to the ‘issues’ in the media and the order of significance attached to the same ‘issues’ by the people and the politicians. The theoy ended-up wih this inference that the media priority to the ‘ issues’ became the public priorty ultimately. This phenomenon discredits the media control over the audiences, as they failed to show their predominance over the public in moulding them well.
Agenda-Setting Theory based on election campaigning is insufficient in showing the analysis of media attention to the different ‘ issues’ in the relevant period of time, and some indication of relevant media use by the concerned people. So this theory is remained indecisive.
The use and The Gratification Theory:- The theory based on the question; how do the people use the mass media and why do they use? The theory was developed by Katz. The approaches to the ‘uses’ assumed, that the usears of the mass media are active and they expose to the media willingly. The potential contents of the mass media can not influence the individual who does not find any use of it usually depending upon the environment where he resides. Media use by the people mostly related to to the selectivity, perception and beliefs which are already held within them. The uses of mass media are regulated by these factors like environment where the people reside, people’s interests and needs etc.
The gratification on the other hand implies the rewards and satisfaction acquired by the people after the use of mass media messages or contents. People expose themselves to the mass media contents according to their objectives,habits and interests for achieving pleasure and satisfaction. Mass media provide such pleasure and satisfactions as the awards to the people exposed to media contents.The theory allows to know all about the motives and habits of the audiences behnd their exposure to the mass media.
As per the theory,we can identify three distinct groups, who belong to ‘the uses and gratification’ studies that had been conducted. The first group one,who inquire about the media contents that can provide satisfaction or pleasure. The second another, who intend or pay attention to the ‘social and environmental’ circumstances. The third group at the last, who keenly pay emphasis on the fulfillments of their ‘needs’.
Dependency Theory:- There are so many psychological and social factors which bring obstructions to the mass media in exercising the arbitary control on the audience members of the society. Considering those mentioned impeding factors, a cognizable dependency of mass media on the society people who exist as audiences, was recogonised by De Fleur and Bell-Rokeach through their studies in this regard. De Fleur and Bell-Rokeach developed this theory that can be explained as follows; that the mass media lack their arbitary influence power as well as personal lack of freedom to engage in arbitary communication behaviour well. They added more to say that both mass media and the audience members are imperative and integral part of their society. The psychological and social factors that regulate and controlthe mass media contents as well as media effect on the audiences well. In understanding the society overall,to keep up with our society, we do resort to mass communication in incrasing order. Our dependence and fidelity in mass communication, has been identified very conspicuously. Mass media can claim to have enjoyed such power over us.
1.6 Normative Theories of Mass Communication;
Media is the speaker or presenter of all about facts and happenings that take place in the society. It pay attention and focus on the major considerable issues of the society as to highlight extensively for the public interests. But ‘Normative Theories’ indicate that how do the mass media remain obliged to function in accordance with the political-economic circumstances of the society. Each society has its control over the mass media as to allow them to be operated within the laid guidelinesset up by the respective society. The ‘normative theories’ had been developed by Siebert el al, who classified all the media operations held worldwide in all four categories. Later on two more theories developed by Denis Mcquai,l had been listed in addition to that four theories.
Authoritarian Theory:- The theory specifies the environment in which the media ought to act as the subordinate to the state power or the rulling class. Mass media try to remain loyal to the authorities as to satisfy their needs as well as to fullfil their interests. Though the freedom of speech or press is refused by the authority as well,yet the mass media avoid any implication and regard the principle and order of the state government who carries the opinions of the majority of the state or the society. Mass media perform their activities in accord with the guidelines and orders as stipulated by the rulling party or the government without going to any confliction. The mass media do not undermine to work in such repressive and compulsive environment, where mass media fail to exercise their power as well as establish their identities. Such environment is experiences in dictorial and and orthodox or repressive society, where any deviation or infringement of set up guidelines if committed by the mass media, is considered to be a criminal offencelike and liable to punishment. The mass media do work in compromising manner always with the existing rulling class. Even in democratic regime, during the war and internal or external emergency, mass media have to face such obligations and constraints as imposed by the state government. It is the most common phenon that, in such crucial period of time, the any democratic government operate the mass media according to their principle adopted for satisfying its needs and purposes.
Free Press Theory:- This theory is particularly based on the fundamental right of individual that ensure the ‘freedom of speech and expression’ for everyone. The theory describes the liberty of publishing of any writings or opinions whatsoever any human does want or opt for. Mass media enjoy enormous power in exercising their activities with entitled freedom in liberal democracies. This theory is also denoted as ‘Libertarian Theory’. The theory supports such environment, where expression of opinion is allowed not only to any individual but also to any assembly of people in organized manner. The theory has emphasized the freedom of press to a greater extent which untenable. Because excessive or limitless power of mass media, may bring difficulties to the government of the state in exercising its role and responsibilies smoothly. If mass media encourage any types of misuses of their allowed power intentionally, then serious damage may appear in the form of imbalance and mistrust to the democracy. It is fact, that the free pree theory allow to concentrate power to the ownership concerned but fails to ensure same to the editors as well as the journalists significantly.
Social Responsibilty Theory :- Mass media are basically responsible and accountable to the society in disseminating the news or informations that may reflect the true pictures of the society. They need to follow and maintain certain ethics to establish moral values and beliefs in the society. This theory justifies such responsibility to the mass media as if they they should remain obliged to the informational, social and moral needs of the society. The mass media must focus and pay attention towards the diverse sections and areas of the society despite any priorities. Keeping balance in all respect in decracy, is a hard task indeed. Mass media need to maintain that required balance, through their fair judgement and correct evaluation for every event for the sake of the society. This theory also proposes for the establishment of the self regulatory bodies for the mass media.The self regulatory authority would ensure the followings as below:
(a) Statutes for the editorials and the journalistic works.
(b) The code of ethics.
( c) Anti-monopoly legislations.
(d) regulation of advertisements.
Communist Media Theory :- T he theory evolved after the revolution held in Soviet Russia in the year 1917. This theory was developed with the basic principles of Marx and Engel and also known to be ‘Soviet Mmedia Theory’. According to this theory, mass media must remain under the control of the working class of the country. Media would remain obligated to these working class in serving their purposeses and fulfilling their interests as well. The theory do not support any private or ownership pattern media operation. In such environment, media would require to act positively for the sake of the country, relating to the necessary information, education, motivation and mobilization. The media must encourage and inspire the people of the society by projectingall about of the society in the realm of Marxism and Leninism.
The theory is motly alike to the ‘Authoritarian Theory’ which signifies that, the media would remain under the control of state power where they might perform their activities as self regulatory without an arbitary interference expected from the authorities as held in the case of ‘Authoritarian Theory’.
Development Communication Theory:- The theory is based on how could communication be involved in the act of the development for the nationbuilding. According to this theory, mass media are brought to be engaged to perform all about their activities in line with theplans, programmes and measures those have been adopted nationwide by the government of the state. The mass media must possess the dedicative attitude towards the nation, inspiring and motivating as well, calling them into participations to the developmental works with a view to nation building. So why, in enhancing this great mission as well as accomplishing the hard task of the national development, the freedom of mass media and the journalists need to be restricted unavoidably. In this task of development for the nation, the mass media would highlight the most needful areas like, poverty, mal-nutrition, education, unemployment, drought and flood etc as to aware,motivate and engage the society people into the developmental works ultimately. The mass media would require to inter-transfer every informations between the society people and the government for successful achievements in the mission of the developmental tasks for nation building.
The theory can be established in effective manner, is mostly depending upon how the government of the state could handle and control the mass media in operating them to achieve the target through the national developmental tasks. In persuing the desired tasks for development,the government would require to intervene the freedom of press by restricting them from exercising their rights considerably.
Democratic Participation Theory:- In this theory, Mcquail has put stress on the needs, interests and aspiration of the audiences who are actively involved as well as exposed to the mass media. According to this theory, liberty to access any information and reply to the same, is entertained and suppoted well, In this regard it also ensures the right to use any means or devises for interactive purposes based on small scale operating system in the society.
The above theory has emphasized mostly in exercising the rights of the society people through spreading out the mass media operations in decentralized manner in the community. It also entails that, the mass media should act for preserving the needs and interests of the audiences rather than for its own organization and its professionals.The theory encourage a democratic environment where community participations are are invited significantly.
Few Others Theory Of Communication;-
Mass Society Theory ;-
According to this theory, mass media enjoy as well as exercise their power in the society being influenced partially by the economic and political power that govern the society as well. Mass mediaare oftenly inclined and try to serve the purposes or interests of the mighty economic and political power, through their loosely and appeasing contents. The theory although demonstrates the supremacy of mass media preenting as maintainer and cause of the mass society.
Political Economic Theory Of Media:- The influence of Marxist’s ideology is presentand well experienced in this theory, in which main attention has been paid to the economic status of the mass media rather than its ideological contents. The economic based theory that concentrates more attributes to the ownership patterns and operation of mass media market forces. The theory clearly indicates that the mass media are to be considered as the important parts of the economic system, being closely related with the political power. Moreover, when the economic interest of owner is emphasized, the needs of profit for media operation is also looked for significantly.
This theory limist the indepence of mass media sources and concentrates to the the extensive market of the mass media. According to this theory, the interests of the larger portion of the pooe people are denied considerably.
The Culture and SemioticTheory:-
It is a distinct way of communication, being widely separated from the usual method, is conducted through certain signs and symbols. In this type of communtion procedure, the sender sends only meaning in lieu of any message to the receiver. Although the transmission of message like in the communication process,does not appeaor held r in the semiotic theory, yet it is considered a part of communication due to transfer of meaning that serves the purpose of communication. The signs and symbols enable both sender and receiver to be communicated in meaningful manner.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Model Of Communicatio
Chapter-2, Models Of Communication.
1.1,. Introduction: It has been followed that, comuunication starts with the delivery or dissemination of various contents or messages that are initiated by the the sender through selected channel as to establish a link with the receiver with a view to invite participation in that process of communication. The whole process of communication can be represented by different structurised forms or patterns, by means of which the perception of communication could be visualized or enlightened more effectively, strengthfully as well as in consolidated manner. The necessity of such structurised form or pattern is essential to represent the communication process with greater reality and validity. How all the essential elements are are involved in a process of communication, as to establish an effective relationship between the sender and receiver, is described mechanistically to ensure the reality and feasibility within the process of communication.
1.2 Defination & Meaning: Model means generally, a portrayal or miniature that are constructed or designed with a view to represents any big or vast project, as to highlight or conceptualise over all.Model can explains any big project or arrangement to make it easily understandable to other. For making a big steel industry,strating from the source of ‘hematite (iron ore) to the finished steel, so many steps or processes are to be followed to convert the raw materials to finished product I,e. steel. It is a vast arrangement indeed. Very simply the total arrangements could demonstrated or displayed in a sqire foot area by constructing a model.Such model is able to provide over all ideas about a vast project like steel industry which is to set up in the country n future.
*Thus model of communication help us to visualize or explain clearly how flow of communication tkes place or happens that we experience in our life everyday. Communication model involves all the indispensable elements to clarify over all about the process of communication with a view to beterrise our ideas or perceptions on the process of communication.
Model of communication can be defined as the pictorial demonstration on the flow or propagation of communication by involving the essential elements which are interdependently accorded with, as to support or enhance the the act of communication. Model of communication can describe or produce insights or perception in human being all about the mechanism of communication at a glance.Though communication is unfathomable and more than what we can describe. Communication process can not be delimited in this manner,where a link or any relationship that could be brought or established between a sender and receiver in the way of transmission messeage with the support of various channels. Yet, we get definitely an over all knowledge or ideas on the activity of communication.Model ensures us to think more about the communication process within its framework underlined.
1.3 Construction of model & its’ Development : In the earlier concept of the comuninication process, only three elements were considered to be imperative as well as important parts of the whole process of any communication. So,the sender, the message and the receiver only these three elements were thought to be almost all about the communication process.The other indispensable elements like, channel, feedback, noise were not at all considered to be the needful parts of communication . process. Earlier concept has described the communication, as the way of persuading or informing someone to a greater extent. Then the recipient was thought to be passive. The sender ‘A’ sendsany message ‘M’ to the receiver ‘R’. In this part, B is considered as passive. But message has power to manipulate the recipient of it. Message must generate something reaction within the mind of B. B may need to response the sent message. This act of ‘response’initiated by B,as to send back to the sender A, was not at all considered to fulfill the needful elements and other characteristicsof communication process. It can be demonstrated as follows;
A delivers a message to B, A deliners another message to B,
again A delivers a message to B, similarly A delivers a next message to B.
The above model was constructed during the second world war (1935-1945) as an useful model by means of which,the ideas,knowledge and feelings were thought to be spontaneously transferred from the sender to the receiver. This one-way based communication model was widely known as ‘magic bullet’ and is obsoeate presently.
A simplest form of communication model was constructed by, Claude Shannon and Warren Weavver which does include the ‘telephone’ as the medium for transmiting the messages to make it partly viable as well as an useful model for communicationprocess. One of the famous model of that time was developed by Herad, D, Lasswell in the form of questions (5Ws model).Both of these two models contribute to further development of few models later, as brought by the scholars like Wilber Shramm, George Gerbner and C,E,Osgood One of the simplest from of such model can be demonstrated as follows;
(sender) (message) (Receiver)
Shramm’s model
This model of communication can just explain what about the ‘sender’ sends or deliver the ‘message’to the receiver only. The ‘message’ is generated or initiated by the ‘sender’ as to deliver to the ‘receiver’. The concept of ‘one way’ communication is reflected in such model as well;
‘ Sender sends the message to the receiver’, does not include the other active parts or elements that could be essential to enhance or complete the process of communication. Earlier concept of communication, considered the ‘inter-personal communication predominantly, keeping aside the consideration or acceptance of other types of communication. The total consideration in the earlier concept, emphasized on ‘ face to face’ i,e inter-personal communication. As the , consideration of ‘channel, had not come to the account, so, think about ‘noise ‘ was redundant then. But now we have taken all (six) important parts or elements into our account to demonstrate the process of communication clearly, by constructing or developing suitable model as to serve our purposes. An all purpose model,which can explain the process of communication considering all essential elements,is as foloows;
Sender………….Message *****………Channel…….Receiver
1.4 Few Important Models Of Communication
Herald, D, Lasswell’s Model: This model is absolutely structurised or based on questions.There are five integral questions which have been included to represent the model as to demonstrate the whole process of communication. The questions are called or known as (5ws). The model can be viewed as follows;
Says What
In Which channel
To Whom
With What effect ?
The above questions could be represented in the pictorial form,is as follows;
---------. --------- --------------- ------------- -------------
Who --------- Says -------- In Which ---------To ---------- With What
-------- What Channel Whom Effect
-------- ------------ ---------- ---------------
The model can explain ‘Who’ as source or sender. Says ‘ What’ as message sent by the sender.Iin Which Channel’ as the medium chosen by the sender to deliver the message. ‘To Whom’ as the receiver who is the recipient of the sent message. ‘ With What Effect’ as the reaction or response to the sender as returned from the receiver respect to the sent message. The model describes clearly the process of communication considering all important elements taking into its account as well.
1.5 Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver’s Model:
The first ever an engineerin model was constructed by the two engineers, Shannon and Weaver, who involved few distinct technical arrangements in the ‘channel’ portion to beterise the system in the process of communication. In this model all important elements have been considered to describe the process of communication.Only the ‘channel’ was designed extraordinarily to give an innovative shape as compared to then.
The model can be drawn as follows:
Information Trans Receiver Receiver Desti
>>> Message>>>> >>>Signal>>> >>> >>>
Source mitter Signal nation
In this model , Shannon and Weaver has paid more attention towards ‘noise’ that could appear either in the applied technical arrangements in the system or from any outer sources. Noise can intercept or interrupt the spontaneous flow of meassage or converted signal that may lead to disrupt the link between the sender and receiver ultimately. Noise infrings the message quality. Successful communication may not be possible due to dissatisfaction evolved with the recipient from the illeligible or incomprehensive messages. Though it is average useful model of communication process
Later on an ‘Information Theory’ was developed by Shannon where he pointed out very clearly that every ‘ source’ has or possesses a ‘Message’ which is trying to get through some ‘Channel’ to some ‘Destination’. The source requires a transmitter to convert its’ message into a signal as it would be received by receptor or any receiver to produce an understandable message to the destination or the recipient.
1.6; Charles, E, Ossgood’s Model Of Communication.
This distinguished model of Osgood which is quietly different from the conventional models of those earlier days that we had come across so far. In this exclusive model,Osgood considered a circular form of the communication process. Here both sender and receiver is assumed to have equal contributory role as well as importance in the process of communication. The model can be demonstrated as follows;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ +
Encoder De+coder
Interpreter Interpretor
Decoder Encoder
+ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message >>>>>>>>>>> +
Osgood’s model.
As per above model Osgood wanted to point out that, the sender sends message to get response from the receiver as well as the receiver accepts the message from the sender to respond as well. The sender encodes any message to deliver to the receiver where,the receiver decodes the message in meaningful manner and finally,after encoding a message ,delivers to the sender as an answere or response. Now the sender accepts the message after decoding it in same manner.So,it is clear from the model,that the sender performs both encoding and decoding as well as the receiver does the same to complete the process of communication as well. Encoding and decoding both are the important part of the communication as performed by the sender as well as the receiver , in making the transmitted messages understandable to fulfill their purposes.
1.7; Wilber Shramm’s model Of Communication.
In the complex field of communication, to highlight the communication more vividly,Wilber Shramm has developed different types of communication models by giving shape to those after considering and judging from different angles or views of his own. Although he has emphasized particularly on ‘feedback’ and ‘noise’’ which are playing both an important role in the process of communication. Shramm’s model can be shown as follow;
……… Feedback……… Noise
………+ + ………… …. ………
Sender Message Receiver
………… ………….. ………….
+ +
…………………… Feedback………………..
he model looks like as if, sender is trying to communicate with the receiver constantly with his experience to achieve the relevant response i,e. ‘feedback’to establish a successful communication. Achievement of instant ‘feedback’ is possible only in the case of interpersonal communication where ‘face to face’ contact or link generally held. So, the model is suitable for interpersonal communication. Here noise may occure in the form of faulty telephone arrangements, ceaseless sound evolved from adjacent factory and transportations or traffics, musical sound from near by places even misspelt letter correspondence from either side that can create disturbances or obstacle in the process of communication. Shramm’s entire emphasis on ‘feedback’ and ‘noise’ both are instantly available eitherfrom intra-personal or inter-personal communication only, that was reflected through his different models of communication that he developed . If we write ,sing or dance jndividually,then it can be followed or experienced how each type of performance exists? Any corrective mesure that could be taken to give the required shape for every one activity. Here the part of encoding and decoding is done in turn by self. Such model was developed by Shramm was as follows;
………… ++
Interpretor Message……………>
………… ++
Decoder…<<<<………………… Shramm]s Model. Another model was developed by him in which he showed that, the communication is influenced by socio-cultural and economic factors which are prevailing phenomena in our society. Every message that is depending upon the past experience of both sender and receive, oftenly . Because the past experiences of both sender and receiver inevitably required to make easy the task of both ‘encoding’ and ‘decoding’ to facilititate or enhance the communication process. For example if a sender who is an agriculturist, wants to send message on the controversial issue of ‘nuclear deal’ between India with the US, to his another farmer friend then both of the part of ‘encoding’ and ‘decoding’ will fail to enhance the communication process.As both are not having any experience earlier, even they do not carry any knowledge at all which is based on science. Shramm considered this matter of experience pertaining to the environment emphatically which can be seen in the diagram as follows; ************* ******************** ******* Source>>>>Encoder>>>>>Signal>>>>De.coder>>>>Destination
**************** Fig:2.9 T *********************
he circular formed area signifies the acquired or accumulated experiences of both encoder and decoder who are trying to disseminate their messages in between them to start as well as continue the communication process. Here the source who initially encodes the representable message as to transmit to the receiver who decodes the same in understandable manner to make it usable. In response or reply the receiver conversely encodes his distributable message as tobe forwarded to the source or receiver.he source noe decodes the sent message in meaningful manner. From this model we can resolve that without possessing any prior experience or any perception by both sender and receiver, message do not allow to continue the process of communication successfully.The two circles need to meet or intercept as to coinside the ideas, knowledge or interests of both individuals who are intending to be inter-linked through their messages.Th intercepted portion of two circles is the common area where both individuals can share or exchange their ideas and views satisfactorily.
1.8; George Gerbner’s Model*
It is one of the most complex model among all others, that we have come across so far.In this model Gerbner wanted to relate the message to the reality, which enables us to progress further to consider the matter of ‘ perception’ and ‘meaning’ in the process of communication. Here, Gerbner has devided the communication process into two different segments as one is ‘perceptive or receptive’and another is ‘means or control’.
+>>>>>>>>>> M2
Gerbner’s model.
In this diagram, E is any event ( external reality) as perceived by the human being M with the aid of any appliance which can transmit messages like microphone,recorder or camera. M with his perception selects the events ( messages) his matter exists in the horizontal part of the diagram.
In the next vertical part , M with his own perceptive abily,processes the events whatever he has accepted or collected as to make it a meaningful and understandable structure.This is representable and is converted into transmitable ‘signal’ as SE. Now it is an important task to select the means (medium or channel) by which the ‘signal’ ( message) could be transmitted.satisfactorily. It could be newspaper, television or radio, is depending upon the character of the signal. Now who makes the selection and whose matter or picture of surrounding is transmitted as SE is a significant context. Television transmits the biased or exaggerating version of an event.
The last step of this model is appearing as once more again horizontally. Here M2 is a signal or a statement of an event or SE. The meaning of the message is not present in the message itself. Only it consists of the result evolved from the interaction and negotiation that held between the receiver and the message. M2 brings to SE, a set of ‘ needs and perception’ generated from his own culture and status or standards through which he can match and relate to SE with them, This can be understood only by the interaction and negotiation between M2 and SE., an effective meaning of SE.
1.9; Theodore M, Newcomb’s Model.
In this model of traingula form, Newcombs wanted to show how communication can regulate an equilibrium relationshipship within the society . He showed also how could communication play in our social system competently to support or overcome an environment that we face. He model can be described as follows;
S (society)
A >>>>>>>>>>>>> B
S2>>>>>>>>>>> S >>>G>>>>>>> A
S3 >>>>>>>>>>
Westley and MacLean’s model
Such model of communication is not applicable to other segments of communication which is stricktly adoptable in the sector of mass communication like newspaper, radio, film and television. Although this model is useful and effective but fails to take its consideration towards the relationship betweenthe mass media and the other sector of the society through which we deal with in our everyday life.
*Abridged Version*
The Various models of communication have allowed us to percept and understand how the communication process propagates through various important elements required for it. The role played by each element in the route of communication process, is studied and overved by us. How the process of communication is affected by the lack of each element, and how the communication process impacts our society, all have been highlighted through the demonstration of each model. Each model has individual performances and distinct specialities.No model can describe or highlight the the process of communication entirely in terms of complete sense or realization.
1.1,. Introduction: It has been followed that, comuunication starts with the delivery or dissemination of various contents or messages that are initiated by the the sender through selected channel as to establish a link with the receiver with a view to invite participation in that process of communication. The whole process of communication can be represented by different structurised forms or patterns, by means of which the perception of communication could be visualized or enlightened more effectively, strengthfully as well as in consolidated manner. The necessity of such structurised form or pattern is essential to represent the communication process with greater reality and validity. How all the essential elements are are involved in a process of communication, as to establish an effective relationship between the sender and receiver, is described mechanistically to ensure the reality and feasibility within the process of communication.
1.2 Defination & Meaning: Model means generally, a portrayal or miniature that are constructed or designed with a view to represents any big or vast project, as to highlight or conceptualise over all.Model can explains any big project or arrangement to make it easily understandable to other. For making a big steel industry,strating from the source of ‘hematite (iron ore) to the finished steel, so many steps or processes are to be followed to convert the raw materials to finished product I,e. steel. It is a vast arrangement indeed. Very simply the total arrangements could demonstrated or displayed in a sqire foot area by constructing a model.Such model is able to provide over all ideas about a vast project like steel industry which is to set up in the country n future.
*Thus model of communication help us to visualize or explain clearly how flow of communication tkes place or happens that we experience in our life everyday. Communication model involves all the indispensable elements to clarify over all about the process of communication with a view to beterrise our ideas or perceptions on the process of communication.
Model of communication can be defined as the pictorial demonstration on the flow or propagation of communication by involving the essential elements which are interdependently accorded with, as to support or enhance the the act of communication. Model of communication can describe or produce insights or perception in human being all about the mechanism of communication at a glance.Though communication is unfathomable and more than what we can describe. Communication process can not be delimited in this manner,where a link or any relationship that could be brought or established between a sender and receiver in the way of transmission messeage with the support of various channels. Yet, we get definitely an over all knowledge or ideas on the activity of communication.Model ensures us to think more about the communication process within its framework underlined.
1.3 Construction of model & its’ Development : In the earlier concept of the comuninication process, only three elements were considered to be imperative as well as important parts of the whole process of any communication. So,the sender, the message and the receiver only these three elements were thought to be almost all about the communication process.The other indispensable elements like, channel, feedback, noise were not at all considered to be the needful parts of communication . process. Earlier concept has described the communication, as the way of persuading or informing someone to a greater extent. Then the recipient was thought to be passive. The sender ‘A’ sendsany message ‘M’ to the receiver ‘R’. In this part, B is considered as passive. But message has power to manipulate the recipient of it. Message must generate something reaction within the mind of B. B may need to response the sent message. This act of ‘response’initiated by B,as to send back to the sender A, was not at all considered to fulfill the needful elements and other characteristicsof communication process. It can be demonstrated as follows;
A delivers a message to B, A deliners another message to B,
again A delivers a message to B, similarly A delivers a next message to B.
The above model was constructed during the second world war (1935-1945) as an useful model by means of which,the ideas,knowledge and feelings were thought to be spontaneously transferred from the sender to the receiver. This one-way based communication model was widely known as ‘magic bullet’ and is obsoeate presently.
A simplest form of communication model was constructed by, Claude Shannon and Warren Weavver which does include the ‘telephone’ as the medium for transmiting the messages to make it partly viable as well as an useful model for communicationprocess. One of the famous model of that time was developed by Herad, D, Lasswell in the form of questions (5Ws model).Both of these two models contribute to further development of few models later, as brought by the scholars like Wilber Shramm, George Gerbner and C,E,Osgood One of the simplest from of such model can be demonstrated as follows;
(sender) (message) (Receiver)
Shramm’s model
This model of communication can just explain what about the ‘sender’ sends or deliver the ‘message’to the receiver only. The ‘message’ is generated or initiated by the ‘sender’ as to deliver to the ‘receiver’. The concept of ‘one way’ communication is reflected in such model as well;
‘ Sender sends the message to the receiver’, does not include the other active parts or elements that could be essential to enhance or complete the process of communication. Earlier concept of communication, considered the ‘inter-personal communication predominantly, keeping aside the consideration or acceptance of other types of communication. The total consideration in the earlier concept, emphasized on ‘ face to face’ i,e inter-personal communication. As the , consideration of ‘channel, had not come to the account, so, think about ‘noise ‘ was redundant then. But now we have taken all (six) important parts or elements into our account to demonstrate the process of communication clearly, by constructing or developing suitable model as to serve our purposes. An all purpose model,which can explain the process of communication considering all essential elements,is as foloows;
Sender………….Message *****………Channel…….Receiver
1.4 Few Important Models Of Communication
Herald, D, Lasswell’s Model: This model is absolutely structurised or based on questions.There are five integral questions which have been included to represent the model as to demonstrate the whole process of communication. The questions are called or known as (5ws). The model can be viewed as follows;
Says What
In Which channel
To Whom
With What effect ?
The above questions could be represented in the pictorial form,is as follows;
---------. --------- --------------- ------------- -------------
Who --------- Says -------- In Which ---------To ---------- With What
-------- What Channel Whom Effect
-------- ------------ ---------- ---------------
The model can explain ‘Who’ as source or sender. Says ‘ What’ as message sent by the sender.Iin Which Channel’ as the medium chosen by the sender to deliver the message. ‘To Whom’ as the receiver who is the recipient of the sent message. ‘ With What Effect’ as the reaction or response to the sender as returned from the receiver respect to the sent message. The model describes clearly the process of communication considering all important elements taking into its account as well.
1.5 Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver’s Model:
The first ever an engineerin model was constructed by the two engineers, Shannon and Weaver, who involved few distinct technical arrangements in the ‘channel’ portion to beterise the system in the process of communication. In this model all important elements have been considered to describe the process of communication.Only the ‘channel’ was designed extraordinarily to give an innovative shape as compared to then.
The model can be drawn as follows:
Information Trans Receiver Receiver Desti
>>> Message>>>> >>>Signal>>> >>> >>>
Source mitter Signal nation
In this model , Shannon and Weaver has paid more attention towards ‘noise’ that could appear either in the applied technical arrangements in the system or from any outer sources. Noise can intercept or interrupt the spontaneous flow of meassage or converted signal that may lead to disrupt the link between the sender and receiver ultimately. Noise infrings the message quality. Successful communication may not be possible due to dissatisfaction evolved with the recipient from the illeligible or incomprehensive messages. Though it is average useful model of communication process
Later on an ‘Information Theory’ was developed by Shannon where he pointed out very clearly that every ‘ source’ has or possesses a ‘Message’ which is trying to get through some ‘Channel’ to some ‘Destination’. The source requires a transmitter to convert its’ message into a signal as it would be received by receptor or any receiver to produce an understandable message to the destination or the recipient.
1.6; Charles, E, Ossgood’s Model Of Communication.
This distinguished model of Osgood which is quietly different from the conventional models of those earlier days that we had come across so far. In this exclusive model,Osgood considered a circular form of the communication process. Here both sender and receiver is assumed to have equal contributory role as well as importance in the process of communication. The model can be demonstrated as follows;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ +
Encoder De+coder
Interpreter Interpretor
Decoder Encoder
+ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message >>>>>>>>>>> +
Osgood’s model.
As per above model Osgood wanted to point out that, the sender sends message to get response from the receiver as well as the receiver accepts the message from the sender to respond as well. The sender encodes any message to deliver to the receiver where,the receiver decodes the message in meaningful manner and finally,after encoding a message ,delivers to the sender as an answere or response. Now the sender accepts the message after decoding it in same manner.So,it is clear from the model,that the sender performs both encoding and decoding as well as the receiver does the same to complete the process of communication as well. Encoding and decoding both are the important part of the communication as performed by the sender as well as the receiver , in making the transmitted messages understandable to fulfill their purposes.
1.7; Wilber Shramm’s model Of Communication.
In the complex field of communication, to highlight the communication more vividly,Wilber Shramm has developed different types of communication models by giving shape to those after considering and judging from different angles or views of his own. Although he has emphasized particularly on ‘feedback’ and ‘noise’’ which are playing both an important role in the process of communication. Shramm’s model can be shown as follow;
……… Feedback……… Noise
………+ + ………… …. ………
Sender Message Receiver
………… ………….. ………….
+ +
…………………… Feedback………………..
he model looks like as if, sender is trying to communicate with the receiver constantly with his experience to achieve the relevant response i,e. ‘feedback’to establish a successful communication. Achievement of instant ‘feedback’ is possible only in the case of interpersonal communication where ‘face to face’ contact or link generally held. So, the model is suitable for interpersonal communication. Here noise may occure in the form of faulty telephone arrangements, ceaseless sound evolved from adjacent factory and transportations or traffics, musical sound from near by places even misspelt letter correspondence from either side that can create disturbances or obstacle in the process of communication. Shramm’s entire emphasis on ‘feedback’ and ‘noise’ both are instantly available eitherfrom intra-personal or inter-personal communication only, that was reflected through his different models of communication that he developed . If we write ,sing or dance jndividually,then it can be followed or experienced how each type of performance exists? Any corrective mesure that could be taken to give the required shape for every one activity. Here the part of encoding and decoding is done in turn by self. Such model was developed by Shramm was as follows;
………… ++
Interpretor Message……………>
………… ++
Decoder…<<<<………………… Shramm]s Model. Another model was developed by him in which he showed that, the communication is influenced by socio-cultural and economic factors which are prevailing phenomena in our society. Every message that is depending upon the past experience of both sender and receive, oftenly . Because the past experiences of both sender and receiver inevitably required to make easy the task of both ‘encoding’ and ‘decoding’ to facilititate or enhance the communication process. For example if a sender who is an agriculturist, wants to send message on the controversial issue of ‘nuclear deal’ between India with the US, to his another farmer friend then both of the part of ‘encoding’ and ‘decoding’ will fail to enhance the communication process.As both are not having any experience earlier, even they do not carry any knowledge at all which is based on science. Shramm considered this matter of experience pertaining to the environment emphatically which can be seen in the diagram as follows; ************* ******************** ******* Source>>>>Encoder>>>>>Signal>>>>De.coder>>>>Destination
**************** Fig:2.9 T *********************
he circular formed area signifies the acquired or accumulated experiences of both encoder and decoder who are trying to disseminate their messages in between them to start as well as continue the communication process. Here the source who initially encodes the representable message as to transmit to the receiver who decodes the same in understandable manner to make it usable. In response or reply the receiver conversely encodes his distributable message as tobe forwarded to the source or receiver.he source noe decodes the sent message in meaningful manner. From this model we can resolve that without possessing any prior experience or any perception by both sender and receiver, message do not allow to continue the process of communication successfully.The two circles need to meet or intercept as to coinside the ideas, knowledge or interests of both individuals who are intending to be inter-linked through their messages.Th intercepted portion of two circles is the common area where both individuals can share or exchange their ideas and views satisfactorily.
1.8; George Gerbner’s Model*
It is one of the most complex model among all others, that we have come across so far.In this model Gerbner wanted to relate the message to the reality, which enables us to progress further to consider the matter of ‘ perception’ and ‘meaning’ in the process of communication. Here, Gerbner has devided the communication process into two different segments as one is ‘perceptive or receptive’and another is ‘means or control’.
+>>>>>>>>>> M2
Gerbner’s model.
In this diagram, E is any event ( external reality) as perceived by the human being M with the aid of any appliance which can transmit messages like microphone,recorder or camera. M with his perception selects the events ( messages) his matter exists in the horizontal part of the diagram.
In the next vertical part , M with his own perceptive abily,processes the events whatever he has accepted or collected as to make it a meaningful and understandable structure.This is representable and is converted into transmitable ‘signal’ as SE. Now it is an important task to select the means (medium or channel) by which the ‘signal’ ( message) could be transmitted.satisfactorily. It could be newspaper, television or radio, is depending upon the character of the signal. Now who makes the selection and whose matter or picture of surrounding is transmitted as SE is a significant context. Television transmits the biased or exaggerating version of an event.
The last step of this model is appearing as once more again horizontally. Here M2 is a signal or a statement of an event or SE. The meaning of the message is not present in the message itself. Only it consists of the result evolved from the interaction and negotiation that held between the receiver and the message. M2 brings to SE, a set of ‘ needs and perception’ generated from his own culture and status or standards through which he can match and relate to SE with them, This can be understood only by the interaction and negotiation between M2 and SE., an effective meaning of SE.
1.9; Theodore M, Newcomb’s Model.
In this model of traingula form, Newcombs wanted to show how communication can regulate an equilibrium relationshipship within the society . He showed also how could communication play in our social system competently to support or overcome an environment that we face. He model can be described as follows;
S (society)
A >>>>>>>>>>>>> B
S2>>>>>>>>>>> S >>>G>>>>>>> A
S3 >>>>>>>>>>
Westley and MacLean’s model
Such model of communication is not applicable to other segments of communication which is stricktly adoptable in the sector of mass communication like newspaper, radio, film and television. Although this model is useful and effective but fails to take its consideration towards the relationship betweenthe mass media and the other sector of the society through which we deal with in our everyday life.
*Abridged Version*
The Various models of communication have allowed us to percept and understand how the communication process propagates through various important elements required for it. The role played by each element in the route of communication process, is studied and overved by us. How the process of communication is affected by the lack of each element, and how the communication process impacts our society, all have been highlighted through the demonstration of each model. Each model has individual performances and distinct specialities.No model can describe or highlight the the process of communication entirely in terms of complete sense or realization.
An Introduction To Communication.
( Chapter -1) : Communication:
1.1, Intrduction:- Communication is an integral part of our life.It is imparetive in enhancing our life.Since the beginning of our life what we see,speak,write,sing, make a call through telephone,even feel internally for something alone and gesturing also, all are the necessary activities by means of which communication can be held.Communication is essential through which one can share or exchange any idea, knowledge, thought, informations and entertainments with others for achieving better environment for living, satisfaction,security and upgradation in the lifestyle. Thus communication between two, three, and more other persons can be held.
Communication as we understand presently is originated from the west.It is considered so because new communication technology aided modern communication has acquired high degree of enhancement on it’s way
1.2, Defination.and Meaning:-: Communication means ‘Transfe and conveying of meaning’ (Oxford Dictionary). There are so many definations have been made by different scholars like ‘ one mind affecting another ( Claude Shannon), ‘sharing of experience on the basis of commonness’( William Shramm),but no such complete definition that can represent over all meaning of communication. It can be defined as the process of ‘the sharing and echange of ideas,thoughts,feelings,informations,knowledge and attitude between two or more persons through certain signs and symbols’. Communication is more than this definition.It is not static that moves in a single way. Conversely it can be said that communication is a dynamic two way process.In the communication process we can identify that someone is intending to share or exchange own thoughts or ideas and attitude with other. The person who wants to share such is called ‘sender’ who is at the starting end.The other who receives the same thought and ideas or knowledge from sender is called receiver who is at the last end of the process of communication. Here the shared materials like thoughts and ideas or knowledge is an important part of this process of communication can be called ‘message’.And this message is generally tranfered or transmitted through certain medium like,writing, speaking or picturising as to reach the receiver’s end. The medium can be denoted as ‘channel’.Channel is the required medium through which any message from the sender is made understandable to the receiver. Hence it is seen that, the sender is constantly trying to contact or send messages to the receiver through a certain process to make the message meaningful to the receiver.The objective of the sender is to get back a meaningful or relavant response from receiver of the sent or delivered messages.The response that made by the receiver after understanding the delivered message as sent by the sender is denoted by ‘feedback’.Feedback can confirm any process of communication to be successful.
1,3 , Functions of communication:- Communication performs enormous functions in many ways for the human, as to enhance the way of life as well as standard of living. Communication makes human possible to access to informations,educations,knowledge, and ideas to achieve better standard of living with ensured security and safeguard.Communication extends assistance to the human to procure an understandable environment that calls human in participation with their interactive parts or actions, where the human may avail the opportunity of udertaking any required decision as to gain the power of control over any possible adverse matter. Communication allows human to take part in debate or discussion in the community or in largely crowded meeting to share or exchange individual joint opinion respect to any vital or important issue or problem to reflect any probable or positive solution.Thus communication ensures the achievable goals or objectives of the society through different types of human cantact or relationships.
Communication,staying at the ‘hard core’ of the society, acts as the ‘connecting tool’ to enhance or extend the relationship within the society to inform, educate, persue, entertain,assert and satisfy as to enable human to do or perform in better manner in achieving the target or goal. It acts as the connector of the society and facilitates human to get in touch with diveresed social affairs.Communication generates opportunity for human to solve any combined problem of the society through debate and discussion.Face to face communication allows more clarity or tranparancy in the opinions made by the different members of the society as to reach at a consolidated inference towards any problem of the society.Communication makes human possible to be conscious and understood of many kinds of dealings happen in the society. It facilitates human by providing diversed informations as we require to satisfy our needs, to protect us, to integrate ourselves, after all to make us fit for any environment by both physically and psychologically as well. So, every pace of communication allows human something to acquire more than speculated for.
Now, we can consider communication which could be established through the emphatic desire or intention of linking or connecting from different receiving ends or points with the sorces. Once whenever, the connection is enforced between the receiving end or point with the source, communication starts to transmit or deliver informations, instructions, entertainments,knowledge, security alerts or any suggestion or advice and so on. The receiving end could be human, allied computers or any other technical arrangements, which could be benefited by using the message as sent by the source or sender.Communication propagates from the source through certain processes or ways being interlinked with different elements or important parts which are in action, to constitute a meaningful representation that initiates response from the receiverof the same after inter active part done duly.Any message does come back as the part of response from the receiver to the source or sender is denoted as ‘Feed back’ .Feed back
carries the successfulness of the communication process.
1.4, Communication Process & Elements :-, communication propagates involving a series of actions and reactions,as to achieve or fulfill the objectives. It starts from the sender after the delivered messages create by him. which could be certain symbols or signs,writings, voices, pictures or any other gestures or indications,are to be transmitted through various channels or means to get interpreted by the receiver.Without having properly interpreted or described by the receiver to give the messages a successful meaning, communication fails to achieve its’ target or objectives.Because,undescribed or uninterpreted messages by the receiver, can not ultimately generate any properly reaction or response that could be transmitted back or returned to the sender in fulfilling the objectives or goal of the communication as innitiated by the sender.Any successful communication almost and always, depends upon the relevant rections or responses extracted from the receiver to the messages as sent by the sender. Communication process and its’ flow can be represented by this diagram as follows:
Encoder Decoder
Decoder Encoder
It is oftenly followed in the process of communication that, external disturbances either technically or physically that could influence or tamper the message or channel to bring considerable interruption in instantenious flow of the communication.This part of disturbances can be remarked to be ‘noise’ as a whole. The noise may be evolved from any technical fault or failurement of the arrangements (channel) through which the messages are disseminated or delivered to the receiving end i,e. receiver. Practically the message is affected by such disturbances or noise and does not come with most meaningful manner either to receiver or to sender anyway to establish a result-oriented or successful communication . Noise can take an interceptive part in the process of communication .Noise does not allow to set up any effective relationship between receving end and the source as well.
Now we see that for the establishment of any successful communication, the source or sender should have targetive and meaningful message that is to be disseminated properly through undisturbed channel or medium to maintain an instantaneous flow of message as to be accessible by the receiving end i,e receiver.
1.5 Elements of Communication . Communication involves few important parts or elements in its’ process.They are as follows:
Source or Sender: Source is the repository of messages or informations from where informations are collected and gathered by sender who is also can be designated as communicator, after giving proper shape with meaning expression to the distributable messages that could be pertinently sent to the receiving end or receiver in the acceptable from. The selected messages or informations are disseminated or delivered in the interpretable for manner by the sender or communicator to the receiving end or receiver with some target or objective. Source or sender is constantly engaged in supplying informations with a view to be accepeted by the receiver for its’ required uses.Sender possessesand holds various news or informations as collected from different sources as to turn these into meaningful messages for its’ distribution further to the different users categorically. Every msseage may not be needful to every user or receiver.The receiver accept any message or information respect to its need or preference to serve its’ own purpose. Basically communicator needs to have ‘communication skill’ by means of which the communicator can motivate or run the entire process of communication successfully and satisfactorily as well.
A ‘communicator’ could be existed as a good speaker,a good writer, a good viewable performer through its’ gestures,caricatchers,dances,dramas or any other creative activities as to serve the diverse purposes of different users or receievers by calling or appealing their participation into that process of communication. So communicating skill is an indispensable criteria of communicator that enables him/her to make the users or receivers to be involved in the communication process in attractive manner.Communication skillor ability of the communicator, ensures greater involvement and participation of the recipients or users in that particular process of communication which can signy the successfulness and best achievement of tht part. In the proce ss of communication we follow that, a communicator or sender acts as ‘driver’,who drives the vehicle like ‘communication’ carrying the different kinds products (messages) through selected channel (way or means) as to distribute or deliver to the receivers or users (destination). The important elements or ingredients of communication can be described as follows;
Encoding: Informations or messages available from the sources,are raw in character and are not properly described to be appeared as meaningful to the recipients or users. Practically it is experienced, that the immediately available informations from the sources are always neither presentable nor apprehensible to the receiver or user.Encoding is such part of activity performed by the communicator or sender who intends to deliver any informations to the receiver after processing the collected informations with his inter active instinct and competency. Sender try to give shape with outlook and necessary get up to the availed nformations with a view to to be appeared as readable, audible or viewable to users or receivers of it. So encoding is the act of creating any message in the meaningful form or shape. It is the process of converting any raw informations into meaningful message for further representation. The part eof ncoding is generally commited by the sender.
Message : Message is the central part of the communication. Message must be simple and easily understandable. Illeligible message can bring interruption in the process of communication . So, it needs greater care and attention in preparing or creating any message which is presentable to the receiver or user. Inapprehensible message can produce disgust and disinterest within the receiver. Any message that can initiate action and reaction in receiver’s mind and moulds his/her attitude which ultimately inspire the receiver to be involved in that system as to be a part of that communication. A message with it’s power of appealing and persuation can command the the presence and participation of the rceiver or user either actively or in the passive manner in that system of communication. It is to be remembered that the distributable or sending message should be viable and useful to the receiver as to bring the success of the communication.Good message can arouse the ‘attitude of responding’ within the receiver or the user of the same.
Channel is the devise through which different types of messages are transmitted to the recipients or receivers conveniently. Channel is the means or way, by means of which the act of communication can successfully be performed. So, the selection of ‘channel’ is an important factor asto considered by the sender as if, any interruption of message flow smoothly and higher cost could be avoided. Proper selection of channel is so indispensable that lead to perform the act of message dissemination in best manner to a larger section of the society people. Channel comprises of signs and symbol, ,gestures, picture,writings, mass media like print ,radio and television,folk dances,films and advertisement. It is frequently seen that, the improper use of channel or medium for catering theintended messages could not come to the receivers or users as effective. Because, the channel used is at at variance with the socio-economic condition, literacy,culture and interests involved with the community where such communication is targeted.Appropriete selction of channel has to be introduced for successful communication.
Decoding: This activity is the part of receiver or user after having the messages have been delivered by the sender to him or her with a view to be communicated. The receiver after getting the message tries to understand to his/her best realization to respond this acceptance of the same. The receiver or user usually exhibit his/her reaction to the sent or delivered messages. Decoding is the activised property of receiver or user that starts with the receiving of the messages through the channel as sent by the encoder or sender.Here decoder is receiver who receives or accepts the sent messages from the senders as to interpret the messages in meaningful manner. The receiver with its’ own realization power gets prepared to decode the delivered messages as sent by the seder.
Feedback: It is the part of actions and reactions that occurs within the receiver. Any message has the power to influence or stimulate human being. The message which comes to receiver in meaningful manner must be stiringr and will generate the attitude to respond to the sent message.Meaningful messages have the power to produce some behavioural change within the receiver by moulding his/her ideas or thoughts that ultimately activise the receiver to respond sensibly to the sender. This response or answere to the seder’s message is denoted as ‘feedback’.Feedback claims the achievement effect or successfulness of whole efforts involved in the process of the communication. It is very clear that without of any response from the receiving end,communication can not enhance further satisfactorily due to interests lost by the source or sender. Feedback facilitates accords the continuation of communication smoothly
Now we can conclude having this idea that,to achieve desired effect in the process of communication , a very good combination with the involved elements is essential.
1.6 : The types of communication :- It is experienced so far that communication is occupied with our life as well as with the society essentially. We involve ourselves in the act communication appearing as, in different manners or types. All the types are individually possessing unique charractertics distinctively. The types of communication are as follows:
(A) Intrapersonel Communication: It is known as self communication and is held within us individually. Such communication is evolved like singing,writing a poem,dacing,reciting even thinking selfly alone. It is single or one way communication where individual performances are involved.In this type of communication, tha part of ‘share and exchange’ both do not happen as held in the other types of communication.This type of communication has no continuous flow of messagesas neither to receive nor to respond it, this communication does not hold good and appeared to ineffective. Intrapersonel communication can not fulfill the the basic criteria of communication,so it fails to achieve the objective or goal of the communication.
(B) Interpersonel Communication:- This type of communication usually happens between two persons where share and exchange of ideas,thoughts,informations and others’, are possible. Again such communication can be occurred between two computers or a person with a comuter to share and exchange necessary ideas ,thoughts,informations and other inter-active parts of activity. Interpersonal communication is very strong and effective because it is held either by face to face approach or in a close up environment. Interpersonal communication deserves to be the most successful communication as compared to other types of communication, is largely manipulated by the the generated emotion,trust or reliance that take place between the two human beings. Human can not deny or avoid another human’s appeal or approach even any prior intimation or recognition does not exist. Similarly a letter correspondence, a telephonic contact or video link between the two humans can ensure most effective result to establish compact as well as successful communication .
(C) Group Communication:- More than two people being associated or assembled with a view to share or exchange their views or thoughts and ideas among them can form ‘group communication’. Group communication can be held as group meeting respect to any social problem, group discussion on any controversial issue, meet in the club, playing accordedly etc in other manners.Multi opinions are extracted from different participants or members of the group that help or lead to establish a standpoint on any important matter or controversial issue. Such communication can afford analisis in details, highlighting the vital issue to achieve the possible solution for any social problem. But the necessary dicision can oftenly not be taken satisfactorily due to lack of convergence of opinions as triggered by the involved memberes of that group. So,this type of communication is considered to be instable as well as ineffective. As controversy remains actively in any part of discussion on any important issue, consolidated drive or steps are oftenly barred. Not only in the same group, such controversy may arise from different groups of the concerned society to manipulate or persist the dicision as to make it null and void.
(D) Mass Communication:- In this type of communication, a large number of receiving ends or users are involved, who are existing at different spots or places beinginvolved or present at the ‘Real Time’ (in the case of electronic media like Radio and Television) as to access or receive the contents or programmes from the sender i,e. mass media. Mass communication is an well organized mechanical process by means of which ‘messages’ are distributed or transmitted in multiple manner as to reach out many more receivers or users who are involved in that process of communication.Here all the receivers or users are called ‘auduence’customarily. Organization like Film, newspaper, radio and television through their strategically equipped arrangements, make possible such extensively larger participation or involvement of audience in their process of communication . Audience are generally scattered profusely in the targeted areas as stipulated or arranged by the mass media organization for communication . In this types of communication, the vast audience, who are linked with this communication, however may not have any prior recognition or relationship in between them. It is the unique characteristic of mass communication that commands greater importance ,dependence, and regard or respect from the people of the society.
Beside the mass media, mass communication may be held through folk songs, folk dances, drama, puppetrty meeting,convention etc, where a large a large number of people are involved at the same time by staying at the same place accept or receive the ‘messages evolved from the respective source or programme. Mass communication enjoys predimant role in the society in moulding public opinion at large.The responses or reactions from the receiving ends i.e. audience, come back to the sources or senders very slowly and differently. Different people will carry different types of ‘opinion’ or comment. These opinions or comments as a whole denoted ‘feedback’. Feedback is the result of media and is measured by different organization in different manner. In any newspaper concern it is evaluated by the number of newspapers sold to its’readers. Again in any electronic media like radio and television, the feedback is assessed by the numbers of listeners’ or viewers’ are engaged or involved in a particular programme in the real time. Even the numbers of telephone calls received by any radio or television organization could be the way of evaluating the feedback of the respective concern.
‘ Mass Media’
1.7: Mass media, the most powerful and desired contrivances or ‘tools’ in the present communication system that are widely used in our society.It is as a whole, can be considered to be the best medium, dending upon which our society finds the way of advancement to explore the new world. We can not imagine any enhancement or progress in our target oriented life. It is assumed to be the secured and safe resort where we like to be involved with a view to earn or acquire many more of all about which we opt for. Mass media can generate enormous ideas and thoughts within us enabling to judge and or assess anything of round about with greater realization. It initiate us to take anykinds of action to be taken towards the social needs. It can shape or change our attitude by moulding our opinions in tergettive manners.Mass media is ‘mentor’ like of the society.It can motivate or influence the government’s decision, policy, action and programmes as taken towards national development and requirement. It remain as the ‘watch dogs’ to follow the ins and out of every event that can take place in our society. It highlight every matter in details demanding everybody’s participation to that needful matter to inspire or initiate a collective opinions.
Print Media: Starting with the ‘mass media’, print media should come as first to our consideration. It cover an extensive areas of printing world including books, newspapers, magazines or periodicals, brochures, pamphlats,newsletter,etc. Print media are considered to be very intimate and closer medium. Print medum is called a stable medium because its’ messasges or contents can be retained by the reders or users for a long period of time for further use in future. So why prind medium enjoy this priority of retainning messages predominantly. The readers have the ‘opportunity’ to be involved with the print medium always and at every desired moment. The users or reders can also enjoy this guarantee of ‘whimsical use’ as allowed by the print media.
Print media look at every corner of the social political, economic, sports, science and technology, crimes and investigations and so many other matters of the nation to provide necessary news informations to its’ readers or users to get updated. With the advent of new and advanced printing technology, print media have been appeared with greater attraction and appeal to the readers or users.Print media have been well prepared to resist the ‘ hard nut to crack’ competitions arisen from other mass medum like ‘Radio’ and ‘Television’.It deserve well respect from the readers enormously.
Electronic Media: Electronic media is playing a predominant role in covering a larger area to reach innumerous audiences by overcoming any geographic obstruction or boundry. Electronic media like radio, television including satellite and cable tv, film , are mainly repository of diverse enternments. Radio caters news, songs drama, live broadcasting on games and sports or any special event and so many other interesting programme to satisfy different classes of audiences. Radio programme is accessible by minimum affordable arrangements. A most ordinary transistor can privde different types of programme through its’ power to access or reception, staying at anywhere.
Television appears as hot-favourite and mostly aspired medium of mass media.Television commands the participation or involvement of a larger section of common people to its programme.Television caters a lot of programmes like news, cinema, serials or any other live programme like games and sports , ceremonial or any special eventual matter. Television has become the the most preferred and widely accepted medium for entertainment and amusement. The television networks have been expanding in the world to meet the avid demand considerably.With the aid of satellite or cable television, we have gained the opportunity to access various attractive programmes inter continentally.Modern television has generated a global relationship as well as the perception and recognization of different social elements through the accessibily of various multi-national programmes.
Film has its’own specific segment where rural audiences are predominantly involved to fulfill their needs for amusement and entertainment.With the advent of television (particularly, cable tv & satellite tv) audience craze and rush both towards film have been declined considerably. Film is still possessing unavoidal attraction partly carrying with its’ previous glamour to entertain so many viewers either from rural or urban.Though it is expensive medium at present,yet it inspire still many body.
1.8: Media Reach And Access: At present mass media have a larger coverage in the society involving an extensive area where an innumerous recipients or users are connected to enjoy their disseminated programmes through different channels mass communication. A large number of populations staying heither and thiether within the boundaries, where mass media can reach, have been getting the access to the catered message contents or programmes of the mass media. With the aid of necessary technical arrangements, mass media today can reach every nook and corner of our society as to provide their contents or programmes to a large extent to their consumers or users.So, media reach can be evaluated by the ability of disseminating various contents or programmes to what extent to its’ users or audiences Media reach Conversely, the access to the media, is the capacity or abilty of the media users or consumers to afford or bear to get exposed with the media. The both terms, ‘media reach’ and ‘media access’ are related withfew some factors like the ssocio- economic condition, transportation, geographic barriers and others. These factors can affect the different medi concerns in different manner depending upon the characteristics of concerned media.
Newspapers have been enjoying a considerable wide market in our country India.Though newspapers concerns have managed to involve a larger redership,yet is not optimum and needs to be increased more. In our country, still the readership exists at the lower propotion (18:1) as compared to the recommendation of ‘UNESCO’ which is 10:1, due to illiteracy and lack of purchase power of the people. In the case of magazines and periodicals,a very poor proportion of readership can be followed like newspaper.
Radiois is the most convenient medium of mass communication that has widest reach in our country and can be used any where respect to any geographic barrier.A transistor which is available within an affordable price,can provide so many programmes of variety and of interests at a lot.Financially weaker section may have access to to the radio programmes if they do keep both interests and emphasises.
Television is cosidered to have wider reach in our country by staying at the next position to the radio as compared to other channels of mass communication.It is expensive as well as capital investive as to access its’ programmes independently. It is still beyond the the availibilty or easy accessibility to the television that could have not been acquired by the large number of poor Indians. The people of the western countries do have enormous accessibility to this glamourous medium due to their sound fiscal abilites . Television, as being the most desired medium of mass communication,has influenced our lifestyle considerably. Television has induced us through its’ various catered programmes, in accepting as well as maintaining the sophisticated and luxurious life.
Film has embroadened its’ own world of fantacy and glamour throughabout the country. Film has also an enormous access toinvolve a major portion of populations to entertain them.After the emergence of television, the crazy and emphatic attitude of the film runners or viewers have been declined. Cable tv,has been providing so many interesting cinema pictures progammatically which has persisted or cut down a considerable portion of film viewers in going to cinema hall. It is comparably an expensive medium of mass communication. Despite the so many obstacles being faced by film medium, it has remaine the chief source of amusements and enjoyments before the many rural Indians .The rural viewers are usually to go to any township location to see any film, which is far away from the rural lacations i,e villages at least ten to twelve kilometers distance. The number of cinema halls are still insufficient to satisfy the vast populations of India.
We have followed so far, that the mass media have acquired the wider reach abilty to satisfy or meet the demands of vast populations of our country. But due to few compelling factors arisen within the consumers or users that do not enable them in accessing to the programmes or performances as delivered by the mass media. We could have not been able so far, to acieve the ,desired lavel for ‘accessibility to the mass media’ asit should be attended by the consumers or users of Indian.
1.9; Impact of communication: - Mass media has stormed and stirred our society that have inspired us to run in a momentum to move forward, being equipped with so many required informations and instructions as rendered by it. Staying at the age of the mass communication,we can enjoy ‘safe and secured’ life. It can motivate the people of the society by moulding their opinions to take necessary action or movement towards the decision, policy, plannings or programmes as undertaken by the government with a view to rectification. Mass media focuss their light on every corner of the society to drag or pick up many more untraceable events or facts, as to bring those to everyone’s notice or to be revealed widely with a view to generating awareness and consciousness among the unaware people of the sociery .Mass media cultivate scio-economic culture for the development of our society. It carry oit its responsibility by playing an important advisory role in the developmental programme of the society. Mass media direct or point out the government to motivate as well as the public to do what should be done in the period of war, flood, drought and other national disasters that take place or happen in the country. Mass media act as the guide, watcgdog , mentor and well wisher of the society.
Beside all the merits as mentioned above do possessed by the media, a lot of significant demerits in term of ‘negative effects’ that have evolved from the activities of mass media, could easily be identified us. Present messages/contents of mass media as delivered by them, do not conform to our socio-economic status that we belong to. Our ‘vision and mission’respect to our society, bot hhave been severely influenced by tha amalgamated western culture and lifestyle which have been profusely reflected as well as cultivated through various catered programmes in the mass media. Moreover filthy and provocative advertisements which are programmatically catered by the mass media concern, particularly by the television medium, are inflicting our moral values as well as social dignity. Mass media today, are avid too much in earing more revenues from commercial advertisement. So,they are somehow being ill- directed, manipulated and over all seduced by those revenue providers or contributors in disseminating or catering obnoxious advertisements. The lower age groups are much affected by such demoralised as well as inaccountable approach conducted by the mass madia.
Abridged version
Communication is an integral part of human life. Communication is a dynamic two way process through which two or as many more persons may be involved with a view to share and exchange their thoughts, ideas, informations, knowledge and entertainments as to achieve better standard of living with greater safety and security in their lives.Primary function of communication is to inform, educate, alert or advice the connected people with the concerned process of communication. In any successful communication we have seen that, source or sender initiates messages or contents with a view to deliver or distribute to the receiver or user through a certain channel or medium . ‘intrapersonel’, nterpersonal’, ‘group’ and ‘mass’, are the four fundamental types of communication that could be existed in any one of its’ form in the concerned process of communication.Mass media are widely spoken and adopted even also well accepted to procure advancement in our society.Although the mass media have wider ‘reach’ to our society,yet poor access to the mass media is experienced profoundly till the date.Beside the significant benefitsso far achieved by us from the mass media , the considerable negative effect that inflicted our society is undeniable.
1.1, Intrduction:- Communication is an integral part of our life.It is imparetive in enhancing our life.Since the beginning of our life what we see,speak,write,sing, make a call through telephone,even feel internally for something alone and gesturing also, all are the necessary activities by means of which communication can be held.Communication is essential through which one can share or exchange any idea, knowledge, thought, informations and entertainments with others for achieving better environment for living, satisfaction,security and upgradation in the lifestyle. Thus communication between two, three, and more other persons can be held.
Communication as we understand presently is originated from the west.It is considered so because new communication technology aided modern communication has acquired high degree of enhancement on it’s way
1.2, Defination.and Meaning:-: Communication means ‘Transfe and conveying of meaning’ (Oxford Dictionary). There are so many definations have been made by different scholars like ‘ one mind affecting another ( Claude Shannon), ‘sharing of experience on the basis of commonness’( William Shramm),but no such complete definition that can represent over all meaning of communication. It can be defined as the process of ‘the sharing and echange of ideas,thoughts,feelings,informations,knowledge and attitude between two or more persons through certain signs and symbols’. Communication is more than this definition.It is not static that moves in a single way. Conversely it can be said that communication is a dynamic two way process.In the communication process we can identify that someone is intending to share or exchange own thoughts or ideas and attitude with other. The person who wants to share such is called ‘sender’ who is at the starting end.The other who receives the same thought and ideas or knowledge from sender is called receiver who is at the last end of the process of communication. Here the shared materials like thoughts and ideas or knowledge is an important part of this process of communication can be called ‘message’.And this message is generally tranfered or transmitted through certain medium like,writing, speaking or picturising as to reach the receiver’s end. The medium can be denoted as ‘channel’.Channel is the required medium through which any message from the sender is made understandable to the receiver. Hence it is seen that, the sender is constantly trying to contact or send messages to the receiver through a certain process to make the message meaningful to the receiver.The objective of the sender is to get back a meaningful or relavant response from receiver of the sent or delivered messages.The response that made by the receiver after understanding the delivered message as sent by the sender is denoted by ‘feedback’.Feedback can confirm any process of communication to be successful.
1,3 , Functions of communication:- Communication performs enormous functions in many ways for the human, as to enhance the way of life as well as standard of living. Communication makes human possible to access to informations,educations,knowledge, and ideas to achieve better standard of living with ensured security and safeguard.Communication extends assistance to the human to procure an understandable environment that calls human in participation with their interactive parts or actions, where the human may avail the opportunity of udertaking any required decision as to gain the power of control over any possible adverse matter. Communication allows human to take part in debate or discussion in the community or in largely crowded meeting to share or exchange individual joint opinion respect to any vital or important issue or problem to reflect any probable or positive solution.Thus communication ensures the achievable goals or objectives of the society through different types of human cantact or relationships.
Communication,staying at the ‘hard core’ of the society, acts as the ‘connecting tool’ to enhance or extend the relationship within the society to inform, educate, persue, entertain,assert and satisfy as to enable human to do or perform in better manner in achieving the target or goal. It acts as the connector of the society and facilitates human to get in touch with diveresed social affairs.Communication generates opportunity for human to solve any combined problem of the society through debate and discussion.Face to face communication allows more clarity or tranparancy in the opinions made by the different members of the society as to reach at a consolidated inference towards any problem of the society.Communication makes human possible to be conscious and understood of many kinds of dealings happen in the society. It facilitates human by providing diversed informations as we require to satisfy our needs, to protect us, to integrate ourselves, after all to make us fit for any environment by both physically and psychologically as well. So, every pace of communication allows human something to acquire more than speculated for.
Now, we can consider communication which could be established through the emphatic desire or intention of linking or connecting from different receiving ends or points with the sorces. Once whenever, the connection is enforced between the receiving end or point with the source, communication starts to transmit or deliver informations, instructions, entertainments,knowledge, security alerts or any suggestion or advice and so on. The receiving end could be human, allied computers or any other technical arrangements, which could be benefited by using the message as sent by the source or sender.Communication propagates from the source through certain processes or ways being interlinked with different elements or important parts which are in action, to constitute a meaningful representation that initiates response from the receiverof the same after inter active part done duly.Any message does come back as the part of response from the receiver to the source or sender is denoted as ‘Feed back’ .Feed back
carries the successfulness of the communication process.
1.4, Communication Process & Elements :-, communication propagates involving a series of actions and reactions,as to achieve or fulfill the objectives. It starts from the sender after the delivered messages create by him. which could be certain symbols or signs,writings, voices, pictures or any other gestures or indications,are to be transmitted through various channels or means to get interpreted by the receiver.Without having properly interpreted or described by the receiver to give the messages a successful meaning, communication fails to achieve its’ target or objectives.Because,undescribed or uninterpreted messages by the receiver, can not ultimately generate any properly reaction or response that could be transmitted back or returned to the sender in fulfilling the objectives or goal of the communication as innitiated by the sender.Any successful communication almost and always, depends upon the relevant rections or responses extracted from the receiver to the messages as sent by the sender. Communication process and its’ flow can be represented by this diagram as follows:
Encoder Decoder
Decoder Encoder
It is oftenly followed in the process of communication that, external disturbances either technically or physically that could influence or tamper the message or channel to bring considerable interruption in instantenious flow of the communication.This part of disturbances can be remarked to be ‘noise’ as a whole. The noise may be evolved from any technical fault or failurement of the arrangements (channel) through which the messages are disseminated or delivered to the receiving end i,e. receiver. Practically the message is affected by such disturbances or noise and does not come with most meaningful manner either to receiver or to sender anyway to establish a result-oriented or successful communication . Noise can take an interceptive part in the process of communication .Noise does not allow to set up any effective relationship between receving end and the source as well.
Now we see that for the establishment of any successful communication, the source or sender should have targetive and meaningful message that is to be disseminated properly through undisturbed channel or medium to maintain an instantaneous flow of message as to be accessible by the receiving end i,e receiver.
1.5 Elements of Communication . Communication involves few important parts or elements in its’ process.They are as follows:
Source or Sender: Source is the repository of messages or informations from where informations are collected and gathered by sender who is also can be designated as communicator, after giving proper shape with meaning expression to the distributable messages that could be pertinently sent to the receiving end or receiver in the acceptable from. The selected messages or informations are disseminated or delivered in the interpretable for manner by the sender or communicator to the receiving end or receiver with some target or objective. Source or sender is constantly engaged in supplying informations with a view to be accepeted by the receiver for its’ required uses.Sender possessesand holds various news or informations as collected from different sources as to turn these into meaningful messages for its’ distribution further to the different users categorically. Every msseage may not be needful to every user or receiver.The receiver accept any message or information respect to its need or preference to serve its’ own purpose. Basically communicator needs to have ‘communication skill’ by means of which the communicator can motivate or run the entire process of communication successfully and satisfactorily as well.
A ‘communicator’ could be existed as a good speaker,a good writer, a good viewable performer through its’ gestures,caricatchers,dances,dramas or any other creative activities as to serve the diverse purposes of different users or receievers by calling or appealing their participation into that process of communication. So communicating skill is an indispensable criteria of communicator that enables him/her to make the users or receivers to be involved in the communication process in attractive manner.Communication skillor ability of the communicator, ensures greater involvement and participation of the recipients or users in that particular process of communication which can signy the successfulness and best achievement of tht part. In the proce ss of communication we follow that, a communicator or sender acts as ‘driver’,who drives the vehicle like ‘communication’ carrying the different kinds products (messages) through selected channel (way or means) as to distribute or deliver to the receivers or users (destination). The important elements or ingredients of communication can be described as follows;
Encoding: Informations or messages available from the sources,are raw in character and are not properly described to be appeared as meaningful to the recipients or users. Practically it is experienced, that the immediately available informations from the sources are always neither presentable nor apprehensible to the receiver or user.Encoding is such part of activity performed by the communicator or sender who intends to deliver any informations to the receiver after processing the collected informations with his inter active instinct and competency. Sender try to give shape with outlook and necessary get up to the availed nformations with a view to to be appeared as readable, audible or viewable to users or receivers of it. So encoding is the act of creating any message in the meaningful form or shape. It is the process of converting any raw informations into meaningful message for further representation. The part eof ncoding is generally commited by the sender.
Message : Message is the central part of the communication. Message must be simple and easily understandable. Illeligible message can bring interruption in the process of communication . So, it needs greater care and attention in preparing or creating any message which is presentable to the receiver or user. Inapprehensible message can produce disgust and disinterest within the receiver. Any message that can initiate action and reaction in receiver’s mind and moulds his/her attitude which ultimately inspire the receiver to be involved in that system as to be a part of that communication. A message with it’s power of appealing and persuation can command the the presence and participation of the rceiver or user either actively or in the passive manner in that system of communication. It is to be remembered that the distributable or sending message should be viable and useful to the receiver as to bring the success of the communication.Good message can arouse the ‘attitude of responding’ within the receiver or the user of the same.
Channel is the devise through which different types of messages are transmitted to the recipients or receivers conveniently. Channel is the means or way, by means of which the act of communication can successfully be performed. So, the selection of ‘channel’ is an important factor asto considered by the sender as if, any interruption of message flow smoothly and higher cost could be avoided. Proper selection of channel is so indispensable that lead to perform the act of message dissemination in best manner to a larger section of the society people. Channel comprises of signs and symbol, ,gestures, picture,writings, mass media like print ,radio and television,folk dances,films and advertisement. It is frequently seen that, the improper use of channel or medium for catering theintended messages could not come to the receivers or users as effective. Because, the channel used is at at variance with the socio-economic condition, literacy,culture and interests involved with the community where such communication is targeted.Appropriete selction of channel has to be introduced for successful communication.
Decoding: This activity is the part of receiver or user after having the messages have been delivered by the sender to him or her with a view to be communicated. The receiver after getting the message tries to understand to his/her best realization to respond this acceptance of the same. The receiver or user usually exhibit his/her reaction to the sent or delivered messages. Decoding is the activised property of receiver or user that starts with the receiving of the messages through the channel as sent by the encoder or sender.Here decoder is receiver who receives or accepts the sent messages from the senders as to interpret the messages in meaningful manner. The receiver with its’ own realization power gets prepared to decode the delivered messages as sent by the seder.
Feedback: It is the part of actions and reactions that occurs within the receiver. Any message has the power to influence or stimulate human being. The message which comes to receiver in meaningful manner must be stiringr and will generate the attitude to respond to the sent message.Meaningful messages have the power to produce some behavioural change within the receiver by moulding his/her ideas or thoughts that ultimately activise the receiver to respond sensibly to the sender. This response or answere to the seder’s message is denoted as ‘feedback’.Feedback claims the achievement effect or successfulness of whole efforts involved in the process of the communication. It is very clear that without of any response from the receiving end,communication can not enhance further satisfactorily due to interests lost by the source or sender. Feedback facilitates accords the continuation of communication smoothly
Now we can conclude having this idea that,to achieve desired effect in the process of communication , a very good combination with the involved elements is essential.
1.6 : The types of communication :- It is experienced so far that communication is occupied with our life as well as with the society essentially. We involve ourselves in the act communication appearing as, in different manners or types. All the types are individually possessing unique charractertics distinctively. The types of communication are as follows:
(A) Intrapersonel Communication: It is known as self communication and is held within us individually. Such communication is evolved like singing,writing a poem,dacing,reciting even thinking selfly alone. It is single or one way communication where individual performances are involved.In this type of communication, tha part of ‘share and exchange’ both do not happen as held in the other types of communication.This type of communication has no continuous flow of messagesas neither to receive nor to respond it, this communication does not hold good and appeared to ineffective. Intrapersonel communication can not fulfill the the basic criteria of communication,so it fails to achieve the objective or goal of the communication.
(B) Interpersonel Communication:- This type of communication usually happens between two persons where share and exchange of ideas,thoughts,informations and others’, are possible. Again such communication can be occurred between two computers or a person with a comuter to share and exchange necessary ideas ,thoughts,informations and other inter-active parts of activity. Interpersonal communication is very strong and effective because it is held either by face to face approach or in a close up environment. Interpersonal communication deserves to be the most successful communication as compared to other types of communication, is largely manipulated by the the generated emotion,trust or reliance that take place between the two human beings. Human can not deny or avoid another human’s appeal or approach even any prior intimation or recognition does not exist. Similarly a letter correspondence, a telephonic contact or video link between the two humans can ensure most effective result to establish compact as well as successful communication .
(C) Group Communication:- More than two people being associated or assembled with a view to share or exchange their views or thoughts and ideas among them can form ‘group communication’. Group communication can be held as group meeting respect to any social problem, group discussion on any controversial issue, meet in the club, playing accordedly etc in other manners.Multi opinions are extracted from different participants or members of the group that help or lead to establish a standpoint on any important matter or controversial issue. Such communication can afford analisis in details, highlighting the vital issue to achieve the possible solution for any social problem. But the necessary dicision can oftenly not be taken satisfactorily due to lack of convergence of opinions as triggered by the involved memberes of that group. So,this type of communication is considered to be instable as well as ineffective. As controversy remains actively in any part of discussion on any important issue, consolidated drive or steps are oftenly barred. Not only in the same group, such controversy may arise from different groups of the concerned society to manipulate or persist the dicision as to make it null and void.
(D) Mass Communication:- In this type of communication, a large number of receiving ends or users are involved, who are existing at different spots or places beinginvolved or present at the ‘Real Time’ (in the case of electronic media like Radio and Television) as to access or receive the contents or programmes from the sender i,e. mass media. Mass communication is an well organized mechanical process by means of which ‘messages’ are distributed or transmitted in multiple manner as to reach out many more receivers or users who are involved in that process of communication.Here all the receivers or users are called ‘auduence’customarily. Organization like Film, newspaper, radio and television through their strategically equipped arrangements, make possible such extensively larger participation or involvement of audience in their process of communication . Audience are generally scattered profusely in the targeted areas as stipulated or arranged by the mass media organization for communication . In this types of communication, the vast audience, who are linked with this communication, however may not have any prior recognition or relationship in between them. It is the unique characteristic of mass communication that commands greater importance ,dependence, and regard or respect from the people of the society.
Beside the mass media, mass communication may be held through folk songs, folk dances, drama, puppetrty meeting,convention etc, where a large a large number of people are involved at the same time by staying at the same place accept or receive the ‘messages evolved from the respective source or programme. Mass communication enjoys predimant role in the society in moulding public opinion at large.The responses or reactions from the receiving ends i.e. audience, come back to the sources or senders very slowly and differently. Different people will carry different types of ‘opinion’ or comment. These opinions or comments as a whole denoted ‘feedback’. Feedback is the result of media and is measured by different organization in different manner. In any newspaper concern it is evaluated by the number of newspapers sold to its’readers. Again in any electronic media like radio and television, the feedback is assessed by the numbers of listeners’ or viewers’ are engaged or involved in a particular programme in the real time. Even the numbers of telephone calls received by any radio or television organization could be the way of evaluating the feedback of the respective concern.
‘ Mass Media’
1.7: Mass media, the most powerful and desired contrivances or ‘tools’ in the present communication system that are widely used in our society.It is as a whole, can be considered to be the best medium, dending upon which our society finds the way of advancement to explore the new world. We can not imagine any enhancement or progress in our target oriented life. It is assumed to be the secured and safe resort where we like to be involved with a view to earn or acquire many more of all about which we opt for. Mass media can generate enormous ideas and thoughts within us enabling to judge and or assess anything of round about with greater realization. It initiate us to take anykinds of action to be taken towards the social needs. It can shape or change our attitude by moulding our opinions in tergettive manners.Mass media is ‘mentor’ like of the society.It can motivate or influence the government’s decision, policy, action and programmes as taken towards national development and requirement. It remain as the ‘watch dogs’ to follow the ins and out of every event that can take place in our society. It highlight every matter in details demanding everybody’s participation to that needful matter to inspire or initiate a collective opinions.
Print Media: Starting with the ‘mass media’, print media should come as first to our consideration. It cover an extensive areas of printing world including books, newspapers, magazines or periodicals, brochures, pamphlats,newsletter,etc. Print media are considered to be very intimate and closer medium. Print medum is called a stable medium because its’ messasges or contents can be retained by the reders or users for a long period of time for further use in future. So why prind medium enjoy this priority of retainning messages predominantly. The readers have the ‘opportunity’ to be involved with the print medium always and at every desired moment. The users or reders can also enjoy this guarantee of ‘whimsical use’ as allowed by the print media.
Print media look at every corner of the social political, economic, sports, science and technology, crimes and investigations and so many other matters of the nation to provide necessary news informations to its’ readers or users to get updated. With the advent of new and advanced printing technology, print media have been appeared with greater attraction and appeal to the readers or users.Print media have been well prepared to resist the ‘ hard nut to crack’ competitions arisen from other mass medum like ‘Radio’ and ‘Television’.It deserve well respect from the readers enormously.
Electronic Media: Electronic media is playing a predominant role in covering a larger area to reach innumerous audiences by overcoming any geographic obstruction or boundry. Electronic media like radio, television including satellite and cable tv, film , are mainly repository of diverse enternments. Radio caters news, songs drama, live broadcasting on games and sports or any special event and so many other interesting programme to satisfy different classes of audiences. Radio programme is accessible by minimum affordable arrangements. A most ordinary transistor can privde different types of programme through its’ power to access or reception, staying at anywhere.
Television appears as hot-favourite and mostly aspired medium of mass media.Television commands the participation or involvement of a larger section of common people to its programme.Television caters a lot of programmes like news, cinema, serials or any other live programme like games and sports , ceremonial or any special eventual matter. Television has become the the most preferred and widely accepted medium for entertainment and amusement. The television networks have been expanding in the world to meet the avid demand considerably.With the aid of satellite or cable television, we have gained the opportunity to access various attractive programmes inter continentally.Modern television has generated a global relationship as well as the perception and recognization of different social elements through the accessibily of various multi-national programmes.
Film has its’own specific segment where rural audiences are predominantly involved to fulfill their needs for amusement and entertainment.With the advent of television (particularly, cable tv & satellite tv) audience craze and rush both towards film have been declined considerably. Film is still possessing unavoidal attraction partly carrying with its’ previous glamour to entertain so many viewers either from rural or urban.Though it is expensive medium at present,yet it inspire still many body.
1.8: Media Reach And Access: At present mass media have a larger coverage in the society involving an extensive area where an innumerous recipients or users are connected to enjoy their disseminated programmes through different channels mass communication. A large number of populations staying heither and thiether within the boundaries, where mass media can reach, have been getting the access to the catered message contents or programmes of the mass media. With the aid of necessary technical arrangements, mass media today can reach every nook and corner of our society as to provide their contents or programmes to a large extent to their consumers or users.So, media reach can be evaluated by the ability of disseminating various contents or programmes to what extent to its’ users or audiences Media reach Conversely, the access to the media, is the capacity or abilty of the media users or consumers to afford or bear to get exposed with the media. The both terms, ‘media reach’ and ‘media access’ are related withfew some factors like the ssocio- economic condition, transportation, geographic barriers and others. These factors can affect the different medi concerns in different manner depending upon the characteristics of concerned media.
Newspapers have been enjoying a considerable wide market in our country India.Though newspapers concerns have managed to involve a larger redership,yet is not optimum and needs to be increased more. In our country, still the readership exists at the lower propotion (18:1) as compared to the recommendation of ‘UNESCO’ which is 10:1, due to illiteracy and lack of purchase power of the people. In the case of magazines and periodicals,a very poor proportion of readership can be followed like newspaper.
Radiois is the most convenient medium of mass communication that has widest reach in our country and can be used any where respect to any geographic barrier.A transistor which is available within an affordable price,can provide so many programmes of variety and of interests at a lot.Financially weaker section may have access to to the radio programmes if they do keep both interests and emphasises.
Television is cosidered to have wider reach in our country by staying at the next position to the radio as compared to other channels of mass communication.It is expensive as well as capital investive as to access its’ programmes independently. It is still beyond the the availibilty or easy accessibility to the television that could have not been acquired by the large number of poor Indians. The people of the western countries do have enormous accessibility to this glamourous medium due to their sound fiscal abilites . Television, as being the most desired medium of mass communication,has influenced our lifestyle considerably. Television has induced us through its’ various catered programmes, in accepting as well as maintaining the sophisticated and luxurious life.
Film has embroadened its’ own world of fantacy and glamour throughabout the country. Film has also an enormous access toinvolve a major portion of populations to entertain them.After the emergence of television, the crazy and emphatic attitude of the film runners or viewers have been declined. Cable tv,has been providing so many interesting cinema pictures progammatically which has persisted or cut down a considerable portion of film viewers in going to cinema hall. It is comparably an expensive medium of mass communication. Despite the so many obstacles being faced by film medium, it has remaine the chief source of amusements and enjoyments before the many rural Indians .The rural viewers are usually to go to any township location to see any film, which is far away from the rural lacations i,e villages at least ten to twelve kilometers distance. The number of cinema halls are still insufficient to satisfy the vast populations of India.
We have followed so far, that the mass media have acquired the wider reach abilty to satisfy or meet the demands of vast populations of our country. But due to few compelling factors arisen within the consumers or users that do not enable them in accessing to the programmes or performances as delivered by the mass media. We could have not been able so far, to acieve the ,desired lavel for ‘accessibility to the mass media’ asit should be attended by the consumers or users of Indian.
1.9; Impact of communication: - Mass media has stormed and stirred our society that have inspired us to run in a momentum to move forward, being equipped with so many required informations and instructions as rendered by it. Staying at the age of the mass communication,we can enjoy ‘safe and secured’ life. It can motivate the people of the society by moulding their opinions to take necessary action or movement towards the decision, policy, plannings or programmes as undertaken by the government with a view to rectification. Mass media focuss their light on every corner of the society to drag or pick up many more untraceable events or facts, as to bring those to everyone’s notice or to be revealed widely with a view to generating awareness and consciousness among the unaware people of the sociery .Mass media cultivate scio-economic culture for the development of our society. It carry oit its responsibility by playing an important advisory role in the developmental programme of the society. Mass media direct or point out the government to motivate as well as the public to do what should be done in the period of war, flood, drought and other national disasters that take place or happen in the country. Mass media act as the guide, watcgdog , mentor and well wisher of the society.
Beside all the merits as mentioned above do possessed by the media, a lot of significant demerits in term of ‘negative effects’ that have evolved from the activities of mass media, could easily be identified us. Present messages/contents of mass media as delivered by them, do not conform to our socio-economic status that we belong to. Our ‘vision and mission’respect to our society, bot hhave been severely influenced by tha amalgamated western culture and lifestyle which have been profusely reflected as well as cultivated through various catered programmes in the mass media. Moreover filthy and provocative advertisements which are programmatically catered by the mass media concern, particularly by the television medium, are inflicting our moral values as well as social dignity. Mass media today, are avid too much in earing more revenues from commercial advertisement. So,they are somehow being ill- directed, manipulated and over all seduced by those revenue providers or contributors in disseminating or catering obnoxious advertisements. The lower age groups are much affected by such demoralised as well as inaccountable approach conducted by the mass madia.
Abridged version
Communication is an integral part of human life. Communication is a dynamic two way process through which two or as many more persons may be involved with a view to share and exchange their thoughts, ideas, informations, knowledge and entertainments as to achieve better standard of living with greater safety and security in their lives.Primary function of communication is to inform, educate, alert or advice the connected people with the concerned process of communication. In any successful communication we have seen that, source or sender initiates messages or contents with a view to deliver or distribute to the receiver or user through a certain channel or medium . ‘intrapersonel’, nterpersonal’, ‘group’ and ‘mass’, are the four fundamental types of communication that could be existed in any one of its’ form in the concerned process of communication.Mass media are widely spoken and adopted even also well accepted to procure advancement in our society.Although the mass media have wider ‘reach’ to our society,yet poor access to the mass media is experienced profoundly till the date.Beside the significant benefitsso far achieved by us from the mass media , the considerable negative effect that inflicted our society is undeniable.
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